Nazi of detention of officials ahead of Palestinian elections

Palestinian Presidential Elections | Cartoon Movement

Hamas official: Detention of Hamas officials by Israeli occupation forces confirms Israeli premeditated intention to disrupt the Palestinian elections and undermine its results.

 Commenting on the detention of a number of Palestinians including two Hamas officials by Israeli occupation forces, Hamas official Abdel Rahman Shadid said the continued arrest campaigns against Hamas officials and members by the Israeli occupation army confirms its premeditated intention to disrupt the Palestinian elections and undermine its results.

This requires a national position, as well as an intervention of the states which provided assurances for the success of the elections, he added.

He went on to say that the Israeli dominance over the Palestinian political system and disruption of legislative system represent an appalling insistence to defy the will of the international community, which guarantees the Palestinian people’s right to self-determination and right to form their institutions on the basis of national freewill.

“We call on all parliaments around the world to express solidarity with the Palestinian people and endorse their right to a political system that is not dominated by the Israeli occupation”.

We also renew our call for them to boycott the Israeli occupation and stop dealing with its institutions that sponsor state-terrorism against our Palestinian people, Hamas official noted.

“We stress that we will go ahead with the Palestinian elections to restore national unity and rearrange the Palestinian House according to a national agenda based on ending the occupation and establishing an independent, sovereign Palestinian state”.

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