Tag: Syria: Fake News


Fake news about Syria continues to be everywhere

NOVANEWS By Jonas E. Alexis  New York Times (1993): “Human rights monitors estimate that 500 Palestinian detainees are subjected to [torture in Israel] each month and that at least 30,000 have been interrogated since the beginning of the anti-Israel uprising in December 1987." Yes, fake news about Syria is still ubiquitous. If you read the Washington Post, you will get heading titles like this: “A ‘human slaughterhouse’ in Syria.” It states that “a Syrian military prison where thousands of civilians have been killed “after being repeatedly tortured and systematically deprived of food, water, medicine and medical care.” Allegations of atrocities against civilians are nothing new for the regime of Bashar al-Assad, which has subjected entire towns to starvation sieges, dropped barrel bom...
Syria, USA

Fake News “Evidence”: US State Department Admits There Might Be No ‘Assad Crematorium’ in Saydnaya Prison

NOVANEWS By Al-Masdar News   (Daily Caller) In a briefing held on Monday, the Department of State admitted that the alleged crematorium in the Syrian prison used to incinerate prisoners could actually just be a warmer part of the building. The State Department stated Monday based on international and local NGO reports that the alleged crematorium used to burn the bodies of hundreds of hanged prisoners at a prison run by the Syrian government of President Bashar al-Assad may not be a crematorium at all. Earlier, Stuart Jones, acting assistant secretary for Middle Eastern Affairs, said that the prison in Saydnaya was modified in 2013 to support what the agency believes to be a crematorium, which is used to “cover up the extent of mass murders taking place in Saydnaya prison.” A...