The Greatest Threat To World Peace


By Gilad Atzmon

According to Ynet Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak are extremely concerned by the “Iranian threat”. Yedioth Ahronoth, the Israeli leading paper,  reported this week that  Netanyahu and Barak are pushing for action against Iran.

According to Israeli leading columnist Nahum Barnea the heads of the armed forces –and Mossad are opposed to taking action against Iran at this time.

Former Mossad Chief Meir Dagan had previously stated that an aerial attack on Iran was “a foolish idea” and warned against the disastrous consequences that would follow such action – an all out regional war. As it seems Dagan lost his job for expressing his views on the matter.

It looks as if Israel are preparing the ground for an attack on Iran that would probably escalate into a vile world conflict. Israeli leadership seems to fail to grasp the meaning of it all.  This leadership has managed to buy itself the reputation of being impervious to the notion of culpability and responsibility. It basically fails to understand the consequences of it is actions.

But far more devastating is the idea that Jewish Lobbies around the world are also far from being responsible to their actions. Liam Fox who resigned last week from being the British Defence Secretary, was heavily supported by the Jewish Lobby. He was also an enthusiastic advocate of an attack on Iran. Whether Fox was a ‘Mossad agent’, a ‘Jewish lobby’s puppet’ or even just a ‘useful idiot’ is yet to be decided. However, he was  clearly serving Israeli interests in our midst.

But he wasn’t alone, at the moment 80% of our leading party are Conservative Friends of Israel.

Isn’t the time ripe to drift as far as possible from Jerusalem and its stooges?

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