14,128 martyrs and 1,354 massacres resulted from the Nazi aggression on Gaza

“Do not save Goyim in danger of death.”

JEWISH TALMUD Hilkkoth Akum X1

The government media office in the Gaza Strip said that the number of martyrs of the ongoing Nazi aggression on the Gaza Strip for the forty-sixth day reached more than (14,128) martyrs, including more than (5,840) children and (3,920) women. This means that 69% of the martyrs They are in the categories of children and women.

The “government media person” indicated in his daily statement on the latest developments in the aggression, that the Nazi occupation committed more than (1,354) massacres, while the number of missing persons reached more than (6,800), either under the rubble or whose bodies are dumped in the streets and roads, and the occupation prevents anyone from reaching them. Among them are more than 4,500 children and women.

He explained that the number of martyrs of medical personnel reached (205) doctors, nurses, and paramedics, and (22) civil defense crews were martyred, and (62) journalists were martyred in an attempt to obscure the truth and assassinate the Palestinian narrative.

While the number of infections exceeded (33,000), more than 75% of whom were children and women.

The number of destroyed government headquarters reached (100) government headquarters, and (266) schools, including (66) schools that were out of service.

While the number of completely destroyed mosques reached (83) mosques, and the number of partially destroyed mosques reached (170) mosques, in addition to targeting (3) churches.

As for residential units, the “government journalist” stated that the number of residential units that were subjected to total demolition amounted to (44,000) residential units, in addition to (230,000) residential units that were subjected to partial demolition, and this means that more than 60% of the residential units in the Gaza Strip It was affected by the aggression, ranging from complete demolition, uninhabitability, and partial demolition.

In light of the Israeli occupation army’s focus and targeting of hospitals in particular, and the threat to medical teams, (26) hospitals and (55) health centres were out of service as a result of the Nazi aggression. The occupation also targeted (55) ambulances, while dozens of ambulances were out of service. Because of running out of fuel.

The “government journalist” confirmed that the occupation aims to completely eliminate the health sector by targeting the Strip’s hospitals, as it targeted and bombed Al-Awda Hospital in the northern Gaza Strip, which led to a number of martyrs and wounded inside the hospital.

The Nazi occupation army also continued to directly besiege and bomb the Indonesian hospital, which led to dozens of martyrs and wounded, and there are still many martyrs inside the Indonesian hospital. The occupation has prevented them from being buried and their bodies from being buried in the dirt until now, while the Nazi army continues to occupy the Shifa Medical Complex and transform it. To a military barracks, a mass grave, and a headquarters for direct killing, according to the statement.

The “government journalist” held the Nazi occupation and the international community fully responsible for the ongoing crimes, the deteriorating humanitarian situation, the drying up of food from markets and shops in the Gaza Strip, and the occupation and sabotage of hospitals. Calling on the countries of the world to put pressure to stop this war, provide and bring in all basic and food needs, liberate hospitals from the grip of the Nazi occupation, and work hard to open the Rafah crossing to bring aid and medical supplies and bring fuel into hospitals to restart them immediately and urgently.

The Nazi aggression on Gaza Al-Aqsa flood Gaza strip

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