
Will China’s Rise be as Problematic as the Rise of Germany and Japan? What About Jewish Supremacist Power and the Problems of White Submissivism?
China, Germany, Japan, ZIO-NAZI

Will China’s Rise be as Problematic as the Rise of Germany and Japan? What About Jewish Supremacist Power and the Problems of White Submissivism? JUNG-FREUD  Share to Gab Some geopolitical strategists fear that China’s rise in the 21st century will mirror the dramatic rises of Germany and Japan in the late 19th century that came to plague the first half of the 20th century, though for reasons not entirely their own. Perhaps, it’s a misplaced fear. Such assurance may seem counterintuitive because China is so much bigger and more populous than Germany or Japan. Paradoxically, however, China might be less dangerous than Japan and Germany precisely because it is the bigger nation. Being huge in landmass and population, China is more likely to be satisfied with what it has. China surely seeks to expand trade around the world but doesn’t need to conquer or control other nations to be a great po...
Can China and the United States Establish Mutual Respect to Lessen Tensions?
China, USA

Can China and the United States Establish Mutual Respect to Lessen Tensions?

Analysis: Can China and the United States Establish Mutual Respect to Lessen Tensions? By: Kimpavitapress                                                            1 x                                       Source: Globetrotter On June 3, 2023, naval vessels from the United States and Canada conducted a joint military exercise in the South China Sea. A Chinese warship (LY 132) overtook the U.S. guided-missile destroyer (USS Chung-Hoon) and speeded across its path. The U.S. Indo-Pacific Command released a statement saying that the Chinese ship “executed maneuvers in an unsafe manner.” The spokesperson from China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Wang Wenbin, responded that the United States “made provocations first and China responded,” and ...
China, Palestine Affairs


OPINION & ANALYSIS CHINA AND PALESTINE: NO TO ‘PIECEMEAL CRISIS MANAGEMENT’ Remarks by China’s United Nations Ambassador, Geng Shuang, on the situation in Occupied Palestine on May 24 were impeccable in terms of their consistency with international law. Compared to the United States’ position, which perceives the UN, and particularly the Security Council, as a battleground to defend Israeli interests, the Chinese political discourse reflects a legal stance based on a deep understanding of the realities on the ground. Articulating the Chinese thinking during a UNSC ‘Briefing on the Situation in the Middle East, including the Palestine Question,’ Geng did not mince his words. He spoke forcefully about the “irreplaceable” need for a “comprehensive and just solut...
China, Palestine Affairs


Remarks by China’s United Nations Ambassador, Geng Shuang, on the situation in Occupied Palestine on May 24 were impeccable in terms of their consistency with international law. Compared to the United States’ position, which perceives the UN, and particularly the Security Council, as a battleground to defend Israeli interests, the Chinese political discourse reflects a legal stance based on a deep understanding of the realities on the ground. Articulating the Chinese thinking during a UNSC ‘Briefing on the Situation in the Middle East, including the Palestine Question,’ Geng did not mince his words. He spoke forcefully about the “irreplaceable” need for a “comprehensive and just solution” that is based on ending Israel’s “provocations” in Jerusalem and the respect for ...
Russia – China Are on a Roll
China, Russia

Russia – China Are on a Roll

PEPE ESCOBAR  While the dogs of war bark, lie and steal, the Russia-China caravan strolls on. 2023 may be defined for posterity as The Year of the Russia-China Strategic Partnership. This wonder of wonders could easily sway under a groove by – who else – Stevie Wonder: “Here I am baby/ signed, sealed, delivered, I’m yours.” In the first 11 months of 2023, trade between Russia and China exceeded $200 billion; they did not expect to achieve that until 2024. Now surely that’s One Partnership Under a Groove. Once again signed, sealed and delivered during the visit of a large delegation to Beijing last week, led by Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin, who met with Chinese President Xi Jinping and revisited and upgraded the whole spectrum of the comprehensive partnership/strategic ...
After Years of Joe Biden Threatening War, Media Frames Xi’s Statements on Taiwan as Aggressive
China, USA

After Years of Joe Biden Threatening War, Media Frames Xi’s Statements on Taiwan as Aggressive

ANDREW ANGLIN  There cannot be more than one China. The idea never made any sense. It’s a weird relic of the 1950s. People don’t really even seem to understand that Taiwan claims it is the government of all of China. It’s not called “Taiwan,” officially it is called “The Republic of China.” Now, Joe Biden is claiming it is an independent country, which no one ever claimed, including the government of Taiwan. What happened was: there was a communist revolution, and the non-communists fled to Taiwan, and were supported by America as the government of China. Then, in the 1970s, when China opened up, the US itself agreed that there is only one China. It’s called “The One China Policy.” Joe Biden has apparently totally reversed this policy. It’s not at all clear what the curren...
Stalin and the Chinese Revolution
China, Russia

Stalin and the Chinese Revolution

Posted by: John Phoenix Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin Presentation made by Harpal Brar to the Stalin Society on 18 October 2009 to mark the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China and the forthcoming 130th anniversary of the birth of Stalin _______________ In the latter half of the 1920s the Trotskyist opposition (Trotsky, Zinoviev, Radek and Kamenev) accused the ‘Stalinist bureaucracy’ i.e. the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (Bolshevik) [CPSU(B)] and the Comintern of selling the Chinese Revolution and the Chinese communists down the river – of betraying the Chinese Revolution. This slander has since then been picked up, and repeated thousands of times, by the Trotskyite counter-revolutionaries, revisionist renegades, social democrats,...
Putin remembers ‘outstanding’ Kissinger
China, Russia, USA

Putin remembers ‘outstanding’ Kissinger

The Russian president has described the late statesman as “far-sighted” and “wise” Criminal Henry Kissinger Condolences have been pouring in from foreign leaders and dignitaries after veteran US diplomat Henry Kissinger passed away at the age of 100 on Wednesday. Russian President Vladimir Putin has said it was thanks to the American statesman that the world became a safer place back in the 1970s despite the intense rivalry between the US and the Soviet Union. In a letter to Nancy Kissinger published on the Kremlin’s website on Thursday, Putin wrote that an “outstanding diplomat, a wise and far-sighted statesman has passed away.” He added that the former US secretary of state, who served from 1973 to 1977 under Presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford, was considered an autho...
When the Torturer is the ‘Savior’: Can BRICS, Global South Help Us Escape the West’s Hegemony, Contradictions
China, Politics, Russia, USA

When the Torturer is the ‘Savior’: Can BRICS, Global South Help Us Escape the West’s Hegemony, Contradictions

The BRICS Meeting in South Africa in August 2023. (Photo: via Wikimedia Commons) By Ramzy Baroud & Romana Rubeo Without downplaying the internal contradictions among the main countries that established the BRICS group or the newcomers, one cannot help but ponder a world without US-Western domination. At the zenith of the mass protests in Egypt on January 25, 2011, Twitter, Facebook and other Western-based social media platforms appeared to be the most essential tools for the Egyptian Revolution. Though some observers later contested the use of the terms ‘Twitter Revolution’ or ‘Social Media Revolution’, one cannot deny the centrality of these platforms in the discussion around the events which attempted to redefine the power structures of Egy...
Russia-China de-dollarization almost complete
China, Russia, USA

Russia-China de-dollarization almost complete

95% of trade between the countries is now settled in their national currencies, according to Andrey Belousov ©  Getty Images / Martin Puddy Western currencies have been almost completely phased out in Russia-China trade, as nearly all payments between the countries are now carried out in rubles and yuan, Russian First Deputy Prime Minister Andrey Belousov announced on Monday.  Since the introduction of Western sanctions on Moscow, Russia and China have accelerated the use of their own currencies in trade. According to Belousov, 95% of all transactions between Russia and China are now carried out in one of the countries' national currencies, and given the rapid expansion of mutual trade and cooperation, this percentage is likely to grow. Speaking at a meeting...