
United Kingdom


NOVANEWS posted by lenin The Sunday Times' latest poll has the Tory lead down to 2% which, even if not reproduced uniformly in a general election, would produce a Labour minority government. The change is produced by a drop in the Tories' support from 39% to 37%, and a rise for Labour from 33% to 35%, thus cutting a six point lead to a 2 point lead. The change in each party's standing is in the margin of error (this is how it works, right?), so this probably an outlier. But it does fit into a broader trend of Labour recovery, and it does add to the indications that the Tories' lead was always fragile, and their support reluctant. Polls have shown that 82% of voters want 'change' in the government, but just over a third of voters think the Tories are that change. Some commentators had wond...


NOVANEWS Rights Group Complains After Troops Told That Gaza’s Civilian Population Was Not Innocent Israeli human rights group Yesh Din is calling for the ouster of the military’s top Zio-Nazi rabbi, Brigadier General Avichai Rontzki over his messages to soldiers during the 22-day military offensive in the Gaza Strip. The primary concern was a booklet which, among other things, contained a rabbinical edict against showing mercy. The booklet contains quotes from a nationalist rabbi which declares that showing mercy during the battle would be “terribly immoral” and quotes a medieval sage who cautioned ‘Jews’ not to “be enticed by the folly of the Gentiles who have mercy for the cruel.” Yesh Din says the booklet could have been seen by soldiers as official encouragement to act in violation of ...
Middle East


  NOVANEW Lisa Goldman is a freelance journalist and blogger. Her articles have been published in Time Out Tel Aviv, Ynet, the Forward, Haaretz, Corriere Della Sera, the Guardian and the Columbia Journalism Review. She lives in Tel Aviv. Over the past week, two prominent Zionist political analysts have written columns that pull no punches in portraying the current government as a collection of embarrassing buffoons at best; and dangerously paranoid at worst. Neither Haaretz's Aluf Benn nor Maariv's Ofer Shelah is a novice critic of the Netanyahu government. This round of criticism, however, goes beyond the normal gibes directed by cynical journalists at even-more-cynical politicians. Their articles reveal a sense of deep disquiet over the state of the state, and how the actions of...


NOVANEWS Below is the analysis of Henry Herskovitz (with Michelle J. Kinnucan) of Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends to a recent op-ed by Rebecca Tumposky on the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network (IJAN). There are many problems with IJAN, which lead me to doubt the purposes of the group. I first question whether they are a Palestinian solidarity group or yet another group that seeks to shield and preserve Jewish power both in Palestine and in the U.S. In this writer's opinion, Jews - if they are acting in a group that represents Jews in the peace movement - should first and foremost challenge what Akiva Eldar and J. J. Goldberg, among others, call the "Jewish lobby" - the powerful people and institutions (and their rank-and-file supporters) who dominate the US discourse and pol...
United Kingdom


February 23, 2010 Nothing illustrates the sensitivity of the European Union’s relationship with Zionism better than the statement which EU foreign ministers issued on Monday complaining about the use of forged European passports in last month’s killing of Mahmoud al-Mabhouh, the Hamas commander, in Dubai.  The statement contained several sentences that were masterpieces of waffle, such as the following: “The EU … believes that its passports remain among the most secure in the world, fully meeting all international standards.” The statement was, however, remarkable chiefly for its reluctance to spell out that the EU holds Zionist responsible for the flagrant misuse of identity documents belonging to European citizens.  It could hardly be otherwise, of course.  There is insufficient eviden...

Saudi cleric backs gender segregation with fatwa 2

The Saudi government pays a morals police squad that roams streets and shopping malls to make sure unrelated men and women are kept apart, that women are covered from head to toe and search for alcohol and drugs under the kingdom's austere interpretation of Islam. In 2008, Barrak issued a fatwa that two Saudi writers should be tried for apostasy for their "heretical articles" and put to death if they did not repent after the two wrote articles that questioned the Sunni Muslim view in Saudi Arabia that Christians and Jews should be considered unbelievers. He has also denounced Shi'ite Muslims as "infidels" in another edict that coincided with sectarian tensions in Iraq.

Saudi cleric backs gender segregation with fatwa

RIYADH (Reuters) - A prominent Saudi cleric has issued an edict calling for opponents of the kingdom's strict segregation of men and women to be put to death if they refuse to abandon their ideas. Shaikh Abdul-Rahman al-Barrak said in a fatwa the mixing of genders at the workplace or in education "as advocated by modernisers" is prohibited because it allows "sight of what is forbidden, and forbidden talk between men and women". "All of this leads to whatever ensues," he said in the text of the fatwa published on his website ( "Whoever allows this mixing ... allows forbidden things, and whoever allows them is an infidel and this means defection from Islam ... Either he retracts or he must be killed ... because he disavows and does not observe the Sharia," Barrak sai...
Middle East

Hamas: Assassinated Operative Put Himself at Risk

By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Published: February 20, 2010 GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip (AP) -- A Hamas leader assassinated during a visit to Dubai last month exposed himself to attack when he breached security protocol by talking about his trip over the phone and making hotel reservations on the Internet, the militant Islamic group said Saturday. The methodical stalking and killing of Mahmoud al-Mabhouh in a luxury hotel room -- widely blamed on Israel's Mossad spy agency -- has put Hamas on the defensive over purported security lapses. The new details emerged as the case has spread across several continents with investigators probing possible credit card links to U.S.-based banks and European officials grilling Israeli envoys over fraudulent passports. Hamas legislator Salah Bardawil said al-Mabhouh ...


NOVA NEWS  Click on Picture for Link! In this video you will hear no hate speech from you will hear unbelievably horrible hate speech right out of the largest Zionist newspaper in the United States. The video will exposes how a prominent Chabad rabbi says that it is moral to kill a Gentile and steal his liver because, he says, Jews are divine and Gentiles are good for nothing but to supply organs for the Godlike Jews. You think you are dreaming this, but it is real. Yet, who in the mainstream media dares to exposes this? The mainstream media won’t talk about it. They wont tell us how Hanukkah is a celebration for the massacre of Gentiles and Jews 2,000 years ago who “only wanted to get along.”  This is certainly one of the best anti-hate speech videos ever made! Kudos to Ares for work o...


NOVANEWS It used to be that Zionists were outraged by the Palestinian practice of packing bombs with metal objects to cause maximum damage in suicide bombings. They would publish ghastly descriptions and pictures, like: Front view of a pelvis imbedded with nails and metal fragments. X-rays taken from victims of suicide bombings reveal pieces of metallic fragments embedded in their skin, muscles, organs and bones, says Dr. Michael Messing, who visited the victims of suicide bombings while at the Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem. Suicide bombers pack their bombs with nails and other objects so even survivors of suicide bombings will suffer from the bomb's effects. "They're trying to maximize the number of people they kill and injure," said Messing of the terrorists. The accusation bec...