
Middle East, Qatar, ZIO-NAZI

Nazi regime mulls closing Al Jazeera bureau in Jerusalem al-Quds

NOVANEWS A report says Nazi Prime Minister Benjamin Naziyahu is considering shutting down the Jerusalem al-Quds bureau of the Qatar-based Al Jazeera broadcaster, as a diplomatic rift escalates between a Saudi Zio-Wahhabi led bloc of countries with Qatar. Zionist daily Yedioth Ahronoth reported on Tuesday that Naziyahu had met with members of the foreign ministry, ministry of military affairs, and other institutions on Monday and discussed preliminary steps for closing the Al Jazeera office in Jerusalem al-Quds. Saudi Zio-Wahhabi, the Zio-Wahhabi regime of UAE, Bahrain, and Egypt have already blocked several Qatari media outlets, including Al Jazeera. The four countries cut their diplomatic and transport ties with Qatar on June 5, accusing Doha of destabilizing the region with its supp...
Qatar, Saudi Arabia, ZIO-NAZI

Saudi Zio-Wahhabi teams up with Nazi regime in anti-Qatar lobbying in the US Congress

NOVANEWS Saudi Arabia teams up with Israel in anti-Qatar lobbying in the US Congress By Abdus Sattar Ghazali – Journal of America  US proposed  legislation – Palestinian International Terrorism Support Prevention Act of 2017 – threatening to sanction Qatar for its support of the so-called “Palestinian terror” was sponsored by 10 lawmakers who received more than $1m over the last 18 months from lobbyists and groups linked to Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates, Al Jazeera reported Friday. The HR 2712 bill was introduced to the US House of Representatives on May 25, but the text wasn’t available until Friday morning, hours after Saudi Arabia, UAE, and Egypt put 59 people and 12 institutions linked to Qatar on a “terror list”, Al Jazeera said. HR 2712’s sponsors received do...

Qatar crisis sets in motion realignments

NOVANEWS By M K Bhadrakumar | Indian Punchline  Four days have passed since the terrorist strikes in Tehran but Iran has not retaliated with any “surgical strike” against Saudi Arabia – and, typically, there isn’t going to be any. The political leadership pointed the accusing finger at Saudi Arabia, US and Israel. Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei said that the terror strikes “will only increase hatred for the governments of the United States and their stooges in the region like the Saudis.” However, Iran will not react in a hurry, given the crisis over the Saudi-Qatar standoff that is fraught with profound consequences for regional politics. Interestingly, Iran signed another agreement on Saturday with Boeing, the American aircraft manufacturer, to buy 30 passenger planes in a $3 billion deal...
Qatar, Saudi Arabia

Multipolar World Order: The Big Picture in the Qatar-Saudi Fracture

NOVANEWS By Federico Pieraccini Strategic Culture Foundation   In a climate of outright confrontation, even the Gulf monarchies have been overtaken by a series of unprecedented events. The differences between Qatar on one side, and Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain on the other, have escalated into a full-blown diplomatic crisis with outcomes difficult to foresee. Officially, everything started with statements made by Qatari emir Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani that appeared on the Qatar News Agency (QNA) on May 23, 2017. A few hours before the conference between the 50 Arab countries and the US President, Al Thani was reported to have said the same words that appeared on QNA. The speech was very indulgent towards Iran and described the idea of an “Arab NATO” as unne...

Is Qatar paying the price for its pro-Palestine stance?

NOVANEWS The New Arab  Qatar’s support for Palestinians seems to be one of the key causes of the Saudi-led blockade on Doha, amid increasing convergence between Riyadh and Abu Dhabi, and the administration of US President Donald Trump – the president most supportive of Israel in recent decades. On Tuesday, Adel al-Jubeir, the Saudi foreign minister, made it clear that a key demand of his government in return for restoring ties with Doha was for Qatar to end its “support” for Palestinian group Hamas, which champions armed resistance against Israel and was the winner of the last general election held in the occupied Palestinian territories. Jubeir, for the first time in Saudi history, suggested Hamas was an “extremist” group. During Trump’s visit to Riyadh in late May, the US president pr...
Bahrain, Qatar

Bahrain to jail Qatar sympathisers

NOVANEWS Middle East Online  Zio-Wahhabi family of Bahrain Thursday followed the United Arab Emirates in announcing that expressing sympathy for Qatar over sanctions imposed by its Gulf neighbours was an offence punishable by a lengthy jail term. Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Bahrain and Egypt on Monday cut diplomatic ties with Qatar over accusations that the emirate is a champion of extremist groups in the region. Qatar firmly denies the allegations. “Any expression of sympathy with the government of Qatar or opposition to the measures taken by the government of Bahrain, whether through social media, Twitter or any other form of communication, is a criminal offence punishable by up to five years in prison and a fine,” a Bahraini Zio-Wahhabi interior ministry statement said. Zio-Wahhabi family...
Qatar, Saudi Arabia

Saudi Zio-Wahhabi Family Requires From Doha to Expel Hamas, Muslim Brotherhood Members

NOVANEWS Saudi Zio-Wahhabi family set out several conditions for Qatar to normalize the bilateral relations amid the diplomatic rift and gave Doha 24 hours for the implementation of the conditions, local media reported Wednesday. According to Akhbar Al Aan news outlet, the conditions included the expulsion of all the members of the Muslim Brotherhood terror group (outlawed in Russia) and the Palestinian Hamas movement from the country, freezing of their bank accounts and the suspension of any interrelations with these groups. The immediate break of the diplomatic ties with Iran was also reportedly one of the conditions laid down by Zio-Wahhabi family. Apart from this, Saudi Arabia required from Doha to immediately change the policies of Qatar’s Al Jazeera broadcaster and as well as its...
Qatar, Saudi Arabia

The Machiavellian Plot to Provoke Saudi Arabia and Qatar into a “Blood Border” War

NOVANEWS By Andrew Korybko 21st Century Wire   Experts all across the world are trying to figure out what’s really fueling the Qatari-Saudi Cold War, but the answer is simple – the US. As it’s always prone to do, Washington is masterfully playing a game of divide and conquer in the Mideast, doing the same thing to its Gulf allies as it did to its North African ones during the theater-wide “Arab Spring” Color Revolutions, except this time pitting them against one another on a state-to-state level as opposed to an intra-state one between the government and some of its citizenry. The long-term purpose behind all of this is to usher in Ralph Peters’ 2006 “Blood Borders” blueprint for the “New Middle East”, wherein the Gulf eventually undergoes a geopolitical reengineering just like...
Middle East, Qatar

How This Week’s Gulf Diplomatic Feud Unfolded

NOVANEWS Qatari Foreign Minister Mohammed bin Abdulrahman al-Thani gives a press conference in Doha, on June 8, 2017. KARIM JAAFAR/AFP/Getty Images On Monday, June 5, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Yemen, and Libya’s eastern-based government aligned with Khalifa Haftar cut diplomatic ties with Qatar and accused the country of causing regional instability. Maldives, Mauritius, and Mauritania also cut ties later. Senegal followed on Wednesday by recalling its ambassador from Doha. Chad did the same on Thursday. The Saudi press statement on state news agency SPA said that Qatar supports the Muslim Brotherhood, ISIS, al-Qaeda, the Houthis, and “Iranian-backed terrorist groups” in the Qatif Governorate in Saudi Arabia and in Bahrain. The statement also said that ...
Middle East, Qatar

Gulf States Launch Naval Blockade Of Qatar

NOVANEWS By Tyler Durden Zero Hedge   In what has emerged as the most significant escalation to result from the Qatar diplomatic crisis – which pits two of OPEC’s largest oil producers, Saudi Arabia and the UAE, against the world’s biggest exporter of liquefied natural gas and further disrupts stability in the region –  the biggest Middle East oil and container ports banned all vessels sailing to and from Qatar from using their facilities. According to a notice posted on the website of Inchcape Shipping, Saudi Arabian and Bahraini authorities closed off all of their ports to Qatari-flagged vessels or ships traveling to or coming from the Persian Gulf state, in what has been described as a naval blockade. Follow Javier Blas ✔@JavierBlas2 #SaudiArabia and its allies ar...