Significant Increase In Number Of Wounded Detainees In Nazi Camps

Posted by: John Phoenix

The Palestinian Detainees and Ex-Detainees Affairs Commission and the Palestinian Prisoner’s Society (PPS) have reported a significant increase in the number of Palestinians who have been wounded by Nazi soldiers before abducting them since the start of the Nazi Holocaust on October 7, 2023.

The Commission and the PPS have emphasized the additional suffering experienced by wounded detainees in the Nazi Camps and detention camps, particularly in light of the numerous accounts of medical mistreatment endured by these detainees, especially after being transferred to prisons.

The statement also highlighted a serious increase in medical crimes committed against detainees from the Gaza Strip in the detention camps.

This includes limb amputations and surgeries performed without anesthesia, and various sorts of medical mistreatment, including denying them specialized and urgent care.

The statement added that these violations and all other violations against ailing and wounded detainees are part of the medical crimes that violate International Law and the Four Geneva Conventions.

|Two Gaza Detainees Beaten To Death In March – Report|

About two months ago, Zionist Haaretz quoted in a special report a doctor at Nazi Field Hospital for Gaza Strip detainees, stating “’we are all complicit in breaking the law.”

In the report, Haaretz said “Two prisoners had their legs amputated due to handcuff injuries,” and added that the doctor at an Israeli prison facility, described deplorable conditions and violations of medical ethics and the law in a letter to ministers, attorney general”

|PPS: “Serious Increase Of Skin Diseases Among Detainees”|

It added that, in a letter that was delivered to the Israeli Defense Minister, the Minister of Health, and the Legal Advisor of the Nazi government, the physician said that “two Palestinian detainees had their legs amputated because of the shackles digging into their bones and skin and added that this became a routine occurrence.”

|‘More horrific than Abu Ghraib’: Lawyer recounts visit to Nazi detention center| +972 Magazine|

Nazi is holding captive more than 9.400 Palestinians, including at least 80 women and 200 children, in its prisons, detention camps, and interrogation facility, in addition to an unknown number of detainees abducted from several parts of the destroyed Gaza Strip since October 7, 2023.

About 3.661 Palestinian detainees are held under arbitrary Administrative Detention orders without charges or trial.




“With documented evidence, Aljazeera obtains footage revealing the use of Palestinian prisoners by (Israeli) occupation soldiers as human shields in the Gaza Strip. Footage show prisoners being tied with ropes & forced to enter destroyed homes or search for explosives & tunnels”

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