
The Struggle for Environmental Justice in Africa
Africa, Climate Crisis

The Struggle for Environmental Justice in Africa

The framework of our civilization is premised on the destruction of the planet.By Nnimmo BasseyThe struggle for environmental justice in Africa is complex and broad. It is the continuation of the fight for the liberation of the continent and for socio-ecological transformation. It is a fact that the environment is our life: The soil, rivers, and air are not inanimate or lifeless entities. We are rooted and anchored in our environment. Our roots are sunk into our environment and that is where our nourishment comes from. We do not see the Earth and her bountiful gifts as items that must be exploited, transformed, consumed, or wasted. The understanding of the Earth as a living entity and not a dead thing warns that rapacious exploitation that disrupts her regenerative powers are acts of ...
Africa, Morocco, ZIO-NAZI


Posted by: John Phoenix On December 22, 2020, Israel and Morocco officially normalized relations after former President Donald Trump’s administration declared occupied Western Sahara as Moroccan. In the years following, Israeli companies have boosted their business involvement in Western Sahara, suggesting the pair’s cooperation is fueling each other’s land theft. In 1975, Morocco annexed part of Western Sahara – a region indigenous to the Sahrawi people – and its entirety in 1979. Few have accepted these actions: today, 82 countries recognize Western Sahara’s independence, while only the United States recognizes Moroccan sovereignty over the land. “THE WORST OF THE WORST” While Israel hasn’t officially recognized Western Sahara as part of Morocco, several Is...
Morocco, ZIO-NAZI


Feature photo | Illustration by MintPress News In December 22, 2020, Israel and Morocco officially normalized relations after former President Donald Trump’s administration declared occupied Western Sahara as Moroccan. In the years following, Israeli companies have boosted their business involvement in Western Sahara, suggesting the pair’s cooperation is fueling each other’s land theft. In 1975, Morocco annexed part of Western Sahara – a region indigenous to the Sahrawi people – and its entirety in 1979. Few have accepted these actions: today, 82 countries recognize Western Sahara’s independence, while only the United States recognizes Moroccan sovereignty over the land. “THE WORST OF THE WORST” While Israel hasn’t officially recognized Western Sahara as part of ...
Genocide in Sudan: Oil, Gold, the United States, Russi
Africa, Sudan

Genocide in Sudan: Oil, Gold, the United States, Russi

 By: Philippa Jane Winkler $ 280 BILLION US TAXPAYER DOLLARS INVESTED since 1948 in US/Israeli Ethnic Cleansing and Occupation Operation; $ 150B direct "aid" and $ 130B in "Offense" contractsSource: Embassy of Israel, Washington, D.C. and US Department of State. Little has been reported by the Western media on the genocide in Sudan, where the US and Russia are playing out a superpower rivalry. A year ago in April, fighting erupted between Sudan’s army chief, General Abdel Fattah Burhan, of the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo of the rebel Rapid Support Forces (RSF.) The crisis continues to escalate with no end in sight. Both sides have been accused of committing human rights violations and ethnic cleansing. A genocide is being carried out...
Colonel Africa

Colonel Africa

By: Ilona Yegiazarova The following article is taken largely verbatim from an article written by Ilona Yegiazarova in the Moskovskaya Pravda of 18 September 2020.  Some material irrelevant for the present purposes has been omitted and a few additional facts have been added.  It recounts the life of a Spanish-born KGB Intelligence Officer, Africa de las Heras, whose little-known story we bring forward as LALKAR’s contribution to the celebration of International Women’s Day. On September 18, 2020, the City of Moscow daily newspaper Moskovskaya Pravda published a chapter from an upcoming book on Soviet intelligence officers by journalist Ilona Yegiazarova. The chapter describes the life and work of Africa de las Heras (1909-1988), a Spanish-born S...
Nicaragua joins South Africa at the ICJ in support of Palestine
Africa, Nicaragua, South Africa

Nicaragua joins South Africa at the ICJ in support of Palestine

The way that different countries have responded to the ongoing genocide in Gaza says everything about which interests their governments really represent. Proletarian writers Subscribe to our  channel The anti-imperialist solidarity between the revolutionaries and national-liberation movements of Nicaragua and Palestine is not new, but it is testament to the principled leadership of the Sandinistas that Nicaragua is willing to put itself forward against zionism on the world stage, knowing full well that this will bring the opprobrium of international finance capital down on its head. While Yemen has been the first state actor to deliver full practical solidarity with the Palestinian struggle, and South Africa was the first to have recourse to international l...


By: GILAD ATZMON  Jerusalem 1973 Ashraf Marwan is a controversial figure within Israel’s intelligence community. Some regard him as Israel’s best ever Arab spy, others see him as an Egyptian spymaster who misled the Israeli military ahead of the 1973 war that was a military disaster for the Jewish state. In June 2007, Marwan ‘fell’ from the balcony of his London house. His wife and many commentators accused the Mossad of the assassination. Marwan was born in 1944 to an influential Egyptian family. At the age of 21 he married Mona Nasser, president Gamal Abdel Nasser’s second daughter and secured his place in the corridors of power in 1960s Cairo. Following its humiliating defeat in the 1967 war, Egypt started to prepare its military to take back the Sin...
The Rwandan Genocide
Africa, Rwanda

The Rwandan Genocide

RON UNZ  EPub Format Although I sometimes fall short, I always try to be very accurate and careful in my writing, doing my best to avoid the mistakes that might be eagerly pounced upon by my legion of harsh critics. This is especially necessary when discussing the ultra-controversial topics that are so often the focus of my essays. For example, a few weeks after Israel began its brutal military assault on Gaza in retaliation for the October 7th Hamas raid, one of my articles included the following passage: Last Thursday, most of the world was still reeling from the televised devastation in Gaza, as a densely-populated portion of one of its largest refugee camps was demolished by multiple 2,000-pound Israeli bombs, apparently killing hundreds of helpless Palestinian civili...
Kenyan health workers protest repression, government failure to meet demands

Kenyan health workers protest repression, government failure to meet demands

Kenyan health workers’ union, KMPDU, is preparing for new round of actions in response to police brutality against trade union officials during a demonstration. By Peoples Health Dispatch Photo: Social Media The Kenya Medical Practitioners, Pharmacists and Dentists Union (KMPDU) has announced it will ramp up industrial action in the coming days, as the government has failed to meet its demands for the assignment of interns and the payment of postgraduates’ fees. This announcement followed weeks of intensified demonstrations by the union.  During one of the most recent protests in Nairobi, on February 29, KMPDU Secretary General Davji Bhimji Atellah sustained a head injury when the police sprayed tear gas on the protesters. The trade union reported ...
New alliance is a knock-out for NATO in the Sahel

New alliance is a knock-out for NATO in the Sahel

Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger, by founding a new Alliance of Sahel States, have started a revolution in the continent’s geopolitics. Franklin Nyamsi Subscribe to our  channel Since the popular coup in Niger last August completed a trio of adjoining anti-imperialist revolutions in West Africa, the pace of decolonisation has continued to accelerate. Not only have French troops and organs of control been liquidated, but meaningful measures to enforce real sovereignty and improve the lives of the people are being implemented in Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso alike. Steady moves towards greater economic and military integration reflect the long suppressed pan-Africanist roots and aspirations of the region which gave birth to Thomas Sankara and Amilcar Cabral. Reproduced from...