Pakistan & Kashmir

Bhadshah Khan’s Afghan World Peace Movement
Afghanistan, India, Pakistan & Kashmir

Bhadshah Khan’s Afghan World Peace Movement

Is not the Pashtun amenable to love and reason? He will go with you to hell if you can win his heart, but you cannot force him even to go to heaven – Badshah Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan, also known as Bacha Khan or Badshah Khan, and honorably addressed as Fakhr-e-Afghan, was a Pashtun, Indian freedom fighter, independence activist, and founder of the Khudai Khidmatgar resistance movement against British colonial rule in India. by Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould If anyone today could name a historical figure connected to the origin of non-violent resistance against political oppression, it would most likely be India’s Mohandas Gandhi. Gandhi virtually defined the idea of non-violent resistance in his struggle to free India from British colonial rule. But in 1929, a...
South Asia’s Arab Spring: Protests amid Hybrid Economic War in Pakistan and Sri Lanka
Pakistan & Kashmir, Sri Lanka

South Asia’s Arab Spring: Protests amid Hybrid Economic War in Pakistan and Sri Lanka

FacebookTwitterWhatsAppEmailLinkedInTelegramShare by Darini Rajasingham-Senanayake  The writer, Dr. Darini Rajasingham-Senanayake, is a Social and Medical Anthropologist, based in Colombo, Sri Lanka.Links to Gospa News articles have been added by our Editorial Staff South Asia’s Arab Spring is here, amid global Cold War tensions and slow tectonic shifts in power and wealth east, to Asia and the Indian Ocean Region, hastened and heightened by the Russia-Ukraine conflict. As Foreign Minister of Russia, Sergi Lavrov, met Indian Prime Minister Modi last week, western pressure mounted with almost simultaneous visits from various British, European and US emissaries who cautioned and questioned Delhi’s historic and close ties with Moscow. UKRAINE BIOLABS – 4. INT...
Palestinian Dies From Serious Wounds Suffered June 1
Human Rights, Pakistan & Kashmir, West Bank, ZIO-NAZI

Palestinian Dies From Serious Wounds Suffered June 1

The Palestinian Health Ministry said a Palestinian man died from serious wounds he suffered on June 1, after Nazi soldiers shot him in Ya’bad town, southwest of Jenin, in the northern part of the occupied West Bank. The Health Ministry said the Nazi soldiers shot Samih Jamal Mahmoud Amarna, 37, causing serious wounds during protests that took place after the Nazi soldiers invaded the town and detonated a Palestinian home. During the invasion, the Nazi soldiers killed Bilal Awad Kabaha, 24, and injured at least six, including three who suffered serious wounds. One of the wounded is a medic who was shot while trying to provide the essential aid to the seriously wounded young man. After the Nazi soldiers shot Amarna, Palestinian medics rushed him to a hospital in Jenin before...
The US-instigated regime change in Pakistan
C.I.A, Pakistan & Kashmir, USA, ZIO-NAZI

The US-instigated regime change in Pakistan

On 10 April 2022, the Pakistan National Assembly voted, by a razor-thin majority of 2, in favour of a motion of No Confidence in the government of Imran Khan, removing him from the office of Prime Minister.  In his place it elected Shehbaz Sharif. Shehbaz Sharif hails from one of the two main political dynasties of Pakistan, these being the Bhuttos and the Sharifs.  He is the younger brother of Nawaz Sharif, former Prime Minister of Pakistan, who was removed from office by the Supreme Court in 2017 because of undeclared and unexplained wealth. After being installed as the new Prime Minister, Mr Sharif accused Khan’s government of being – don’t laugh – corrupt, incompetent and laid-back. The Sharifs and Bhuttos, who disagree with each other on almost everything e...
The Removal of Imran Khan and the Popular Push Back
Pakistan & Kashmir

The Removal of Imran Khan and the Popular Push Back

The Removal of Imran Khan and the Popular Push Back. How Pakistan Helped Foster “The War on Terrorism”By Michael Welch, Junaid S. Ahmad, and Prof Michel ChossudovskyGlobal Research, I am saying to you today, that for the first time, Pakistan’s policies won’t be for the few rich people, it will be for the poor, for our women, for our minorities, whose rights are not respected. My whole aim will be to protect our lower classes and to bring them up.” –  Imran Khan, 2018 election campaign speech [1] Click to download the audio (MP3 format) In the early hours of April 9, the Prime Minister of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Imran Ahmed Khan Niazi, faced a no-confidence motion in the country’s National Assembly resulting in his removal from power. This was the first ti...
Crisis in Pakistan
Pakistan & Kashmir

Crisis in Pakistan

by Aishik Saha The ouster of Imran Khan in Pakistan has once again plunged the country into political crisis that threatens to further aggravate its economic woes. Thousands of Pakistanis have taken to the streets both inside Pakistan and across the world to oppose the deposition of Imran Khan and demanding fresh elections. The finger of accusation is directly towards the Pakistani establishment, especially towards the Army. Moreover Khan has accused the United States of meddling in the country’s internal affairs. Troubles between the army and Imran Khan began when we clashed with the army chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa over the replacement of ISI director-general Faiz Hameed with Lt Gen Nadeem Anjum. However long-term structural problems cannot be overlooked as leading up to t...
Daunting Economic Challenges of Pakistan
Pakistan & Kashmir

Daunting Economic Challenges of Pakistan

By Brig. General Asif H. Raja - Asif Haroon Raja Unsavory history of the cluster of 12-party coalition After the dissolution of the National Assembly (NA) on the advice of former PM Imran Khan (IK) on April 3, the PTI regime was shown the door by the PDM joined by the dissidents from PTI through a vote of no confidence on April 9. This was made possible by the Supreme Court. Shahbaz Sharif (SS) secured two more votes above the magical figure of 172 and got elected as the new PM. This time it is not the show of PML-N that had bagged two-thirds majority in the 1997 and the 2013 elections under Nawaz Sharif (NS), but it is a collection of 12 parties and each party has a soiled past. Besides PML-N, two other major parties in the coalition are the PPP and the JUI-F. ...
Thoughts on political imbroglio in Pakistan
Pakistan & Kashmir

Thoughts on political imbroglio in Pakistan

By Brig. General Asif H. Raja  Part – 1 Asif Haroon Raja Rundown on dramatic regime change The PTI pitched against PML-N triumphed in the July 2018 elections, breaking the two-party monopoly. Pathetic performance of the two mainstream parties, sustained propaganda of PTI’s media cell, politics of agitation by the PTI activists, the judicial prejudiced approach, assistance provided by hidden hands, charisma of Imran Khan (IK), and his tall promises during the election campaign made the victory possible, but with a very narrow margin. Since the PTI couldn’t achieve a simple majority in the Centre and in Punjab, it was forced to indulge in unethical horse trading and to tie a knot with blackmailing allies. Electables from other parties also became a drag. No homework was d...
Why Weak Democracy in Pakistan?
Pakistan & Kashmir

Why Weak Democracy in Pakistan?

By: VT  By Sajjad Shaukat for Pak VT (Not a Russian Agent, but a VT correspondent in Pakistan) Differences which started between the leaders of the then united opposition-an alliance PDM and those of the then ruling party PTI accelerated on April 9, this year after the ouster of the former Prime Minister Imran Khan-chairman of the PTI through vote of no-confidence motion—following the order of the Supreme Court of Pakistan (SCP). Earlier, political crisis has rapidly brewing as various developments such as police operation at Parliament Lodges, attack at Sindh House where some 13 dissidents from PTI had taken shelter, allegations of horse trading, the long march, a sit-in in Islamabad by the PDM, show of political strength by the ex-PM Imran at public rally in the sam...
Some comparative notation on the differences between Western and Russian way to wage a war
Pakistan & Kashmir, Ukraine

Some comparative notation on the differences between Western and Russian way to wage a war

By Claudio Resta of VT Italia And the chance of cutting off Ukraine from its Black Sea coast as a realistically minimum acceptable target for Russia to stop By the way just to begin with formal US war misconduct I believe that all US wars since the end of World War II have never been formally declared in violation of Hague Conventions of 1899 and 1907 Kellogg–Briand Pact of 1928. About the present what annoys me most about the Atlantic mainstream narrative about the war in Ukraine is the biased and mendacious cowardice of the accusations being leveled at Russia. In addition to the guilty because deliberate and willing ignorance of its prodromes and the double standards with which the ways in which Russia wages this war are not compared with the ways in which the US conduct...