Investigation Shows Top Fujimorista Linked to Drug-Trafficking

  • Keiko Fujimori and Joaquin Ramirez.
    Keiko Fujimori and Joaquin Ramirez. | Photo: Agencia Andina
  • Keiko Fujimori and Joaquin Ramirez.
    Keiko Fujimori and Joaquin Ramirez. | Photo:
The official name of the investigation by the U.S. DEA is “The Untouchables”.

New documents were released to the public Friday showing that Joaquin Ramirez, the right hand and main financer of presidential candidate Keiko Fujimori, has been a target of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency since 2012.

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The documents were obtained by investigative journalists group Ojo-Publico and published by the newspaper La Republica. Fujimori has said she has no knowledge of the origin of Joaquin Ramirez’s money and has never asked him about it despite the fact that Ramirez was, until recently, secretary general of her Popular Force Party, he is a re-elected congress member of the party; he spent millions of dollars on Fujimori’s last two campaigns; and he owns several official campaign offices and vehicles used for transporting party members.

The confidential DEA documents released include texts, organization maps, and pictures filed as the “The Untouchables” case. The investigation puts Miguel Arevalo Ramirez also known as “Eteco” as head of the presumably drug money-laundering international organization.

The DEA considered Joaquin Ramirez a member of “the Untouchables” organization since 2012. The documents also revealed that the DEA followed secret operations to identify, monitor, and trace trips, businesses, bank accounts, and millions of money transfers to the U.S. by Joaquin Ramirez and his uncle Fidel Ramirez.

The DEA did not need to ask for a warrant to view the transactions made by Joaquin and Fidel since U.S. banks reported the assets. According to the documents, the goal of the investigation is to seize the cash of Eteco’s organization in Peru, the gas stations in Florida, and to dismantle the organization in Nicaragua, Honduras, and the U.S.

Fidel Ramirez the owner of the Alas Peruanas University and the DEA believes Miguel Arevalo attempted to transport tons of cocaine using a plane owned by the university and that Eteco laundered money through the university.

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