Tag: Cold War


Prior to the Cold War: US Nuclear Plans Entailed Blowing Up Hundreds of Chinese, Soviet and Eastern European Cities

NOVANEWS By Shane Quinn Global Research On 30 August 1945, Major General Lauris Norstad dispatched a document to his superior, General Leslie Groves, outlining a total of 15 “key Soviet cities” to be struck with US atomic weapons, headed by the capital Moscow. This was followed by another 25 “leading Soviet cities” listed for annihilation, topping this latter group was Leningrad, almost destroyed during the Nazi siege finally lifted in late January 1944. The above nuclear plans were being composed three days before the Second World War had even officially concluded (on 2 September 1945), and a mere two weeks following Japan’s surrender. These initiatives, targeting the USSR for destruction, were actually developing at least as early as March 1944, at a time when Moscow was a vital...

Where Are The Peace Makers As U.S. Warms Up For Another Cold War

NOVANEWS Posted by Tom Compton The U.S. desperately needs new enemies to keep its war based economy on high alert. It should be intuitive obvious to the casual observer, including Christians who claim to follow Jesus, the Prince of Peace, that the U.S. prefers war to peace. In this podcast we look at the massive NATO military build up in eastern Europe rivaling the Berlin crisis of 1961. Russia is being moved into America’s “Number One Enemy” slot. For background material, read Chuck Carlson’s article, “Massive Army Deployment is Deliberate Restart of ‘The Cold War’” and listen to our podcast “Christian Zionism is a War Based Religion.” (27 mins.)
Russia, USA

A Prerequisite for Ending the Cold War in Europe: Return Occupied Kaliningrad Back to Königsberg

NOVANEWS By Douglas Edward Steil President Trump promised efforts to improve US relations with Russia, yet even after his inauguration there were reports in the media, including videos, about a large buildup of NATO tanks, led by the US, at “Russia’s doorstep” (FOX News) in Poland, featuring joint military exercises (“war games”) as part of “Operation Atlantic Resolve”. On January 31, 2017, RT (formerly Russia Today) described these maneuvers as “… the largest military buildup in Europe since the end of the Cold War…” in alarming terms without providing the appropriate historical context for its geographically-challenged readers. Lacking contextual knowledge, both those commentators from the discredited dinosaur (old legacy) media and the rapidly growing independent (new alternative) m...
Russia, USA

The Utter Stupidity of the New Cold War

NOVANEWS By Gary Leupp It seems so strange, twenty-seven years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, to be living through a new Cold War with (as it happens, capitalist) Russia. The Russian president is attacked by the U.S. political class and media as they never attacked Soviet leaders; he is personally vilified as a corrupt, venal dictator, who arrests or assassinates political opponents and dissident journalists, and is hell-bent on the restoration of the USSR. (The latter claim rests largely on Vladimir Putin’s comment that the dissolution of the Soviet Union was a “catastrophe” and “tragedy” — which in many respects it was. The press chooses to ignore his comment that “Anyone who does not miss the Soviet Union has no heart, while anyone who wants to restore it has no brain.” It conf...
Russia, USA

Taking a Page from Joe McCarthy

NOVANEWS By Robert Parry   One trick of the original McCarthyism from the Old Cold War was to take some innocuous or accurate comment from a leader in Moscow — saying something like “poverty is a cruel side of capitalism” or “racism persists in the U.S.” — and to claim that some American reformer who says much the same thing must be a Kremlin tool. Now, in the New Cold War, we are seeing a similar trend in the way some Democrats and the mainstream U.S. media are citing accurate assessments from Russian President Vladimir Putin and claiming that Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is somehow in league with Putin for observing the same realities. A case in point is Tuesday’s editorial in The Washington Post, entitled “The Putin-Trump worldview” (in print) and “Trump and Putin sha...