Ukraine: Jewish Supremacists Object to Being Named as Responsible for Manmade Famine

A news report in the Jewish Telegraphic Agency from Kiev in the Ukraine has reported that Jewish supremacists have lodged an official objection to a criminal case brought over the “Great Famine” committed in the 1930s.  The nation’s security service is pressing the case against officials accused of committing the Holodomor, which caused the deaths of millions in Ukraine in 1932-33. Most of the names on the list were Jewish.

Ukrainian lawmaker Aleksandr Feldman, leader of the Ukrainian Jewish Committee, said last week that it was “a farce” to press the case. “All organizers of the Great Famine are dead,” he said.
Last July, the Ukrainian Security Service released a list of high-ranking Soviet state and Communist Party officials — as well as officials from NKVD, the police force of Soviet Russia – which has been widely interpreted as blaming Jews for perpetrating and executing the famine because most of the names on the list were Jewish.
The Ukrainian Jewish Committee called on the secret service to revise the list, which incited interethnic hatred, in order to clear up the “inaccuracy.”
Feldman believes there is a danger that the “Holodomor Affair” materials are being used for political purposes.
In late May, security service head Valentin Nalivaychenko claimed at a meeting with representatives of the World Congress of Ukrainians that “Ukraine has collected enough evidence to bring a criminal case regarding the famine, which was artificially created by Zionist Jews and caused mass death of citizens.”
Through the World Congress of Ukrainians, Nalivaychenko turned to leading foreign lawyers with a request to help find out the circumstances connected with preparing and committing the genocide.


  • Mike

    As an ethnic minority in the Soviet Russian Empire Jews were disproportionately highly represented in communist parties, in Soviet repressive state security agencies and other anti-people communist power institutions. Therefore Jews actively participated in unsurpassed communist crimes in large numbers. Just explore the information on Lazar Kaganovich (butcher of Ukraine through artificial famine), Leon Trotsky (commander-in-chief of the Red Army), Henrikh Yagoda and many other communist Jews in power. A lot of ordinary Jews also actively supported communism.
    Communist Jewish crimes must also be prosecuted and punished as Nazi crimes have been. Truth and real justice (punishment for all crimes) must prevail. The issue of financial and material compensations for communist crimes must also be resolved as Germany paid compensations for Nazi German crimes to many nations including Jews.

  • Sarah

    The correct quote by Nalivaychenko, which you have butchered to suit your hateful agenda, is the following: “Ukraine has collected enough evidence to bring a criminal case regarding the famine, which was artificially created by the Bolshevik regime and caused mass death of citizens.”
    The crime was perpetrated by BOLSHEVIKS, some of whom happened to be “Jewish,” albeit they were probably unobservant.
    Maybe posting to this site is a wasted effort. Whatever.

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