Austria: A series of anti-aggression events

“All property of other nations belongs to the Jewish nation, which, consequently, is entitled
to seize upon it without any scruples.”

Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 348

By: John Phoenix

The Austrian capital, Vienna, witnessed a series of events against the war of genocide launched by the Zionist enemy on the Gaza Strip, which were organized by Palestinian activists and those in solidarity with the rights of the Palestinian people.
Yesterday, Monday, in Vienna, a solidarity stand was witnessed in support of the Palestinian people in Gaza and their valiant resistance against the occupation. It witnessed the delivery of a group of speeches by Arab and Austrian activists and activists who carried political stances through these words, and the participants raised pictures and slogans exposing the brutal crimes of the occupation against the Palestinian people. And his frantic campaign that aims to exterminate and displace our people in the Gaza Strip.

On the evening of Sunday, October 15, about two hundred demonstrators demonstrated in front of the Austrian presidential headquarters in Vienna, in a demonstration called for by the Palestine Arab Club. The demonstrators carried Palestinian flags and banners demanding freedom for Palestine and holding the European Union responsible for participating in Israeli crimes, and expressed their solidarity with the people. The Palestinians against the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip, and their dissatisfaction with the official Austrian positions in support of Israel, especially raising the Israeli flag on the roof of the Prime Minister’s Office, and the speakers came from various associations, including the Jordanian community, the Palestine Solidarity Group in Austria, the Anti-Imperialists, and the Austrian Arab Cultural Center (Okaz). ) and the Trotskyist International Communist Tendency Organization expressed their condemnation of the Zionist aggression and their support for the rights of the Palestinian people. The organizers called for participation in more protests during the following days.
Vienna has also witnessed protests since the beginning of the aggression, in which participants were subjected to harassment and various forms of repression from the Austrian police, one of which was the issuance of illegal gathering tickets to participants in these events, in a situation that reflects the hostile policies pursued by many European governments against our people and the Solidarity Movement.

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