“In the face of war and violence, let us defend peace!” declare Latin American and Caribbean leaders

The Community of Latin American and Caribbean States held their 8th Summit, stressing peace and dialogue in a world threatened by US domination.

By Benjamin Zinevich

The Community of Latin American and Caribbean States, or CELAC, met in the city of Kingstown, the capital of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, for its 8th Summit on March 1. The discussion largely focused on the need for peace and security in both the hemisphere as well as the globe.

Seen by some as an alternative to the US creation of the Organization of American states, there was no representative from Washington present in Kingstown. However, in attendance was the Special Representative of the Chinese Government in Latin American Affairs Qiu Xiaoqi, upon invitation by CELAC.

In his opening remarks, United Nations Secretary General António Guterres stressed these necessities for global priorities, while also highlighting that the Americas have shown great success in the dedication to sustained efforts towards peace and security. “Latin America and the Caribbean have shown how uniting for peace is possible—and makes a difference. We have just witnessed it today. The peace process in Colombia has made significant strides, with invaluable contributions from CELAC countries. The Joint declaration for dialogue and peace between Guyana and Venezuela, adopted here in Argyle last December, is another example of the region’s commitment to seek peaceful solutions,” said Guterres.

Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro during the summit commented on his country’s dedication to these ideals of sovereignty and the preservation of peace, democracy, and security. “Venezuela is preparing for totally reliable and transparent elections, with an electoral system that I would like CELAC to know about and be able to broadcast beyond manipulation, misrepresentation, and lies,” said President Maduro. 

Maduro went further to say, “We do not agree with any type of hidden invasion, bringing troops from here or there, it is not the solution for Haiti.” 


On the subject of security and peace, the US-backed Israeli genocide of Gaza was at the forefront of many leaders’ minds. During the summit, the “Hands Off Rafah” global call to action mobilized millions across the world, and leaders such as Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel returned to their countries to participate.

While in Kingstown, Díaz-Canel addressed the summit, further emphasizing these collective goals and values. “In the face of differences, dialogue. In the face of challenges, cooperation. In the face of diversity, more unity. In the face of war and violence, Let us defend peace!”

On Twitter/X, Nicolás Maduro shared images of leaders at the summit, including the presidents of Cuba, Barbados, Bolivia, Colombia, and Honduras, holding a side meeting during the summit on the situation in Gaza, captioned with “the regional leaders held a meeting in solidarity with Palestine, that noble people, together we told the world: Enough of the genocide in the Gaza Strip! Let’s follow the path of Dialogue and Peace!”

In his remarks, Colombian President Gustavo Petro warned that the US/EU support of genocide in Gaza represents a message to the Global South that dares to defy US dominance. “They support dropping bombs on people because they want to teach a lesson to all of humanity,” cautioned Petro. “What happens to Palestine can happen to any of you if you dare to make changes without [US] permission.”

The presidency of CELAC is a rotating post, and has been passed onto Honduras, where Honduran President Xiomara Castro will take up the role. In her remarks, she stressed the need to collaborate with other regional partners, but advised that the collaboration must be based upon mutual benefit and not domination and influence from outside forces. “We ourselves must solve our problems, without interference or external pressure,” declared President Castro.

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