Russians stage ‘Day of Rage’ protests

Posted by: Sammi Ibrahem
Chair of West Midland PSC


In Russia, the opposition has held “Day of Rage” anti-government protests to demand political reform, fair elections and an end to corruption.

Hundreds participated in the rallies held in Moscow on Sunday. Protesters say corruption threatens the Russian society and needs to be stopped before it would destroy the country, a Press TV correspondent reported.

“We want the authorities to see that citizens are angry at lack of self government and lack of control over the action of officials. The situation leads to enormous corruption and social injustice,” Left Front movement coordinator Sergei Udaltsov told Press TV.

After the rally, some attempted to march with their demands towards the Presidential Administration. The march was banned by city authorities and six activists were detained by police, including Udaltsov, Reuters reported.

Protesters say the average bribe in Russia is USD 136,000, while 90 percent of all bribe takers walk free. They are demanding anti-corruption investigations and an independent judiciary, saying that the earnings and expenses of officials should be controlled.

“Corruption has a systematic nature in Russia. It’s part of the leaders’ policy, and maybe the aim of their policy. Experts estimate corruption is worth USD 300 billion. That’s how much our people, country and the economy loose every year,” Gennady Gudkov of the Russia State Duma Security Committee told Press TV.

President Dmitry Medvedev ordered a clampdown on corruption after taking office three years ago. Transparency International has ranked Russia at 154 on its level of corruption out of 178 countries.

The organizers say this demonstration is the first in a series of rallies, marches and conferences to be held in key Russia cities.

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