US journalist blames Georgia for supply of Syrian rebels with weapons



Georgia has long been recognised as a transit point for illegal trade and illegal arms trafficking between Central Asia and Europe, and more recently the rest of the world.
Is there any chance that in the period of the “Arab Spring”, some of the combatants, especially those in Syria and Libya, were armed from Georgia?  
Very likely, and this is a subject I am working on. I know for sure that representatives of the so-called Syrian opposition were in Georgia before the parliamentary elections and had meetings with Georgian government representatives, most likely with the support and facilitation of foreign intelligence services. My sources tell me that weapons and other materials are being supplied to Georgia via Jordan and other sources and retransported to Turkey via the regional airport in Kutaisi and other means. Basically, foreign governments, including those countries close to NATO, are still using Georgia as a transportation corridor to third countries, and this has been the case for many years.
This conclusion is not only based on this end user document I have access to, or my investigative work, but international reports of plane crashes in Africa and the ownership and registration of various shell companies used in this mechanism. I am convinced that Georgia is a main transport route for weapons to the third countries.
How do you assess the involvement of Western instructors in the period of the war of 2008?
Basically they were party to war crimes, training Georgian soldiers to kill unarmed civilians in South Ossetia, and their behaviour on a moral level was totally unacceptable, and not only in their capacity as soldiers. I have pictures  I can show you. The quality of the training they gave was perhaps good enough for National Guard members but did not come close to what is required to train soldiers for the kind of war they could face with a superior and better motivated force such as Russia; they were only trained for support roles for the NATO/US mission in Afghanistan, and the other illegal war the US was fighting in Iraq.
[ed notes:click link for whole article..

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