

No Pasaran, Comandante Fidel!

NOVANEWS By Andre Vltchek Global Research Many years ago, Fidel declared: “Men do not shape destiny. Destiny produces the man for the hour.” It did; destiny shaped them all, los Barbudos, and threw them right into the center of the whirlpool of world history. As they fought for the freedom of Cuba, of Latin America and the entire oppressed world, they actually managed to defy their own words: in the end they irreversibly shaped the fate of our Planet, of the entire humanity. Fidel stood firmly at the forefront of the struggle, from the very outset to his last breath. As always, when the giants get reunited with mother Earth, the entire world shook and the ground trembled on all continents. For several moments, everything stopped, got frozen. I was driving through Central Vie...

Fidel Castro’s Legacy: The Power of Ideas. Living in Solidarity

NOVANEWS By Prof Susan Babbitt Global Research There’s a famous anecdote about the voyage of the Granma, the tiny vessel that left Mexico sixty years before the day that Fidel Castro died this week. As the boat was nearing its destination in the east of Cuba, after two years of preparation, a man fell overboard. Possibly wrecking the entire mission, Fidel Castro refused to leave. The overloaded yacht went round and round in the dark until the man was finally spotted and rescued. It’s more than a story. It exemplifies a philosophical conception of human beings, and our value, that goes back hundreds of years in Cuba and millennia elsewhere. It is not the view most of us live by, in the North at least. While European philosophers were pushing liberalism, giving centrality to the...

Fidel Castro’s Revolutionary Spirit Inspires the World to Pursue Equity and Justice

NOVANEWS By Zhong Sheng Global Research Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro passed away on November 25. People from around the world offered condolences for his loss, paying tribute to his legendary life and immortal spirit. Over the past half century, Castro has been regarded as a symbol that represented the pursuit of justice. “He has devoted all his life to the Cuban people’s great cause of struggling for national liberation, safeguarding state sovereignty and building socialism,” Chinese President Xi Jinping said in his message of condolence to his Cuban counterpart Raul Castro. “He has made immortal historic contributions to the Cuban people and to the world socialism development,” Xi added. Calling Castro “a great figure of our times,” he said that Comrade Castro wil...
Cuba, Lebanon

Hezbollah Offers Condolences to Cuban Leadership, People over Castro Death

NOVANEWS Cuban revolutionary icon Fidel Castro Head of Hezbollah International Relations Department Sayyed Ammar Al-Moussawi phoned, on behalf of the party, the Cuban embassy in Beirut to offer condolences over the death of the major leader Fidel Castro. Stressing that Castro has been always the minaret of the rebels across the world. Al-Moussawi expressed his full trust that the revolutionary leadership in Cuba will continue following the path of the late leader Castro. Source: Al-Manar Website
Cuba, USA

How FIDEL CASTRO Was Almost Overthrown by the Return of Jesus

NOVANEWS Whatever we may or may not think about Fidel Castro and his long era in Cuba (all of which is difficult, complex and debatable), it has to be said that there is something poetically pleasing about the fact that he survived some 634assassination attempts, outlasted nine US Presidents and became the third longest- serving head of state in the world. Only Queen Elizabeth II and the King of Thailand have lasted longer than Castro as head of state. Libya’s Muammar Gaddafi, who was a friend and ally of Castro’s and also somewhat a student of Castro’s early accomplishments, managed to last over forty years himself: but though Gaddafi too was subject to assassination attempts by the CIA and others, it wasn’t nearly as many as Castro. Most of these assassination plots originated with the...
Cuba, USA

Castro: Stood in the face of Washington fifty years

NOVANEWS Stood in the face of Washington fifty years .. and President al - Assad senta telegram offering condolences leader Fidel Castro ... .. goodbye At the age of 90 years, left the Cuban leader Fidel Alejandro Castro, an ally of Syria, which prompted the positions of the United States to the inclusion of his country on the «black list» for decades, along with Syria, North Korea, Iran and Libya, to find Washington itself forced later to re-normalize its relations with Cuba, which has withstood in the face of the economic blockade and diplomatic isolation for more than half a century. President Bashar al-Assad at the forefront of mourners the death of the leader and sent a telegram to the President of the Republic of Cuba Raul Castro Ruz condolences for the death of his brother, the ...

Myriad ways CIA tried and failed to assassinate Fidel Castro

NOVANEWS Fidel Castro The father of the Cuban Revolution remains unbeaten by his foes even in death. We look over the most dramatic assassination plots on El Comandante – from character-assassinations by way of LSD, to Italian mobsters, tuberculosis wetsuit, and exploding cigar. “If surviving assassination attempts were an Olympic event, I would win the gold medal,” Castro is famously quoted as saying. Cuba’s ex-intelligence chief Fabian Escalante – the person tasked with guarding Fidel’s life – puts the number of attempts at 638. The man also claimed to Reuters in a 2010 interview that the John F. Kennedy assassination could well have been an attempt to expedite the process of removing Castro from power: the American president, some said, was not doing enough. Of course, by the ...

Fidel Castro, Cuba’s longtime leader, dies at 90

NOVANEWS Fidel Castro © Desmond Boylan / Reuters After years of dealing with failing health, Fidel Castro, leader of the Cuban revolution who steered the country through decades of a US economic blockade, has died, state media report. Trends Fidel Castro Castro died in Havana on Friday at 10:29pm local time, Cuban television said. His death was announced by his brother Raul, who took the reins after Fidel stepped down. “According to the will expressed by comrade Fidel, his body will be cremated", Raul said. Castro led the country from 1959 to 2006, when an intestinal condition nearly led to his death. He ceded power to his brother first provisionally, and then formally in 2008. In his last years, he mostly stayed out of the public eye, only occasionally providing comme...


NOVANEWS Posted by: Sammi Ibrahem, Sr FIDEL CASTRO By: Teresinka Pereira is this the last poem, the last memory, homage, hope to go to embrace you there were the palm trees waving in the wind call to social equality with love and justice?   Commander Fidel Castro, for a long time the capitalist vultures announce your death and their howls of beasts of bad augury leave me with biternness in my mouth and petrify me with so much sadness! I can't say good-by: with passing years history will redeem you while we prepare ourselves to follow your commands until it's our time to return like you to the land of all where we can rest.    
Cuba, USA

Obama: End The Embargo on Cuba Before Trump Presidency

NOVANEWS By Ollie Hopkins Morning Star   THE election of Donald Trump to the presidency of the United States, where he will be in office alongside Republican Party majorities in both houses of Congress, raises new threats to Cuba. The Obama administration has not gone far enough with its Cuba policies: the blockade is still in place, Guantanamo Bay is still illegally occupied and US interference in Cuba continues. Nevertheless, the limited progress that has taken place, including the re-establishment of diplomatic relations, has been a welcome move in the right direction. This progress is now under serious threat from a Trump administration. This week Trump appointed the pro-blockade lobbyist Mauricio Claver-Carone to his transition team, which may give an insight into a chan...