
Militarize the Southern Border: Joe Biden Strikes Deal with Mexico and Central American States to Curb Migration
Human Rights, Mexico, USA

Militarize the Southern Border: Joe Biden Strikes Deal with Mexico and Central American States to Curb Migration

Unprecedented levels of people attempting to cross the Southern border while thousands remain in detention By Abayomi Azikiwe Global Research, All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the “Translate Website” drop down menu on the top banner of our home page (Desktop version). *** A crisis of migration into the United States from Mexico, Guatemala and Honduras has resulted in negotiations by the White House with the governments of these countries aimed at preventing people from crossing the southern border. During the month of March, a record number of migrant workers and children attempted to enter the U.S. while many are being housed in overcrowded and unsafe detention facilities in Texas. The administration of incumbent&nb...
In Mexico giant march and general strike demand justice for murdered women

In Mexico giant march and general strike demand justice for murdered women

Candice Yanez Download PDF flyer One contingent in the giant women’s march in Mexico City March 8. Photo: Alan Roth. Millions of women in Mexico went on a historic, nationwide strike on March 9, boycotting workplaces and other spaces, like schools and marketplaces, to protest gender-based violence and the government’s impunity in face of the country’s surging femicide rate. Workplaces and public spaces−parks, libraries, and public transport−were nearly empty with only men present because women joined the 24-hour protest, called “Un Día Sin Mujeres” or “A Day Without Women”. It is the largest women’s strike in the history of Mexico, whose past is rich with mass labor and student strikes. The mass protest was organized to demonstrate how the absence of women impacts society. ...
Mexico offers political asylum to Julian Assange
Human Rights, Mexico, UN, USA

Mexico offers political asylum to Julian Assange

Julian Assange speaks to the media from the balcony of the Ecuadorian Embassy in London in May 2017 Mexico has said that it was ready to offer political asylum to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, after a British judge blocked his extradition to the United States to face espionage charges. "I'm going to ask the foreign minister to carry out the relevant procedures to request that the UK government releases Mr Assange and that Mexico offers him political asylum," President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador told reporters. The leftist leader welcomed the British court's rejection of the US request to extradite the 49-year-old Australian publisher due to the risk of suicide, calling it a "triumph of justice". "Assange is a journalist and deserves a chance," he said. Lopez Obrador sa...
Obrador’s Visit to Trump is a Betrayal of the U.S. and Mexican People
Canada, Mexico, USA

Obrador’s Visit to Trump is a Betrayal of the U.S. and Mexican People

by LAURA CARLSEN Photograph Source: Israel.rosas83 – CC BY-SA 4.0 To praise a tyrant is to insult a people. López Obrador’s proposed visit to Washington is an insult to the American people, and especially to the 37 million Mexican migrants who live in the United States. The purpose of the state visit with Donald Trump on July 8 is to celebrate the entry into force of the Mexico-United States-Canada Treaty (T-MEC) on July 1. It comes at the worst possible time. First, AMLO is traveling to the United States at the height of the pandemic in both countries. In the U.S., a new outbreak concentrated in the southern states has secured its position as the world leader in deaths from COVID-19, largely attributed to the lack of measures and strategies by the federal government and t...
US Drinking Beer, Producing Cars and Military Tech at the Expense of Mexican lives
Mexico, USA

US Drinking Beer, Producing Cars and Military Tech at the Expense of Mexican lives

by TAMARA PEARSON Photograph by Nathaniel St. Clair Fridges in Mexico are empty of beer because production has ceased as the product isn’t considered essential. However, US company Constellation Brands is defying local orders and forcing Mexican workers to continuing producing its Corona and Modelo beers for export to US consumers. The company is just one of thousands of US-owned brands operating on the Mexican side of the border so they can plunder Mexican resources and take advantage of extremely low Mexican and migrant wages, while sending all the goods north. Together these companies form vast factory-scapes of cities where they hog the water and leave locals without. The operations of these companies take on an even more sinister tone in a country where deaths du...
Terrifying moment police officer is set on fire during violent protests in Mexico

Terrifying moment police officer is set on fire during violent protests in Mexico

Posted by: Sammi Ibrahem,Sr Terrifying moment police officer is set on fire during violent protests in Mexico over the death of a man in custody who was arrested for not wearing a face mask Shocking footage shows the moment a police officer is set on fire by protesters in Mexico amid violent clashes over the death of a man who died after he was beaten and taken into custody.Protesters took to the streets Guadalajara, the nation's second-largest city, on Thursday and called for authorities to be held responsible for the death of Giovanni López.Lopez was declared dead at a local hospital following an altercation with the police, reportedly because he was not wearing a face mask amid the coronavirus pandemic.  Video from Thursday's demonstration shows the moment a police officer turns ...
Health, Human Rights, Mexico

Mexico: All but Empties Migrant Shelters Citing COVID-19 Risk

Mexico has returned 3,653 migrants to Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador by road and air with the result that only 106 people remain in the shelters, authorities explained. Mexico has almost entirely cleared out its migrant shelters over the past five weeks citing health hazards in order to contain the spread of the coronavirus pandemic, official data showed Sunday. RELATED: US Deports COVID-19 Positive Migrant, Infects 14 in Mexico In a statement, the National Migration Institute (INM) said that in order to comply with health and safety guidelines, since March 21 it had been removing about 3,759 migrants from Mexico’s 65 migrant facilities, returning most of the occupants to their countries of origin Mexico has returned 3,653 migrants to Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salv...
COVID-19 Comes to Nezahualcóyotl: a Mexican City Confronts a Pandemic
Health, Mexico

COVID-19 Comes to Nezahualcóyotl: a Mexican City Confronts a Pandemic

by JOHNNY HAZARD Photograph Source: Mauro Parra – CC By 2.0 One of the cities most vulnerable to Covid-19 in Mexico is Ciudad Nezahualcóyotl, often known simply as Neza, which is adjacent to the east side of Mexico City and specifically to the boroughs of Iztacalco and Iztapalapa. The latter has the highest Covid infection rate in the capital city. Nezhualcóyotl is named for “the poet king” of the indigenous people of the region once dominated by Lake Texcoco. The lake has undergone an intentional drying process since the arrival of Cortés and his gang in 1521. The city of Neza was founded recently, 50 years ago, from a series of “informal” settlements on the sandy soils of the lake bed. It is now the most densely populated municipality in Mexico, with over 15,000 people...
Mexico COVID-19: UN Calls for Equitable Access to Vaccines

Mexico COVID-19: UN Calls for Equitable Access to Vaccines

The UN approved a resolution to ensure that essential inputs are distributed in a fair manner. A resolution adopted on Monday by the United Nations General Assembly seeks to ensure equal access to vaccines, medicines and medical equipment in the fight against COVID-19. RELATED:  8 Nations Address Letter to UN Chief Urging Sanctions Be Lifted The Government of Mexico submitted resolution 74/247 with the aim of ensuring that the essential inputs in the battle against the new coronavirus are distributed in a fair and equitable manner. The 193 member countries of the UN ratified the resolution, proposed by Mexico president, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, before the Extraordinary SuMmmit of G20 Leaders, held on March 26.  The resolu...
Mexico, USA

Who are the Narco-Terrorists: George H. Walker Bush: The Bush Family and the Mexican Drug Cartel

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky Global Research, In December 2019, Donald Trump offered to intervene in Mexico, i.e. “to go after the Drug Cartels”. The Mexican president turned down Trump’s generous offer. And then President Trump confirmed that his administration was considering categorizing “drug cartels” as “terrorists”,  akin to Al Qaeda (with the exception that they are “Catholic terrorists”). They would henceforth be designated by Washington as “foreign terrorist organizations”. What is the intent?  Create a justification for US-led “counterterrorism” (military) operations directed against Latin America countries? Extend the “War on Terrorism” to Latin America?  “Responsibility to Protect” (R2P). Go after the “Narco-terrorists”.  ...