Racism of Media

Notice they had to identify the religion of the officer in question to imply that Jewish officers of the Israeli terrorist army are genetically not capable of committing sex crimes.

Cop guilty of sex crime against Palestinian

Officer serving in minority unit admits to taking advantage of Palestinian woman, committing indecent acts against her and ordering her to leave her husband

Raanan Ben-Zur

Within the framework of a plea bargain, the Kfar Saba Magistrates Court convicted Khader Eldin, a police officer from the Druze town of Daliat el-Carmel, of committing indecent acts against a Palestinian woman who requested an Israeli ID in order to be united with her husband.

Eldin, 46, is considered to be a highly esteemed officer in the Sharon sub-district’s minority unit that deals mainly with terror offenses and uniting families. The Palestinian woman’s complaint against him led to the launch of a Police Investigations Unit inquiry and to his arrest, though he continued to deny the charges.

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According to the indictment, which at first included a charge of bribery, the woman came to him after her marriage to an Israeli man to receive her identity card, as stipulated by the state’s family unification procedures. 
In August 2006 the woman came to Eldin’s office at police headquarters accompanied by her husband. The officer asked that her husband leave the office in order to speak to her and during the talk told her that she wouldn’t receive an Israeli identity card since her husband had what he claimed were “issues”.

Yet Eldin added that he would make sure that she eventually received her identity card and asked her to call him daily to check for updates.

The indictment then claims that a few days later the officer met in private with the woman and told her that police were planning a raid on the city of Tayibe and deport all illegal residents. In response the woman began to cry, Eldin handed her a handkerchief, called her “sexy” and requested a kiss. 
The woman refused and said that she loved her husband. Eldin answered that if she was interested in getting an Israeli identity card she had to leave her husband and do “what he asked”.
Later the police officer carried out indecent acts against her. According to the indictment Eldin then told the woman not to tell her husband of what occurred between them and even continued to converse with the couple a short time later.

During his trial Eldin denied the charges, but during an additional hearing Sunday the prosecution presented a plea bargain which disregarded the bribery charges. Following the submission of the plea bargain Eldin went back on his guilty plea, admitted to the revised indictment and was convicted of the charges ascribed to him. 


The judge then rejected Eldin’s request for a gag order on the details of the case.

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