
Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Haiti, Honduras, USA

Washington’s Consensus on Neofascist Coups in Latin America

by; PAUL STREET A clash between pro-Zelaya protesters and the Honduran military. Photograph Source: Roberto Breve – CC BY-SA 2.0 However much they war on the domestic political front, Washington’s Democrats and Republicans are on the same page when it comes to the imperial war on democracy and social justice in Latin America. No Partisan Warfare on Honduras (2009) In 2009 and 2010 Republicans were in a partisan tizzy over everything Barack Obama and Democratic Party, from health insurance reform to economic stimulus, bank bailouts, auto bailouts, and climate policy. The “Tea Party” rebellion arose, replete with a heavy dose of white herrenvolk racism. But the Teapublicans offered no complaint when Obama’s Secretary of State Hilary Clinton aided and abetted a right-w...
Ecuador, United Kingdom, USA

Jeremy Corbyn, Bernie Sanders Back Ecuador Anti-IMF Protests

“Let’s give a shout out to those people in Ecuador that are standing up against what the IMF are doing to their economy and their people" By Telesur U.K. Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn and Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders have both sent messages of solidarity to the recent anti-IMF protests in Ecuador, which have succeeded in forcing the government to scrap a controversial austerity decree. “Let’s give a shout out to those people in Ecuador that are standing up against what the IMF are doing to their economy and their people,” said leftist opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn, whilst at a rally with supporters, in anticipation of an upcoming election. Progressive presidential candidate Bernie Sanders also celebrated the movement in Ecu...

The Long Coup in Ecuador

By Fabio Resmini Elected on a progressive platform, the Moreno government has resorted to the politicization of justice and the militarization of politics to repress its former allies and constituents. *** Ecuador is facing some of its darkest days. The country is trapped with a highly unpopular president who has betrayed his mandate and proved his willingness to shed blood to implement a conservative economic agenda. Last October, the Moreno government unleashed a wave of repression to stifle widespread opposition to IMF-dictated policies. Since taking office and after forcing a split within the ruling party Alianza País, Lenín Moreno has handed the state back to the powerful left-outs of Rafael Correa’s government. He use...

Peace Restored in Ecuador. But Is Trust Restored?

By Nino Pagliccia Global Research, After ten people were reported killed on the streets of Ecuador, together with about 2,000 people injured and a large number imprisoned, an agreement was reached between the Lenin Moreno government and protesters against a controversial Decree 883 that had the footprint of the neoliberal austerity policies of the IMF. For the time being the “dialogue” that lead to the derogation of the decree has defused the danger of an escalation of the general strike that was looming over the Moreno administration. But for how long? It was a matter of time before the situation in Ecuador reached the point of political tension experienced in the last few weeks. The people of Ecuador have massively organised protests in rejection of the economic policies tak...

Indigenous Rising in Ecuador and International Solidarity

By Kasim Tirmizey Global Research, While many Canadians were celebrating Thanksgiving weekend, events in Ecuador generally did not catch media attention. After 11 days of an indigenous-led national general strike and state repression, an agreement was achieved by both parties on the night of October 13th that reversed one aspect of the paquetazo (package) of austerity measures. Those events seem very disconnected with the rhythms of life in Canada, but in many ways there are significant connections. Further, while the general strike has been called off, there is an important need to build or revitalize movements of international solidarity at the contemporary conjuncture. From October 3rd to 13th tens of thousands of people under the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalitie...

Ecuador’s masses rise up against neoliberal policies

By Kim Barzola Photo: Telesur On October 2, Lenín Moreno, President of Ecuador, signed a series of economic austerity measures to drastically cut back on social spending in order to access a 4.2 billion dollar loan from the International Monetary Fund. The Decree 883 eliminates state funded fuel subsidies, a staple program for the past 45 years, as well as major cuts to public sector salaries, benefits and pensions. The prices of gas, the major fuel source across the country, immediately spiked up over 123 percent unleashing a wave of protests in response to calls from major trade unions and transport workers to strike just one day after the measures were announced.  With high fuel prices affecting Ecuador’s most poor and working class most sharply, thousands of working peop...

Ecuador Regime’s “Fake Deal” with Protesters: Neocon Moreno Surrendered to IMF “Financial Terrorism”

By Stephen Lendman Global Research, President Lenin Moreno betrayed ordinary Ecuadorians by abandoning his pledge to continue progressive policies of his predecessor Rafeal Correa. Instead he instituted force-fed austerity, enforced with police state harshness, and sold Julian Assange to the US and UK for a loan shark of last resort $4.2 billion IMF loan — requiring corporate-friendly policies at the expense of beneficial social justice continuity, abandoned by his regime. Days of police state violence against legitimate protesters from early October through Sunday left at least 10 dead, around 2,000 injured, and over 1,000 arrested — ignited by a Moreno decree to end longstanding fuel subsidies, doubling prices overnight in deference to an IMF diktat. Followi...

Ecuador’s masses rise up against neoliberal policies

By Kim Barzola Photo: Telesur On October 2, Lenín Moreno, President of Ecuador, signed a series of economic austerity measures to drastically cut back on social spending in order to access a 4.2 billion dollar loan from the International Monetary Fund. The Decree 883 eliminates state funded fuel subsidies, a staple program for the past 45 years, as well as major cuts to public sector salaries, benefits and pensions. The prices of gas, the major fuel source across the country, immediately spiked up over 123 percent unleashing a wave of protests in response to calls from major trade unions and transport workers to strike just one day after the measures were announced.  With high fuel prices affecting Ecuador’s most poor and working class most sharply, thousands of working peop...
Ecuador, United Kingdom, USA

After seven years of deceptions about Assange, the US readies for its first media rendition

NOVANEWS By Jonathan Cook For seven years, from the moment Julian Assange first sought refuge in the Ecuadorean embassy in London, they have been telling us we were wrong, that we were paranoid conspiracy theorists. We were told there was no real threat of Assange’s extradition to the United States, that it was all in our fevered imaginations. For seven years, we have had to listen to a chorus of journalists, politicians and “experts” telling us that Assange was nothing more than a fugitive from justice, and that the British and Swedish legal systems could be relied on to handle his case in full accordance with the law. Barely a “mainstream” voice was raised in his defence in all that time. Disinformation From the moment he sought asylum, Assange was cast as an outlaw. His work as the fo...

Ecuador Twists Embarrassing INA Papers into Pretext to Oust Assange

NOVANEWS By: Defend Wikileaks On 26 March, WikiLeaks’ Twitter account announced that President Moreno is being investigated by Ecuador’s Congress for corruption, sparked by the INA Papers leak. The same tweet referenced President Moreno’s attempt to surrender Assange in exchange for US debt relief, a fact that had been reported by The New York Times. . WikiLeaks ✔@wikileaks Corruption investigation opened against Ecuador's president Moreno, after purported leaked contents of his iPhone (Whatsapp, Telegram) & Gmail were published. New York Times reported that Moreno tried to sell Assange to US for debt relief.  9:53 PM - Mar 25, 2019 The following day, Foreign Minister Jose Valencia said that the WikiLeaks tweet was “an absurd lie to h...