
Chile, China, France, Hong Kong, India, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, World

Hope Lies in the Streets

Economic tyranny lies at the root of the unrest in Hong Kong, India, Chile, France, Iran, Iraq and Lebanon as well as the rise of right-wing demagogues and false prophets such as British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, President Donald Trump and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. by: Chris Hedges The decay and rupture of the social bonds that once held our societies together have unleashed the dark pathologies of opioid, alcohol and gambling addictions and led to an explosion of hate crimes and mass shootings, along with suicide. (Photo: Mr. Fish / Truthdig) Global finance capital has seized control of the economies of most nation-states. The citizens watch, helplessly, as money and goods are transferred with little regulation across borders. They watch as jobs in manufacturing a...

'We Need Total System Change': A Letter from Santiago, Chile

Without mass grassroots awareness and collective action, without a political revolution—the billionaires and corporations will destroy us all. by: Ronnie Cummins The time to act, to educate, to build stronger movements, to scale up our best practices, to gain political power, is now. (Photo: Marcelo Hernandez/Getty Images) Defying the machinations of discredited President Sebastian Pinera—who abruptly cancelled the Global Climate Summit in Santiago, Chile in reaction to the nationwide grassroots uprising that erupted here on October 18—an intrepid band of North and South American farmers, food activists and climate campaigners, under the banner of Regeneration International, came together in the Chilean capital of Santiago to share experiences and ideas, and to develop a com...

Chile Despertó! Chile Has Woken Up! The Rising Fight Against Neo-Liberalism in Chile

Today in Chile the working class and oppressed people are under brutal attack, economically, politically and socially, by the Sebastian Piñera government and imperialist exploitation. by: Alison Bodine Despite the severe repression, on October 25, 2019, 1.2 million people marched in Santiago, representing diverse sectors of Chilean society including social movements, Indigenous people, women, retired people, unions, students and more. (Photo:  Rodrigo Arangua/AFP/Getty Images) ¡Chile despertó! ¡Piñera, renuncia! ¡Piñera ya fue! ¡Que se vayan los milicos! Chile Has Woken Up! Piñera Resign! Piñera Has Gone! Let the “Milicos” leave! (“Milicos” is a derogatory word for police and military personnel) These are some the powerful chants that have echoed throughout...

Welcome to Chile: One of Latin America's Most Unequal Countries

The current Constitution illustrates a time when Pinochet along with President Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger forced upon Chile economic policies that would consolidate an export-driven economy owned by foreign multi-nationals. by: Shahid Mahmood Aerial view as demonstrators march during a national strike and general demonstration called by different workers unions on November 12, 2019 in Santiago, Chile. On Sunday, Government announced it has agreed to start the process to write a new Constitution for the country, which is one of the most repeated demands by the demonstrators since October 18. (Photo: Marcelo Hernandez/Getty Images) Following 9-11 many editorial cartoonists, myself included, tried to make sense of the tragic events. My work criticized US foreign policy and th...

'A Victory for the Whole Country': Chile to Hold Referendum on Rewriting Constitution

"We are here thanks to many Chileans that have risked their lives to make Chile a fairer country." by: Eoin Higgins, Chileans in the country's streets marked a victory on Friday as the government agreed to hold a referendum on replacing the dictatorship-era constitution. (Photo:  Rodrigo Arangua/AFP/Getty Images) The Chilean government on Friday officially began the processs of writing a new constitution for the country by approving a popular referendum, a bow to the demands of the nationwide protest movement that began in Santiago on October 15.  The referendum will ask the country to weigh in on whether the old constitution, a relic of the dictatorship of General Augusto Pinochet, should be replaced. Voters will also have the opportunity to determine how the n...
Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Haiti, Honduras, USA

Washington’s Consensus on Neofascist Coups in Latin America

by; PAUL STREET A clash between pro-Zelaya protesters and the Honduran military. Photograph Source: Roberto Breve – CC BY-SA 2.0 However much they war on the domestic political front, Washington’s Democrats and Republicans are on the same page when it comes to the imperial war on democracy and social justice in Latin America. No Partisan Warfare on Honduras (2009) In 2009 and 2010 Republicans were in a partisan tizzy over everything Barack Obama and Democratic Party, from health insurance reform to economic stimulus, bank bailouts, auto bailouts, and climate policy. The “Tea Party” rebellion arose, replete with a heavy dose of white herrenvolk racism. But the Teapublicans offered no complaint when Obama’s Secretary of State Hilary Clinton aided and abetted a right-w...

The Strategic Battle for Lithium. Huge Reserves in Bolivia, Argentina, Chile

By Enzo Pellegrin On March 15, 2018, Maurizio Stefanini, reporter of an italian right think-tank, complained that the huge reserve of Lithium present in Bolivia was in the hands of the State“” and of the bad example“” of Evo Morales. (1) In the same article it was pointed out that, on the contrary, Chile and Argentina, the other two Saudi Arabian”of Lithium, had generated a real race for lithium”, as in romantic Yukon era. In Chile, according to 2016 data, 68,874 metric tons ™ of lithium carbonate equivalent (cle) were extracted by private companies Albemarle and Sociedad Química de Minerales de Chile (SGM). The latter is owned 29 percent by billionaire Julio Ponce Lerou, who ranked 422 on the Forbes chart of the rich planetary planets, thanks to the Lith...

Chile Despertó! Chile Has Woken Up! The Rising Battle Against Neoliberalism

By Alison Bodine Global Research, ¡Chile despertó!¡Piñera, renuncia!¡Piñera ya fue!¡Que se vayan los milicos! Chile Has Woken Up!Piñera Resign!Piñera Has Gone!Let the “Milicos” leave! (“Milicos” is a derogatory word for police and military personnel) These are some the powerful chants that have echoed throughout the streets of cities small and large in Chile during mass protests that began in October 2019. Poor, working and oppressed people and students have united to demand dignity and human rights – in one word, an end to neo-liberalism in Chile. This movement began following the October 6 announcement by the government of Chile that there would be a 30-peso transit system fare hike. This increase, which amounts to about $0.04 USD, was enough added pressure to an alre...

Neoliberalism’s Children Rise Up to Demand Justice in Chile and the World

by MEDEA BENJAMIN - NICOLAS J. S. DAVIES Photograph Source: Hugo Morales – CC BY-SA 4.0 Uprisings against the corrupt, generation-long dominance of neoliberal “center-right” and “center-left” governments that benefit the wealthy and multinational corporations at the expense of working people are sweeping country after country all over the world. In this Autumn of Discontent, people from Chile, Haiti and Honduras to Iraq, Egypt and Lebanon are rising up against neoliberalism, which has in many cases been imposed on them by U.S. invasions, coups and other brutal uses of force. The repression against activists has been savage, with more than 250 protesters killed in Iraq in October alone, but the protests have continued and grown. Some movements, such as in Algeria and Sudan, ...

Probe finds Pablo Neruda didn’t die of cancer

NOVANEWS Press TV  International experts announced Friday that Chilean Nobel laureate Pablo Neruda did not die of cancer, but could not conclusively determine if he was assassinated by late dictator Augusto Pinochet’s regime. Neruda, a celebrated poet, politician, diplomat and bohemian, died in 1973 aged 69, just days after Pinochet, then the head of the Chilean army, overthrew Socialist president Salvador Allende in a bloody coup. The writer, who was also a prominent member of the Chilean Communist party, had been preparing to flee into exile in Mexico to lead the resistance against Pinochet’s regime. He died in a Santiago clinic where he was being treated for prostate cancer. The subsequent death of former president Eduardo Frei at the same clinic, where he had come for a routine op...