Kuwait American Proxy Regime



Kuwait, A Quantico Brig And Now Fort Leavenworth.


Tags: ACLUAssangeBradley ManningCensorshipextraditionFort LeavenworthGitmo,Julian AssangeP.J. CrowleyPJ CrowleyQuanticoState DepartmentSwedenUS involvementWikileaks | Categories:Uncategorized | URL:

The captivity of Bradley Manning does no favours for America, his treatment has been harsh, petty and unnecessary.

I had not appreciated that Manning was held in Kuwait for two months before his move to the US, and it is fairly clear that the regime at Quantico was used to make him lose his marbles, Kim Zetter has more:

“Manning’s treatment during his detention has been the subject of intense criticism. The ACLU called his treatment “gratuitously harsh” in a letter sent last month to U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates. And former State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley was forced to resign after publicly calling Manning’s treatment by the military “counterproductive and stupid.” President Obama found himself defending Manning’s treatment at a press conference last month.

Johnson, however, said there were a number of other issues that led the Pentagon to re-evaluate Manning’s confinement location. These included the length of time he’s expected to be confined prior to undergoing a trial, and the services available to pre-trial prisoners.

Johnson said Quantico was designed for only short pre-trial stays of a few months, whereas Manning was already in his ninth month at Quantico and is not expected to go to trial for many more months.Leavenworth was also more suitable because it has better mental health support and is an Army facility. Manning is an Army soldier, and the case against him is being handled by the Army, not the Marine Corps.

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