
This is How Nazi Gilad Erdan Became a Defender of Women’s Rights in Iran
Gaza, Holocaust, Human Rights, Iran, Palestine Affairs, West Bank, ZIO-NAZI

This is How Nazi Gilad Erdan Became a Defender of Women’s Rights in Iran

Ambassador of Israeli Crimes: This is How Gilad Erdan Became a Defender of Women’s Rights in Iran BY RAMZY BAROUD Image by Cole Keister. A new trend is emerging in the Israeli hasbara discourse targeting Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims: women’s rights. The word ‘new’ is not exactly accurate. The misuse of the genuine struggle for women’s rights in the Arab and Muslim world is only new insofar as the increasing reliance on the tactic within the larger Israeli propaganda discourse. This was demonstrated in a most bizarre way during the speech of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi on September 19, at the 78th Session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York. The story was orchestrated by Gilad Erdan, a mediocre Israeli diplomat and Tel Aviv’s UN Ambassa...
Iran President: Time has come for action on Gaza
Gaza, Holocaust, Human Rights, Iran, Palestine Affairs, West Bank, ZIO-NAZI

Iran President: Time has come for action on Gaza

"The Akum (non-Jew) is like a dog. Yes, the scripture teaches to honor the the dog more than the non-Jew."JEWISH TALMUD Ereget Raschi Erod. 22 30 Home\Daily News Short url Related Displacement Corridor in Gaza WHO: A child is killed every 10 minutes in Gaza United Nations: Israel destroyed half of Gaza's houses in one month Surgeries are performed without anesthesia Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi said on Saturday that the time had come for action over the conflict in Gaza rather than talk, affirming that Washington has been hindering a ceasefire and expanding the war.   "Gaza is not an arena for words. It should be for action," Raisi said at Tehran airport before departing for the summit of Arab and Islamic nations in the Saudi Arabian capital Riyadh....
Iran: Khamenei met with Hamas leader Haniyeh
Gaza, Holocaust, Human Rights, Iran, Palestine Affairs, Uncategorized, West Bank, ZIO-NAZI

Iran: Khamenei met with Hamas leader Haniyeh

"The souls of non-Jews come from impure sprits and are called pigs."JEWISH TALMUD Jalkut Rubeni gadol 12b By: John Phoenix Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei met with Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh, Iranian state news agency IRNA reported on Sunday, without specifying the date of the meeting. During their meeting, Haniyeh briefed Khamenei on the latest developments in Gaza, including Nazi army Holocaust in the Palestinian Nazi occupied territory, as well as developments in the West Bank. Khamenei “expressed appreciation for the resilience of the people of Gaza and expressed regret” over what he described as 'Israeli' crimes, which he said were supported by the United States and some Western nations, according to IRNA. Khamenei also “emphasized Iran’s permanent policy of s...
Nazi Regime Blames Tehran as Palestinian Resistance Escalates in West Bank
Gaza, Holocaust, Human Rights, Iran, Palestine Affairs, West Bank, ZIO-NAZI

Nazi Regime Blames Tehran as Palestinian Resistance Escalates in West Bank

Israel Blames Tehran as Palestinian Resistance Escalates in West Bank Palestinian children arrested by Israeli occupation soldiers in the West Bank. (Photo: WAFA, file). By Palestine Chronicle Staff Israel was quick to blame Iran for funding the latest two attacks in Huwwara, near Nablus and Al-Khalil in the occupied West Bank. The Israeli occupation army announced last night the arrest of the two Palestinians suspected in carrying out an attack near the Palestinian city of Al-Khalil (Hebron). The attack resulted in the death of a settler and the serious injury of another settler. The Israeli military statement said that joint forces from the army, the Shin Bet internal security service and the special forces of the Border Police, known as Al-Yamam, arrested the t...
Iran-Russia Set a Western Trap in Palestine
Iran, Palestine Affairs, Russia

Iran-Russia Set a Western Trap in Palestine

PEPE ESCOBAR  The Russia-Iran strategic partnership – with China in the wings – is laying an elaborate, Sun Tzu-tinged trap for the Hegemon in West Asia. Apart from Israel, there is no entity on the planet capable of switching the focus, in a flash, away from the west’s spectacular debacle in Ukraine. The warmongers in charge of US foreign policy, not exactly Bismarckian stalwarts, believe that if Project Ukraine is unattainable, Project Final Solution in Palestine could instead be a – ethnic cleansing – cakewalk. A more plausible scenario, though is that Iran-Russia – and the new “axis of evil” Russia-China-Iran – have all it takes to drag the Hegemon into a second quagmire. It’s all about using the enemy’s own, discombobulated flip-flapping to unbalance him and disorient...
House Republican Floats Bill to Authorize US Military Action in Iran as Fears of Broader War Grow
Gaza, Holocaust, Human Rights, Iran, Palestine Affairs, West Bank, ZIO-NAZI

House Republican Floats Bill to Authorize US Military Action in Iran as Fears of Broader War Grow

Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas) speaks during a press conference on April 14, 2021.  (Photo: Caroline Brehman/CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images). "We are inching toward a regional war in the Middle East, further fueled by Biden's refusal to call for a cease-fire and deescalation," argued one analyst. JAKE JOHNSON The Republican chairman of the U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee on Monday said his panel is drafting legislation to authorize the use of military force in Iran amid growing fears that ongoing violence in Israel and Gaza could set off a broader regional conflagration. Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas) toldCNN that his committee is preparing the bill "in the event it's necessary" for the U.S. military to become directly involved in another Middle Ea...
Iran-Venezuela cooperation: another blow to imperialist economic warfare
Iran, Venezuela

Iran-Venezuela cooperation: another blow to imperialist economic warfare

With one third of the world’s countries now subject to some kind of sanction, this favoured tool of coercion is fast losing its power. Proletarian writers Subscribe to our  channel Increasingly, the favoured economic weapon of US imperialism – economic sanctions – is having precisely the opposite effect of the one intended. Instead of cowering before the might of the all-powerful USA, sanctioned countries are becoming ever more determined to retain their independence and sovereignty, and are working together to ensure this outcome – thus fatally undermining the global hegemony of the USA. Twenty-five years ago, the list of countries denounced as official ‘enemies’ and targeted with asphyxiating economic sanctions by US imperialism was relatively s...
Iran warns against betting on ‘losing horse’ ‘Israel’

Iran warns against betting on ‘losing horse’ ‘Israel’

Tehran has called on the Arab world to avoid normalizing relations with the “Zionist regime” Ayatollah Ali Khamenei speaks to students and clerics during a rally in Tehran, Iran, July 12, 202 ©  AFP / Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has warned the Arab world against normalizing relations with Israel, predicting that the Jewish state will eventually “be eradicated.”  “The definitive stance of the Islamic Republic is that the governments which make the gamble of normalization with the Zionist regime will lose,” Khamenei said on Tuesday, according to Iranian state media.  “As the Europeans say, they are betting on a losing horse,” the Ayatollah continued, calling Israel a “cancer” that will “God ...
Iran-Venezuela cooperation: another blow to imperialist economic warfare
Iran, Venezuela

Iran-Venezuela cooperation: another blow to imperialist economic warfare

With one third of the world’s countries now subject to some kind of sanction, this favoured tool of coercion is fast losing its power. Proletarian writers Subscribe to our  channel Increasingly, the favoured economic weapon of US imperialism – economic sanctions – is having precisely the opposite effect of the one intended. Instead of cowering before the might of the all-powerful USA, sanctioned countries are becoming ever more determined to retain their independence and sovereignty, and are working together to ensure this outcome – thus fatally undermining the global hegemony of the USA. Twenty-five years ago, the list of countries denounced as official ‘enemies’ and targeted with asphyxiating economic sanctions by US imperialism was relatively s...
Raeisi: 60% uranium enrichment came after Europeans ‘trampled on JCPOA commitments’
Europe, Iran

Raeisi: 60% uranium enrichment came after Europeans ‘trampled on JCPOA commitments’

Press TV President Ebrahim Raeisi says Iran’s uranium enrichment to the purity level of 60% was in response to the lack of commitment by the European parties to the 2015 nuclear agreement. Raeisi made the statement in an interview with the CNN’s Fareed Zakaria on the sidelines of the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York. “In the beginning, we were not seeking 60% levels of enrichment. They (European states) trampled upon their commitments,” the Iranian president said. “What the Islamic Republic of Iran did was in response to a breaking of commitment of the signatories to the (2015) agreement.” Head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Mohammad Eslami announced in June that enriching uranium to the said purity level was in accordanc...