South Africa

South Africa

Back to Segregation? White-Only South African Town Denies Allegation of Racism

NOVANEWS South Africa's white-only town inhabitants deny allegations of racism. | Photo: Reuters A town called Eureka in the Northern Cape province of South Africa is built by white Afrikaans exclusively for themselves but they deny the move is racist. White South Africans have built a white-only town in the Northern Cape province. A white-only town is not racist according to the inhabitants. RELATED: South Africa: Ramaphosa Heading for Another Electoral Victory The town, called Eureka, is only for white Afrikaans speaking people who allege to be victims of racism. The place is built to protect and preserve the Afrikana culture, language, and way of life according to Okkert Swanpoel, one of the inhabitants of Eureka. “With affirmative action, it made it increasi...
Palestine Affairs, South Africa, ZIO-NAZI

I fought South African apartheid

NOVANEWS I fought South African apartheid. I see the same brutal policies in Israel Ronnie Kasrils I was shut down in South Africa for speaking out, and I’m disturbed that the same is happening to critics of Israel now • Ronnie Kasrils was a leading member of the African National Congress during the apartheid era and former government minister Wed 3 Apr 2019 10.00 BSTLast modified on Wed 3 Apr 2019 12.46 BST ‘Benjamin Netanyahu said recently: ‘Israel is not a state of all its citizens … Israel is the nation state of the Jewish people – and them alone.’ Photograph: Amir Levy/Getty Images As a Jewish South African anti-apartheid activist I look with horror on the far-right shift in Israel ahead of this month’s elections, and the impact in the Palestinian territories and world...
Palestine Affairs, South Africa, ZIO-NAZI

By Cutting Off Relations, South Africa Has Branded 'Israel' With the Mark of Cain

NOVANEWS Gideon Levy  FILE PHOTO: A child takes part in a rally against the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories in Cape Town, South Africa, August 9, 2014.Schalk van Zuydam / AP South Africa recalls ambassador to Israel in wake of 'indiscriminate' killing in Gaza South Africa will not reinstate ambassador to Israel, recalled over Gaza deaths South African firm backs out of Israeli-led dairy purchase after BDS pressure Because of the election battle, an important item fell by the wayside that should have resonated here: South Africa has decided to downgrade its relations with Israel to the level of liaison bureau, which will not deal with bilateral relations. Ambassador to Israel Sisa Ngombane, who was recalled to protest the killing of...
Africa, Palestine Affairs, South Africa, ZIO-NAZI

A Foreign Ministry: First stage of Nazi embassy downgrade complete

NOVANEWS Related South Africa downgrades embassy to liaison office in Tel Aviv Kahanism: The logical conclusion of Zionism Activists in Nigeria, SA call for end to Israeli occupation AOHR UK: Mossad is believed to have investigated, tortured Baajour South Africa has already completed stage one in the process of the downgrading of its embassy to Tel Aviv, and South African ambassador to Tel Aviv, Sisa Ngombane, is back in South Africa, said Minister of International Relations, Lindiwe Sisulu, on Wednesday. Speaking at the South African Institute of International Affairs in Johannesburg, Sisulu went on to say: “Our liaison office in Tel Aviv will have no political mandate, no trade mandate and no development co-operation mandate. It will not be responsible for t...
Africa, Palestine Affairs, South Africa

Protests in Nigeria, South Africa in support of Palestinian rights

NOVANEWS Hundreds took to the streets in the south-western Nigerian city of Iwo (Osun State), in a march organised by Nigerian Friends of Palestine on 30 March, 2019 [File photo]. Nigerians and South Africans joined tens of thousands of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip in commemorating the first anniversary of the Great March of Return and Palestinian Land Day on Saturday. On Saturday, hundreds took to the streets in Iwo, in a march organised by Nigerian Friends of Palestine. “Until freedom is attained we will remain committed to the Palestinian cause,” spokesperson Daood Imran Molaasan told the Afro-Palestine Newswire Service. Today, we are defending a just cause and we need not be Palestinians or Muslims to do so he added. Other Nigerian rights activists and Muslim scholars ha...
South Africa, USA

Trump orders Pompeo to ‘closely study’ South Africa’s land expropriation

NOVANEWS © Siphiwe Sibeko / Reuters US President Donald Trump has expressed concern over the fate of white farmers in South Africa, where the extremely controversial land redistribution reform might leave owners without their properties or any compensation. “I have asked Secretary of State @SecPompeo to closely study the South Africa land and farm seizures and expropriations and the large scale killing of farmers. 'South African Government is now seizing land from white farmers,'” Trump tweeted. The South African government this week has reportedly moved to seize two farms from owners who refused to accept the government-set compensation, triggering panic among landlords and investors. Donald J. Trump ✔@realDonaldTrump I have asked Secretary of State @SecPompeo to closel...
Africa, Palestine Affairs, South Africa, ZIO-NAZI

NDP MPs must stop being ‘friends’ with the Nazi regime

NOVANEWS NDP MPs must stop being ‘friends’ with Israel By Yves Engler  Is it appropriate for NDP Members of Parliament to be working for “greater friendship” with a country that is killing and maiming thousands of non-violent protestors? Would it have been appropriate for any elected member of the party to be a “friend” with South Africa’s government during the apartheid era? Victoria area MPs Randall Garrison (left) and Murray Rankin are members of the Canada Israel Interparliamentary Group (previously named Canada-Israel Friendship Group). Garrison is vice-chair of a group designed to promote “greater friendship” and “cooperation” between the two countries’ parliaments. The chair of the group is York Centre MP Michael Levitt, a former board member of the explicitly racist Jewish Nationa...
Africa, Palestine Affairs, South Africa

South Africa Downgrades Nazi Embassy in Protest of Trump Jerusalem Decision

NOVANEWS A Palestinian protester throws a stone at Nazi forces during protest against U.S. President Trump's decision on Jerusalem, near Ramallah, Dec. 20, 2017 | Photo: Reuters. South Africa’s ruling party said it is downsizing its embassy in Israel to a “Liaison Office” in solidarity with Palestinians in the face of U.S. bias toward Israel. South Africa will downside its diplomatic representation in Israel in response to the U.S. government's controversial decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, the ruling African National Congress said Wednesday. RELATED: Palestine Slams US 'Blackmail' Says Jerusalem Not 'for Sale' “In order to give our practical expression of support to the oppressed people of Palestine, the ANC has unanimously resolved to di...
South Africa

Entre-preneurship for radical economic transformation in South Africa

NOVANEWS Paresh Soni Entrepreneurship is more than just an economic term — it is a way of thinking. Creating jobs, empowering people and giving individuals access to better lives is certainly a development goal which all countries aspire to. But while South Africa has embraced the rhetoric, it has yet to create the economic ecosystem necessary for entrepreneurship to thrive. Addressing widespread poverty is the single most important policy challenge facing South Africa. Not only is poverty high when benchmarked against other emerging economies of the world, but also the rate of poverty reduction has been slow. Whilst the South African economy has grown since 1994, albeit at a snail’s pace, poverty incidence remains relatively...
South Africa

Lesotho government’s new-found political will is welcome, but it will not solve endemic corruption

NOVANEWS Lesotho Times Moletsane Monyake The new government of Lesotho has promised to tackle the scourge of corruption. But Basotho are familiar with such pledges that never translate into action. Political will is not enough to eliminate corruption where the vice is endemic, performs the basic function of maintaining political stability and is key to winning an election. One of the reasons a national budget speech is such an important occasion is that it reflects the goals and priorities of the government of the day. A budget speech transforms political rhetoric and campaign promises into concrete policies that address practical problems. In Lesotho, and other developing countries, this speech provides a benchmark against which ‘development partners’ can gauge how f...