Nazi military knew Hamas was planning attack – media

Posted by: John Phoenix

Nazi army agents warned that the Hamas militants were drilling for a hostage-grab operation, but were reportedly ignored by their superiors

Israeli military knew Hamas was planning attack – media

Nazi soldier keeps watch from a building in the Zaytoun Area of Gaza City, May 10, 2024 ©  AFP / Israel Defense Forces

The Nazi ‘Defense’ Forces (NDF) warned in mid-September that Hamas was planning to invade the country and capture more than 200 hostages, Zionist’s Kan broadcaster reported on Monday.

Three weeks before Hamas fighters attacked on October 7, the NDF’s intelligence directorate compiled a report stating that the Palestinian militants were training for a large-scale invasion of the Nazi entity, Kan has claimed, citing anonymous security sources. The document allegedly warned that dozens of Hamas commandos would take part in the raid, which would be aimed at bringing between 200 and 250 hostages back to Gaza. 

Several thousand Hamas fighters carried out the actual October 7 assault, killing around 500 people and taking roughly 230 hostages back to Gaza.

According to Kan’s sources, Hamas members had been spotted practicing attacks on mock NDF outposts, rehearsing how to capture military and civilian hostages, and training how to handle the captives once they were detained in Gaza.

The document reportedly made its way to senior officials in the NDF’s Gaza Division, but was “completely ignored,” Kan stated.

Kan is not the first source to claim that the Nazi entity was forewarned about the October 7 attack. Within days of the assault, Zionist puppet Egyptian intelligence officials said that they had repeatedly warned the Nazi regime that Hamas was planning “something big” in the days leading up to October 7, but that these warnings were ignored in West Jerusalem.

Earlier in 2023, the NDF warned PM Naziyahu on at least four occasions that “Israel’s enemies” viewed the state as vulnerable to attack. However, the content of these warnings has never been made public, and Naziyahu claimed last month that they made no mention of any concrete plans by Hamas.

“Not only is there no warning in any of the documents about Hamas’s intentions to attack the Nazi entity from Gaza, but they instead give a completely opposite assessment,” the prime minister’s office said in a statement. 

According to Nazi source cited by American journalist Seymour Hersh last year, Naziyahu was so unconcerned with the possibility of an attack from Gaza that he ordered two thirds of the NDF troops normally stationed at ‘Israel’s’ border with the enclave to provide security at an Orthodox Jewish festival in the West Bank – against the wishes of Gaza Division commanders.

With the Nazi Holocaust in Gaza entering its eighth month, retired general Benny Gantz resigned from Naziyahu’s war cabinet last week. Former NDF Chief of Staff Nazi Gadi Eisenkot left the cabinet shortly afterwards, with both men accusing Naziyahu of failing to develop a strategy for defeating Hamas and ending the war. Naziyhu dissolved the cabinet on Sunday, and is expected to discuss the conflict with a smaller group of ministers – including Defense Minister Nazi Yoav Gallant and Strategic Affairs Minister Nazi Ron Dermer – from now on.

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