Trump as Van Gogh: self-mutilation of the ear?

a dynamic risk assessment for a possible Trump’s rogue fake self-attack and psy-op

 By: Claudio Resta


$ 280 BILLION US TAXPAYER DOLLARS INVESTED since 1948 in US/Israeli Ethnic Cleansing and Occupation Operation; $ 150B direct “aid” and $ 130B in “Offense” contracts
Source: Embassy of Israel, Washington, D.C. and US Department of State.

What follows is an extremely short and concise non-quantitative dynamic risk assessment for a possible Trump’s rogue fake attack and psy-op aimed at confirming or not this hypothesis.
It is extremely short and concise and non-quantitative for brevity and ease of reading even for those who are not experts in this type of analysis. That is, for every reader given that these dynamics are very logical and understandable even for those who have not studied them.

What is a Dynamic Risk Assessment? [Updated] - Lead Academy
If the goal of a politician like Trump is to win the next elections and at the same time avoid the next judicial troubles, certainly a psy-op that represents him as a victim of ”far-leftist” or foreign terrorism, a martyr of politics is the most successful solution…
As I have already said, I personally believe that this attack was a rogue covert fake auto false flag attack aimed at creating a positive psy-op to win the next elections and at the same time avoid the next judicial troubles.
Moreover it is very interesting that in some way this ”attack” is a mix, the synthesis of a series of American and non-American tragedies which are on a much higher scale of gravity but from each of which it draws inspiration, characters and analogies.
They range from the historical 1963 assassination of President JFK (Trump is a former President ).
To the historical 1968 assassination of Presidential Candidate RFK (Trump is a Presidential Candidate, or rather a Manchurian Candidate, see also my previous piece).

The Manchurian Candidate (1962) Movie Review for Parents

The 1962 Manchurian Candidate (film)

To the massacre allegedly carried out by Hamas in Israel on 7 October 2023, but which was later discovered to have been ”permitted” by Israel Government and to which the IDF also contributed significantly. See also Hannibal Directive.
As a tragic example of not only but also psychological warfare, manipulated and largely fake.
In the case of Butler attack to Trump of Saturday, July, 13th 2023, I am sorry for the victims, I don’ t think we will get ever the truth as in the killed Kennedys’ cases but I am certain enough to attribute it to Trump himself for the reasons I am about to explain.
An opinion this that is shared by Ron Paul among others.
Finally, I am not an expert on weapons, shots and firearms wounds but Gordon Duff can be regarded as an expert of them and together with others including Brett Bagget they maintain that Trump wasn’t wounded by a sniper and that the official version is fake due to various technical issues in which I don’t intend to delve into it.
However (by the Psy-Op point of view) a gunshot wound to the head is apparently and implicitly a sign and testimony to the homicidal intent of the shooter.
On the other hand, from the victim’s point of view, an injury to the ear appears to be the slightest and above all the least threatening to the victim’s life.
But what is the probability that someone who shoots someone aiming at someone’s head will hit him right in the ear, without hitting more vital or even more vascularized parts (risk of hemorrhage)?
Low I would say very low. So statistically low that I consider it practically impossible, (DRA) if associating it with the appropriate minimization of the risk to Trump’s life.
Then considering the fact that for a politician appearing as the victim of an attempted murder represents a great benefit, in electoral terms, making him appear as a martyr of his struggle, it can be said that the attack suffered by Trump, due to its forms and methods, represents the ‘excellent, an optimization of the risk/benefit ratio.

Trump assassination attempt puts strength vs. weakness test on display at RNC - Washington Examiner

Extraordinary for the theatricality of the gesture was the fact that as soon as Trump stood up he raised his fist in the air shouting: fight, fight, fight!
An Englishman, perhaps, would have observed that this heroic gesture lacks a bit of understatement.
But we know America is America and England is England…
By the way, if you were a 78-year-old man who abruptly found himself being the target of a completely unexpected shooting, who was thrown to the ground by a group of thugs, would you be able to get up from the ground shortly after by shaking your fist and shouting: fight, fight, fight? Wouldn’t you be a little dazed and in shock?
But again we already know Donald J Trump is an American hero!
Up to this point the attribution of this entire charade to Trump himself, A perfect staging worthy of an Italian Opera Buffa of 19th century.

All the Ears in the World:

All the Money in the World

is a 2017 biographical crime thriller film directed by Ridley Scott and written by David Scarpa, and based on John Pearson’s 1995 book Painfully Rich: The Outrageous Fortunes and Misfortunes of the Heirs of J. Paul Getty.

In 1973, 16-year-old John Paul Getty III, grandson of the world’s richest private citizen, oil tycoon J. Paul Getty, is kidnapped in Rome, where he lives, by the ‘Ndrangheta, a Mafia-like organized crime group based In Calabria. A ransom of $17 million is demanded, but Paul’s mother, Gail Harris Getty, is unable to pay it, as she rejected any alimony in exchange for full custody of her children when she divorced Paul’s father, John Paul Getty Jr., in 1971[ a] due to his drug addiction. She travels to Getty’s estate in England to beseech him to provide the money, but he refuses, stating that doing so would encourage further kidnappings of his family members, and instead asks Fletcher Chace, a Getty Oil negotiator and former CIA operative, to investigate the case and secure Paul’s release. The media quickly picks up on the story, and Gail is constantly hounded by paparazzi. Then  Paul’s new captors are much less patient, and more ruthless, than his former ones, and, after he almost escapes, they cut off one of his ears and mail it to a newspaper, claiming they will continue mutilating the boy until the ransom is paid .

What is Opera buffa? The new genre of comic opera in the first half of the 18th century

Opera Buffa

Pagliacci (‘Clowns’) is a 1892 Italian opera, with music and libretto by Ruggero Leoncavallo.

By the way don’t underestimate Opera works, the Nazis loved them especially if by Wagner (Russian contemporary militia, what a strange oxymoron!).

Rienzi Cd Richard Wagner, 40% OFF |

Rienzi: Last of the Roman Tribunes

Indeed, August Kubizek, a boyhood friend of Adolf Hitler, claimed that Hitler was so influenced by seeing Rienzi as a young man in 1906 or 1907 that it triggered his political career, and that when Kubizek reminded Hitler, in 1939 at Bayreuth, of his exultant response to the Rienzi Opera Hitler had replied, “At that hour it all began!”
Although Kubizek’s veracity has been seriously questioned, it is known that Hitler possessed the original manuscript of the opera , which he had requested and was given as a fifth birthday present in 1939.
The manuscript was with Hitler in his bunker; it was either stolen, lost or destroyed by fire in the destruction of the bunker’s contents after Hitler’s death (the manuscript of Wagner’s earlier work Die Feen is believed to have met with the same fate).
Thomas Gray comments:
In every step of Rienzi’s career – from … acclamation as leader of the Volk, through military struggle, violent suppression of mutinous factions, betrayal and … final immolation – Hitler would doubtless have found sustenance for his fantasies about him.

Nuremberg rallies - Wikipedia

soundtrack for such events chosen personally by Hitler: ouverture to Rienzi

That’s why David Bowie declared and wrote that Hitler was the first rockstar in the World!

Albert Speer claims to have remembered an incident when Robert Ley advocated using a modern composition to open the Party Rallies in Nuremberg, but Hitler rejected this idea:
“You know, Ley, it isn’t by chance that I have the Party Rallies open with the overture to Rienzi. It’s not just a musical question. At the age of twenty-four this man, an innkeeper’s son, persuaded the Roman people to drive out the corrupt Senate by reminding them of the magnificent past of the Roman Empire. Listening to this blessed music as a young man in the theater at Linz, I had the vision that I too must someday succeed in uniting the German Empire and making it great once more.”

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