
Fidel Castro’s legacy lives on as Cuba keeps sending ‘doctors, not bombs’ all across the world

Fidel Castro’s legacy lives on as Cuba keeps sending ‘doctors, not bombs’ all across the world

The iconic revolutionary leader stepped down as president 15 years ago, but his nation sticks to his course Daniel Kovalik teaches International Human Rights at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law, and is author of the recently-released book Nicaragua: A History of US Intervention & Resistance. FILE PHOTO. Cuba's leader Fidel Castro speaks on International Workers Day in Revolution Plaza in Havana, Cuba. ©  AP Photo/Javier Galeano In the immediate aftermath of the recent devastating earthquakes in Türkiye and Syria, Cuba dispatched medical teams to the affected areas to provide care to victims. Their departure was marked by a farewell ceremony, which featured a large photo of Fidel Castro. It was quite appropriate, for the inter...
What’s Driving ‘Irregular’ Cuban Emigration to the United States?
Cuba, USA

What’s Driving ‘Irregular’ Cuban Emigration to the United States?

BY HELEN YAFFE Photo by Ricardo IV Tamayo In 2022, an unprecedented number of Cubans arrived in the United States through irregular, or ‘illegal’ channels. Historically the United States has encouraged and weaponised Cuban emigration. Cuban migrants fuel US propaganda about the failure of socialism and about political persecution and the lack of freedom and human rights on the island. However, it is an issue which can spiral out of control, forcing US administrations into dialogue with the Cuban government in the past. The current surge is creating political problems for President Biden as his opponents exploit the issue for electoral gain. As a result, in January 2023 the administration introduced legislation that it hopes will halt the wave of ‘illegal’ Cuban entrants and...
The U.S. Blockade of Cuba Hurts Medical Patients in Both Countries
Cuba, USA

The U.S. Blockade of Cuba Hurts Medical Patients in Both Countries

BY NATALIA MARQUES  Photograph Source: Susan Ruggles – CC BY 2.0 Scientists in Cuba believe that the breakthroughs they have made in the health care and technology sectors should be used to save and improve lives beyond the country’s borders. This is why the island nation has developed important scientific and medical partnerships with organizations and governments across the globe, including with those in Mexico, Palestine, Angola, Colombia, Iran, and Brazil. However, such collaborations are difficult due to the blockade imposed on Cuba by the United States, which has now been in place for the last six decades. In a conference, “Building Our Future,” held in Havana in November 2022, which brought together youth from...
Cuba Says Biden Applies Blockade Even More Aggressively Than His Predecessors
Cuba, USA

Cuba Says Biden Applies Blockade Even More Aggressively Than His Predecessors

Biden has maintained many of Trump’s sanctions against Cuba. He must fulfill his promise to reverse Trump’s actions.By Marjorie Cohn ,  TRUTHOUT A demonstrator holds up the Cuban flag while protesting in front of the White House in Washington, D.C., on July 12, 2021. “[T]he current U.S. government, the one of Joseph Biden, of all those that the Cuban Revolution has known, is the one that has most aggressively and effectively applied the economic blockade,” Carlos Fernández de Cossío, vice minister of Foreign Affairs of Cuba, declared in a speech on December 14. “It is the one that punishes the most, the one that causes the most damage to the daily life of Cubans and the economy as a whole.” Fernández de Cossío cited the disruption of Cuba’s fuel receipt by sea, and e...
Left Resurgence in Latin America and Tasks Ahead
Cuba, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Puerto Rico, Venezuela

Left Resurgence in Latin America and Tasks Ahead

LATIN AMERICA: LEFT RESURGENCE, FAR RIGHT THREATS Recent developments in Latin America epitomise the global struggle between a resurgent left, and a powerful, internationally linked far-right, between visions of social justice and environmental protection, and a destructive corporate capitalism bent on escalating plunder. The rise to power of left wing political forces in Chile and Colombia, and the hair's-breadth defeat of the fascist Bolsonaro by Lula's Worker's Party in Brazil have been deeply heartening for progressive observers across the world. At the same time, there are many complexities to this picture including the limitations of 'post-neoliberal' welfare measures based on extractivism and high commodity prices, continuing deeply embedded structural racism and exclusion o...
The Cuba Embargo: Isolating America
Cuba, USA

The Cuba Embargo: Isolating America

by Ted Snider  Once a year, Cuba raises its head above the fence around America’s backyard and calls out to the world to condemn its imprisonment. And, once a year, the US, despite all its lofty rhetoric of international order and democracy, ignores the voice of the United Nations General Assembly and goes on starving the people of Cuba. In thirty consecutive votes since 1992, the UN General Assembly has overwhelmingly condemned the US embargo of Cuba. Last year the vote against the US was 184-2. The US and Israel voted against ending the embargo and Ukraine, Colombia and Brazil abstained. This year, on November 3, the condemnation of the US was even stronger. The US lost one of its abstaining allies and was condemned by the world by a vote of 185-2. Only Israel voted with...
The U.S. blockade of Cuba must end
Cuba, USA

The U.S. blockade of Cuba must end

PSL Editorial – The U.S. blockade of Cuba must end Liberation Staff Download PDF flyer By a vote of 185 to 2, the world has once again condemned the U.S. blockade of Cuba at the United Nations. The United States was joined only by the apartheid regime of Israel in defense of this brutal policy that seeks to impose maximum suffering on the people of Cuba. This is the 30th year in a row that the UN voted overwhelmingly to call for the blockade to be lifted. The utter cruelty of the U.S. blockade cannot be overstated. It denies Cuba not only the right to trade with entities in the United States, but also blocks any entity that does business in Cuba from also doing business in the United States. The full weight of the largest economy in the world is applied to ensure that Cuba...
Cuba: shame-sex marriages

Cuba: shame-sex marriages

Victory in Cuba – New Family Code Affirms Equality within Family Life BY W. T. WHITNEY Image by Juan Luis Ozaez. The Cuban people, voting in a national plebiscite on September 25, approved a new Family Code. According to the National Electoral Council, preliminary results showed that of almost six million Cubans casting a valid ballot, 66.9% voted Yes; 33.1% voted No. The new Code was left-over business from a new Cuban Constitution approved on April 10, 2019. The Code promises all Cubans protection of democratic and legal rights, old and new, within the context of family life. It’s a revision of the Family Code contained in Cuba’s Constitution of 1976. The impulse for a new one stemmed from recognition since then, worldwide and in Cuba, that notions of sexual di...
Mexico’s President AMLO condemns US blockade of Cuba as ‘genocide’ and ‘tremendous violation of human rights’
Cuba, Mexico, USA

Mexico’s President AMLO condemns US blockade of Cuba as ‘genocide’ and ‘tremendous violation of human rights’

Mexico’s left-wing President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) denounced the illegal US blockade of Cuba as a “type of genocide” and “tremendous violation of human rights.” ByBenjamin Norton Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) in his June 6, 2022 press conference Mexico’s left-wing President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has condemned the illegal US blockade of Cuba as a “type of genocide” and “tremendous violation of human rights.” At his daily press briefing on the morning on June 6, López Obrador was asked about his decision to boycott the US government’s Summit of the Americas in Los Angeles, California. The Mexican president, known popularly by the acronym AMLO, explained that he refused to attend in order to protest Washington’s...
Abortion in Cuba vs US shows which country is truly democratic
Cuba, USA

Abortion in Cuba vs US shows which country is truly democratic

In Cuba, abortion and all healthcare is free, and enshrined in a constitution democratically voted on by the people. In the US, nine unelected, life-long judges control society based on a 1787 constitution written by slaveowners. By: Calla Walsh A May Day 2022 rally in La Habana, Cuba When I connected to wifi for the first time in five days, a notification appeared on my phone announcing that the US Supreme Court had voted to overturn Roe v. Wade, the landmark 1973 decision that makes access to abortion a legal right. Like most people when they heard the news, I felt shock waves run down my body. It was a draft opinion, but if the consensus holds, abortion will likely become illegal immediately or very quickly in 13 US states. This is despite the fact that nearly t...