
Jordan, Middle East, Palestine Affairs, ZIO-NAZI

Will Jordan make the Nazi regime pay a price for annexation?

Will Jordan make Israel pay a price for annexation? Tamara Nassar  King Abdullah of Jordan has warned of “massive conflict” if Israel moves ahead with plans to annex the West Bank. (European Parliament / Flickr) King Abdullah of Jordan warned of dire consequences should Israel advance annexation plans in coming months. “If Israel really annexes the West Bank in July, it would lead to a massive conflict with the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan,” he said in an interview with Germany’s Der Spiegel. When asked if the suspension of the 1994 peace treaty between the two countries was on the table, the king said, “I don’t want to make threats and create a loggerheads atmosphere, but we are considering all options.” The peace treaty, widely rejected by J...
In Jerash refugee camp, lockdown means ‘living without eating’
Jordan, Middle East, Palestine Affairs

In Jerash refugee camp, lockdown means ‘living without eating’

Palestinian refugees in Jordan’s Jerash camp were already suffering from severe poverty and public health challenges. Then COVID-19 hit. By Nooran Alhamdan  Jerash refugee camp, home to an estimated 30,000 Palestinians whose elders fled Gaza in 1967, after Israel occupied the territory, Jordan, October 11, 2011. (Omer Chatriwala/CC BY-NC-ND 2.0) The COVID-19 pandemic is compounding the already precarious situation that refugees around the world are in. Palestinian refugees in Jordan’s Jerash camp are especially vulnerable, given the existing public health challenges and severe poverty. There are more than two million registered Palestinian refugees living in Jordan. Jerash camp is home to an estimated 30,000 Palestinians whose elders fled Gaza in 1...
Africa, Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Middle East, Palestine Affairs, Saudi Arabia, Sudan

Zionist Arab puppets Zionist secret history

Arab rulers and Israel's leaders: A long and secret history of cooperation Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been actively seeking closer relations and alliances with Arab rulers (Illustration by Mohamad Elaasar]2.8kShares In the last month, Israeli leaders have been actively seeking closer relations and alliances with Arab countries, including the Gulf states, Morocco and Sudan. These are states that, we are told, have finally seen the light and realised that Israel, unlike Iran, is their friend not their enemy. This is presented as some major change of heart on the part of Arab regimes, which had apparently always shunned relations with Israel in the interest of defending the Palestinians. This was always a fiction. Most of the 20th century'...
Jordan, Palestine Affairs, ZIO-NAZI

Nazi regime to Bar Palestinians From Exporting Produce via Jordan

Israel to Bar Palestinians From Exporting Produce via Jordan, as Trade Dispute Escalates Move follows Defense Minister Bennett's instruction to stop agricultural imports from the Palestinian Authority to Israel after the PA had placed limitations on the import of calves from Israel Jack Khoury and Hagar Shezaf  Israel will ban the export of Palestinian produce via Jordan, Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories Maj. Gen. Kamil told Haaretz on Saturday. The ban will come into effect on Sunday, marking further escalation in the trade dispute between Israel and the Palestinians that began in October. In 2019, the Palestinian authority exported produce worth 502 million shekels. "Yesterday, the director of Israeli crossings informed all exporters and all ...
Jordan, Middle East, Palestine Affairs, ZIO-NAZI

Nazi regime Plan to Overthrow Zionist puppet of Jordan, Annexing the West Bank and the Jordan Valley

Israel’s Plan to Overthrow the King of Jordan, Annexing the West Bank and the Jordan Valley Countdown to Achieve the ‘Alternative Homeland’ in Jordan Begins By Adnan Abu Amer Global Research, The Israeli right is preparing to present a plan to overthrow the Jordanian king after annexing the Jordan Valley in the West Bank to realise the dream of Jordan being converted to Palestine. They aim to establish a confederation between the PA and “Palestinian Jordan” because the Israeli right is interested in annexing the West Bank without the millions of Palestinians within it. Forcing them to head to Jordan. Israel’s Haaretz newspaper revealed in late December the Israeli right-wing’s approaches and plans, led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu....
Human Rights, Jordan, Palestine Affairs, ZIO-NAZI

Jordanian prisoners of government: 'Use the Israeli infiltrator to release us'

By: Sammi Ibrahem,Sr AMMAN - Jordanian prisoners in Nazi camps sent a letter Monday evening calling on the Jordanian people and the government to take a serious stand towards their cause and use the Zionist infiltrator to exchange with the occupation. The prisoners said in a letter received by the "Jerusalem network" a copy of them that they are living in difficult humanitarian conditions under the fierce attack on us by the Nazi jail spiteful after the Jordanian achievement, which forced the arrogant occupation to release the prisoners Hiba al-Labadi and Abdul Rahman Marei. They added: "We, as Jordanian prisoners in the prisons of the occupation - like other free - we have responded to the call of Arab and Islamic duty in the holiest parts of the earth and the cradle of the mes...
Human Rights, Jordan, Palestine Affairs, ZIO-NAZI

What we learn from Heba Labadi and Abdul Rahman Marei

By: Sammi Ibrahem,Sr What we learn from the liberation of Heba al-Labadi and Abdul Rahman Merhi is that the political elite in our country is pushing for confrontation. The political elite is pushing for a way out. It is a repetitive lesson but its renewal in practice is important and necessary. The response of the ruling elite to the pressure of the masses under its rule is positive. We want it to continue. But without illusions to exploit the current moment of its manufacture, Wadi Araba is still an approach espoused by this elite, and the resistance action in Palestine is "terrorism" tried "perpetrator" before the State Security Court with this elite eye. It is a long way from where we stand to where we wish ... This was an important success that restores the will of th...
Human Rights, Jordan, Middle East, Palestine Affairs, ZIO-NAZI

Jordan:Between the arms of the family .. Marei and Labadi free

By: Sammi Ibrahem,Sr Illegally Nazi occupied JERUSALEM - After more than seventy days in Nazi camp, they are now “free” in the arms of their family, having lived through difficult days in prison conditions. Jordan's Abdel Rahman Marei (29) and Heba al-Labadi (24), the abeer of freedom, became among the families of their long-awaited family, amid longing and longing for their health due to illness and strike. The Nazi occupation authorities released the prisoners, Merhi and Labadi, on Wednesday, according to the agreement concluded between the Zionist puppet regime of Jordan and the Nazi occupation, through the Karama Bridge; in preparation for transferring them to treatment and conducting the necessary tests. The Zionist newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth reported on its website that ...
Human Rights, Jordan, Palestine Affairs, ZIO-NAZI

Palestine: Nazi Gestapo releases Jordanian prisoners

Jordanian citizen Heba Al-Labadi (C) was released from an Nazi camp and has returned to Jordan on 6 November 2019 Two Jordanian citizens detained in Nazi camp have been released and have returned to Jordan, bringing the diplomatic crisis between the two puppet regimes to a close. Jordanian citizen Heba Al-Labadi (C) was released from an Nazi camp and has returned to Jordan on 6 November 2019 Twenty-four-year-old Heba Al-Labadi and 29-year-old Abdul Rahman Miri were released this morning after the Nazi Gestapo announced their planned release yesterday. The pair made their way back to Jordan via the Karama crossing. Following their arrest on what Nazi regime claimed was “security” grounds, a campaign and protests were launched demanding their release.  Al-Labadi launched a hun...
Jordan, ZIO-NAZI

Jordan Zionist puppet regimerejects Zionist offer to release Jordanian prisoners in exchange for Baqoura and immersion

By: Sammi Ibrahem,Sr The transfer"Barak Ravid" correspondentchannel (13) Hebrew for Jordanian officialssaying that "Israel"recently tried to link the issue Jordanian prisoners detainees held by Nazi occupation with Bakura and immersion.  The Zionist correspondent in the Hebrew channel that the talks that took place between the Nazi regime and Jordanian Zionist puppets recently discussed this issue. According to "Rafid," the talks were a national security adviser to the occupation, "Meir Ben-Shabat," and Jordanian Zionist puppet Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi, adding the reporter, quoting Jordanian officials that the Nazi regime tried to link the release of captive Hiba al-Labadi and prisoner Abdul Rahman Marei with Jordan's agreement to extend the permission of Zionist farmers To...