After untiring efforts, the prisoners extract the rights of the children of Damoon Nazi Camp

By: Sammi Ibrahem,Sr


Nazi Occupied Palestine : The Occupation Prisons Administration allowed the presence of a representative of the children prisoners transferred to Damoon Nazi Camp, after intensive efforts made by the prisoners over the past period.

The Palestinian Prisoners’ Club stated in a statement today, Monday, that the Nazi Occupation Prisons Administration allowed the presence of a representative of the child prisoners, so that he is with them throughout the day, explaining that this procedure is temporary until a special room is provided for their representative inside the department. 

He added that the prisoners were able to address some of the central issues, including the introduction of the “cantina” from which the prisoners had deprived the children since their transfer, and agreed to lift the penalties for them, specifically the fines, and to return the detainees from them to the department. 

He pointed out that the signs of the solution of their case started since last week, after the efforts of the prisoners to confront the attempts of the Nazi occupation prisons to impose a new reality on the fate of the children prisoners, and the most prominent features of their detention in sections without their representatives and the exclusion of them.  

During the month of January, the Occupation Prisons Administration transferred 33 children from Ofer Prison to Al-Damun Nazi Camp without their representatives, suddenly, and detained them in a section that did not meet the minimum requirements for human life, and they abused them, and isolated a group of them.

Some children were subjected to threats, except for sanctions, and the deprivation policy that affected their most important rights as child prisoners, knowing that 17 children remained in the department until the end of February, after the release of a number of them and the transfer of a number of others. 

It is noteworthy that the Nazi occupation authorities are holding about 200 children in its prisons, distributed in the Camps of “Ofer”, “Damoon” and “Megiddo”.

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Eight Palestinians were arrested from Jerusalem and the West Bank

Archive arrest

At dawn today, the Nazi occupation forces arrested eight Palestinians in Jerusalem and the occupied West Bank.

The village of Issawiya, northeast of Jerusalem, witnessed during the last night skirmishes and confrontations with the occupation, and an attack on Palestinian homes at dawn, and was searched thoroughly.

And the Nazi Gestapo intelligence and police withdrew after the arrest of the youths: Muhammad Esmat Ubaid, Muhammad Ayman Ubaid, and Ali Ubaid.

The family of the young man, Iyas Abeid, was also summoned for interrogation, after they raided the house, where he was not present during the storm.

The Nazi occupation forces arrested the young man, Musab Afaneh, at dawn today, after they raided his house in the town of Silwan, south of Jerusalem.

In Bethlehem, the Nazi occupation army arrested Majdi Abu Aker and Jihad Al-Sheikh after they stormed their homes in Aida camp, north of the city.

The Nazi occupation forces also arrested Basil Eid and Adnan Samara from Tulkarm.

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