


NOVANEWS By : Max Aji Zionist regime of Mu-Barak in Egypt is taking a lesson from its financier. You don't like what's coming over your border? Solution's simple. Lock it down. In lieu of gassing the tunnels while Palestinians are inside them--with mounting deaths--Mu-Barak has decided to drop huge steel slabs 20 to 30 meters deep into the earth. They will cut off most, but not all, of the ongoing "smuggling": food, fuel, water, medicine. Electronics, cows, and quartered cars. The cars, perhaps the Palestinians can do without for the moment. They're only accessible to the ~10 percent of the population that effectively participates in the money-economy. Lack of cars tends not to kill. Food is a bit of a problem. So is gas. The tunnels supply all of the commercial-use petrol and diesel avail...


NOVANEWS I am proud of what the GFM did. But we did not break the siege. Viva Palestine did. It’s worth thinking about why, and how, except, I’m still waiting for per­mis­sion to get into Gaza from the Mu-Barak Zionist regime. So that will wait, except to note that Viva has effec­tively straddled the humanitarian-political barrier very effec­tively, despite whatever other short­com­ings the convoys may have. They get aid, monetary and political, and are able to bring in real physical assis­tance and intan­gi­ble morale to the inhab­i­tants of Gaza, without com­pro­mis­ing the struggle. Until then: “The world will be seeing this image. And what is this image? This image is a human­i­tar­ian convoy, with medicine, from 17 countries, with people of all races and creeds, coming together being...


Many of the Zionist extremists are now insanely lobbying for the “nuclear option” against Iran. If these Zionist supremacists have their way and are able to manipulate a catastrophic war against Iran, will they invent new foods next year, perhaps microwaved meat symbolizing the radiated flesh of Ahmadinejad and the hundreds of thousands of nuclear radiated Iranians. What better way for Zionists to “express their love of their neighbors than a nice plate of “Haman’s ears.” This year at the time of Purim, the world needs to know and understand the Zionist extremist hatred that leads us to a horrific war against Iran. We hear constantly about the threat of Muslim extremism. When will we hear about the far greater threat of Zionist extremism that leads the world to Armageddon in Iran. Unles...


    ياجماعه السنه دى الريس بتاعنا فى يوم 4 مايو هيتم 81 سنه ان شاء الله منهم 28 سنه فى الحكم والله اعلم هيعيش كا سنه كمان (ربنا يديلوا طولة العمر) وهيبقى برضوا فى الحكم ولا مين هيبقى مكانه (ربنا يستر) و بالمناسبه رقم 81 هو رقم نفس السنه اللى بدا الريس فيها حكمه لمصر _ 14 اكتوبر 1981 شوفوا بقه كل واحد هيقدم ايه للريس بتاعوا فى يوم ميلاده من خلال الفيس بوك وانت وزوقك بقه يامعلم والكلام للكل اللى بيحب الريس والى بيحبه اوى , لكن انت مش هتقدر تقدمله حاجه يد بيد طيب ايه اللى نفسك تقدمه لو كنت تقدر توصله طبعا مناسبه ميلاد الريس مش مناسبه عاديه دى اكيد بتمثل لكل واحد فينا حاجات كتيير وخصوصا جيل الشباب لان كل واحد فينا من اللى عمرهم اقل من 29 فهو قد نشا وترعرع فى ظل حكم الريس مبارك _احمد هيقوللى ان اتولدت فى الكويت وعمر انا كمان كنت عايش فى السعوديه_ مش مشكلتى برضوا مصريين و مبارك يبقى رئيسك...


  ياشعبي حبيبي ياروحي يابيبي ياحاطك في جيبي يابن الحلالياشعبي ياشاطر ياجابر خواطر ياساكن مقابر وصابر وعال ياواكل سمومك يابايع هدومك ياحامل همومك وشايل جبال ياشعبي اللي نايم وسارح وهايم وفي الفقر عايم وحاله ده حال احبك محشش مفرفش مطنش ودايخ مدروخ واخر انسطال احبك مكبر دماغك مخدر ممشي امورك كده باتكال واحب اللي ينصب واحب اللي يكدب واحب اللي ينهب ويسرق تلال واحب اللي شايف وعارف وخايف وبالع لسانه وكاتم ماقال واحب اللي قافل عيونه المغفل واحب البهايم واحب البغال واحب اللي راضي واحب اللي فاضي واحب اللي عايز يربي العيال واحب اللي يائس واحب اللي بائس واحب اللي محبط وشايف محال واحبك تسافر وتبعد تهاجر وتبعت فلوسك دولار او ريال واحبك تطبل تهلل تهبل عشان مطش كوره وفيلم ومقال واحبك تأيد تعضض تمجد توافق تنافق وتلحس نعال تحضر نشادر تجمع كوادر تلمع تقمع تظبط مجال لكن لو تفكر تخطط تقرر تشغلي مخك وتفتح جدال ...


قبل القراءه كده الموضوع ده جديد ولسه حاصل في خلال الايام دي احنا النهارده16/2/2009 والاب ده خايف ان الموضوع يوصل للصحافه بس انا قلت انشره هنا حاجه كده علي قدنا واوعدكم لو رضي ان الموضوع يوصل للصحافه هيوصل زي الصاروخ ولو حد من الصحافه شاف الموضوع هنا ونقله والراجل حصله ضرر يبقي نصيبه كده بقي وربنا يصبره ويقويه علي الظلم والظالمين     الحكاية اللى انا هحكيها دى من صميم جرح بيت مصرى على اد حاله يادوب بيقول ياحيط دارين المهم ندخل فى الموضوع على طول الحكاية هى حكاية مدرس انجليزى كان بيدرسلى ايام ثانوى الراجل ده انا ماشوفتش حد فى اخلاقه ولا فى ادبه بصراحة راجل قمة عنده ابن دخل الكلية السنة دى ولأن ابنه كان فى فريق كورة وكان دايما بيكسبوا ماتشات شاء القدر  وربنا كاتبله يدخل كلية الحربية ومن غير وسايط ولا...........كاش من تحت الطرابيزة ولا اى حاجة المهم دخل بمجموعه ومجهوده وكان مرتاح جدا فى الدراس...


NOVANEWS (Ursula Lindsey is a Cairo-based reporter and writer.) In late December 2009, Arab TV channels aired footage of throngs of demonstrators, surrounded by the usual rows of riot police, on the streets of downtown Cairo and in front of foreign embassies. Street protests in Egypt have been sharply curtailed in the last few years, but the scene was familiar to anyone who had been in the country in 2005, when protests against President Husni Mubarak’s regime and in favor of judicial independence were a semi-regular occurrence. Yet there was something unusual about these protesters: They were all foreigners. The demonstrators were Palestine solidarity activists from 43 countries, and they had come to Egypt planning to cross the Egyptian-controlled...


NOVANEWS A few months after his release from prison, Egyptian opposition leader Ayman Nour is in the news again. Nour, who walked free last February on health grounds after almost four years in jail, has recently reported to the police an attack on him by an anonymous person. His critics claim he has made up the incident to keep attention focused on him. "A person on a motorbike attacked me with a spray bottle while I was walking in (the Cairo fashionable quarter of) Zamalek," Nour told reporters. I did not see the assailant, who was 17 or 19. I suffered burns on the forehead as a result." According to Nour, the alleged attack was politically motivated. It took place after "I announced that I would run for the parliament next year". Nour trailed a distant second to puppet Hosni Mubarak in ...


NOVANEWS Several Egyptian newspapers and lawmakers in Egypt have called on the country's Islamic cleric, Sheik Muhammad Seyed Tantawi to resign Saturday for shaking the Zio=Nazi president's hand at a conference. Tantawi is the Imam of Al Azhar university, Sunni Islam's most prestigious and authoritative seat of learning. Tantawi met Zionist President Shimon Peres at an 'interfaith' meeting and shook his hands. Egyptian media have since been running a photo of Grand Sheik Tantawi shaking hands with Nazi Shimon Peres almost daily since the two met at a U.N.-sponsored interfaith dialogue in New York last month. The photo is accompanied by critical editorials and comments by lawmakers. The U.N.-sponsored interfaith ...