Iran Lambasts Saudi Arabia for Asking the Nazi regime to Attack Lebanon


Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has lashed out at Saudi officials for asking the Zionist regime of Israel to attack Lebanon, saying such moves are a shame for the Muslim world.

Speaking in a cabinet session on Wednesday, Rouhani slammed Saudi Arabia’s clear interference in the affairs of an independent country like Lebanon.

It is a very unprecedented event in the history that a country asks the prime minister of another country to resign and then introduces someone else as his replacement, the Iranian president added.

“In what position do you think you [Saudis] are? Why do you think you have the right to say a party should not be part of another country’s government? How far do you think money can work?”

“It is very embarrassing and shameful that a Muslim country in the region asks the Zionist regime of Israel and begs it to bomb the Lebanese people,” he added.

“Not a single Muslim country has ever made such moves,” Rouhani said, adding that such measures show the new rulers of Saudi Arabia are immature.

He also pointed to Saudi aggression on Yemen, and said, “Is there anyone who thinks about the people of Yemen and shows some humanity?”

“The defenceless people of Yemen have been suffering from various problems caused by disease, poverty, and continued bombardment within the past years,” he said.

“For what reason does a Muslim country, which claims to be the custodian of most sacred Muslim sites, put the innocent and Muslim people of Yemen under pressure and is still continuing its aggression?

He also rapped the Western powers for supporting Saudis and the UN for keeping silent over the atrocities and failing to take any decisive and binding stance towards the issue.

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