

Why Has Haiti Risen Up Once Again?

A man holds up his fist as demonstrators march through the streets of Port-au-Prince, on November 23, 2018, demanding the resignation of Haitian President Jovenel Moïse. BYAshley Smith,  The Haitian masses have mobilized a new wave of protest against the corrupt government of President Jovenel Moïse. It began with demonstrations last summer in July and August, re-emerged in November and December, and exploded again in the first two weeks of February when hundreds of thousands marched in all the major cities of the country, from the capital of Port-au-Prince to the northern city of Cap-Haïtien. The demonstrators demanded an investigation into what happened to billions of dollars of funds from Venezuela, an end to austerity measures and price increases for basic goods, and the resig...

Haiti Enters its 5th Week of Protests Against President

by Dr. Jack Rasmus Get our newsletter delivered directly to your inboxI have already subscribed | Do not show this message againVideos Demonstrations were held in cities and towns a day after tens of thousands of people marched peacefully in the capital. Haiti’s President Jovenel Moise is facing the fifth week of protests calling for his resignation as several roads were blocked Monday across the country, after leaders from the opposition announced they will not give up until the president’s departure. RELATED:  Thousands of People Join Peaceful Protest Called by Artists in Haiti Demonstrations were held in cities and towns a day after tens of thousands of people marched peacefully in the capital Port-au-Prince in a protest planned by artists. Other sect...
Canada, Haiti

Can Haitians Help “Make Canada Better”?

By Jean Saint-Vil Global Research   This year, an unprecedented event took place on Canada Day, in Ottawa. A group of Canadians answered a fellow citizen’s challenge to host the first ever “Make Canada Better – Speaker’s Corner”. The challenge went up on Facebook and Twitter, on June 16, 2019. It called for speakers to come to Ottawa on July 1st and “tell the truth about Apartheid in 2019 foreign-occupied Haiti”. It, in fact, listed three specific rendez-vous: . July 1, 2019: Ottawa, Canada July 4, 2019: Washington, DC, USA July 14, 2019: Paris, France As I explained to dozens of participants and curious listeners, who walked past the U.S. Embassy, on Sussex Drive, this Monday July 1, 2019, inspiration for these events came from a dear friend, the late Dr. Patrick Élie....
Canada, Haiti

Canada Enables Corrupt Haitian President to Remain in Power

NOVANEWS By Yves Engler At the front of a protest against Haiti’s president last week a demonstrator carried a large wooden cross bearing the flags of Canada, France and the US. The Haiti Information Project tweeted that protesters “see these three nations as propping up the regime of President Jovenel Moïse. It is also recognition of their role in the 2004 coup.” Almost entirely ignored by the Canadian media, Haitian protesters regularly criticize Canada. On dozens of occasions since Jean Bertrand Aristide’s government was overthrown in 2004 marchers have held signs criticizing Canadian policy or rallied in front of the Canadian Embassy in Port-au-Prince. For their part, Haiti Progrès and Haiti Liberténewspapers have described Canada as an “occupying force”, “coup supporter” or...

Haiti’s Huge Gold Reserve: ‘Haiti, Give Me Your Gold, Not Your Weak and Weary!’

NOVANEWS By Norris McDonald Jamaica Gleaner Haiti is back in the news with popular revolts against political corruption. Ordinary Haitians are being frustrated every step of the way as they strive to enjoy a better quality of life as is their right. The discovery of a huge US$20 billion gold reserve in Haiti is no panacea since gold mining has always been surrounded by intrigue, skullduggery, and, perhaps, international plunder and piracy. Americans, Canadians, and politically well-connected present and past Haitian political leaders stand to reap vast profits from the apparent plundering of Haitian gold. Haitian workers, meanwhile, are paid a measly US$6.25 a day for working in the muddy, gold-mining pits. Political Background The historical evolution of Haitian society has bee...

Heritage Foundation in Shadow of Haiti’s PetroCaribe Protests?

NOVANEWS By Dady Chery News Junkie Post The Heritage Foundation came forward on September 20, 2018 to set the rules for Haiti’s PetroCaribe investigation and protests.  Most Haitians are delighted about any audit of the corrupt government that was foisted on them by the fraudulent presidential and legislative 2015-2016 elections. So no one asks where a private United States conservative think tank got the authority to demand a probe into a bilateral deal between Haiti and Venezuela, or to proscribe how Haitians conduct their protests. This move by the Heritage Foundation came two months after the International Monetary Fund (IMF) recommended a hike in Haiti’s gas prices. This rise in fuel cost was like throwing fire on gasoline, because it was simultaneous with violent protests...
Haiti, USA

Trump “Shitholes,” and White Supremacy

NOVANEWS Trump “Shitholes,” and White Supremacy: Building Resistance on 8th Anniversary of the Haiti Earthquake. My Family and I Survived. With his analogy between Black people and feces, Trump has once again shown the world his commitment to wickedness, vulgarity, and racism. By Jesse Hagopia Common Dreams   Eight years ago today, my family and I survived the earthquake in Haiti. I had been laid off from my teaching job that year in the wake of the great recession and so I had joined my wife, with our one-year-old son, on her work trip to Haiti where she was conducting trainings on HIV. In the immediate aftermath of the quake, our hotel became a makeshift clinic. One of the hotel guests, an emergency medical technician, quickly assembled a triage and treatment area in the circ...


NOVANEWS NOW THE CLINTONS ARE LEADING THE LOOTING Haiti was the first country in history where the slaves threw out their rulers. It was also the first country in the world to outlaw slavery. The result? They’ve been under attack non-stop every since. Why is Haiti so poor? Because it’s been ripped off non-stop for over two hundreds years right up to the present day with the Clintons currently leading the looting.
Haiti, USA

Haiti Helped Create Largest Revolt of Enslaved Africans in U.S. History

NOVANEWS Haiti Helped Create Largest Revolt of Enslaved Africans in U.S. History. The “Independence Debt” with France and the Louisiana Purchase The Triumphant Haiti Revolution help double the size of the U.S. Yet, the U.S.-EU nations continue to demean, malign and pillage Haiti. By Ezili Dantò Global Research Featured image: Jean Jacques Dessalines, president and then emperor of Haiti (Source: Wikimedia Commons) So, sorting fiction from reality, which one is the “land of the free and the brave, the pioneers of human rights, freedom and liberty in the Western Hemisphere? Which nation didn’t make white folks 3/5ths human even after 300-years of brutal, rape and enslavement? But gave the few whites who fought alongside the African warriors, Haitian citizenship, full and equal righ...

How Haitian earthquake relief efforts pulled off a huge con job, with the help of mainstream media

NOVANEWS Money that was promised to provide "tens of thousands of people with permanent homes" reportedly only made it to a total of six. WENN Timothy T. Schwartz Respected humanitarian agencies collected a mountain of donations in the name of Haiti earthquake victims, they largely squandered it, and they then refused to account for it. How did they get donors to give the money? Through exaggerations, truth-twisting and outright lies. And the international press spread those lies and gave them credibility. The following is an excerpt from the new book, The Great Haiti Humanitarian Aid Swindle, by Timothy T. Schwartz (CreateSpace, March 2017), available from Amazon and IndieBound. The greatest financial outpouring of sympathy in history The 20...