Kuwait terror charges prove US duplicity: Analyst


Kuwaiti Minister of Justice Nayef al-Ajmi (L) and MP Mohammad al-Hwailah take part in a parliament session at Kuwait

Kuwaiti Minister of Justice Nayef al-Ajmi (L) and MP Mohammad al-Hwailah take part in a parliament session at Kuwait’s National Assembly. (File photo).
The US Treasury Department’s labeling of Kuwait as a terror sponsor indicates Washington’s duplicity in dealing with the scourge of terrorism, an analyst writes for the Press TV website.

Gordon Duff’s column on the Press TV website came two days after US Treasury Undersecretary David S. Cohen called Kuwait “the epicenter of fundraising for terrorist groups” fighting in Syria.

Duff said the terror charges against Kuwait show “American duplicity in dealing with very real terror threats that have led to not only massacres and nerve gas attacks in Syria but over 8,000 terror bombing deaths in Iraq as well in 2013 alone.”

The analyst wondered why the US showed no reaction to Kuwait’s financing of “bombings around the world” leading to deaths of “tens of thousands or more.”
“Only when Kuwaiti internal politics derailed the ‘cohesion’ of [foreign-backed] Syrian militants and al-Qaeda jihadists, did the Washington Post, Brookings Institution and Obama White House take notice,” wrote Duff.
The US Treasury Department has confirmed that “hundreds of millions of dollars” have been provided by “Kuwaiti individuals” to terrorist groups like al-Nusra Front fighting in Syria.
“Today, there is evidence that Kuwaiti donors have backed rebels who have committed atrocities and who are either directly linked to al-Qaeda or cooperate with its affiliated brigades on the ground,” Brookings Institution said.
Duff noted that the US had chosen to “ignore Kuwait’s role as the largest financier of world terrorism” since 9/11 while it has incessantly leveled charges against Iran and Pakistan “without ever presenting evidence.”

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