
China, Germany, India, Iran, Russia, Turkey

Iran: Choosing reliable trade partners

NOVANEWS     In order to fight US-Israel sponsored UNSC sanctions – the Islamic Republic has to be very careful in maintaining its trade with foreign countries based on past experience. Currently, Tehran’s leading trade partners are China, Russia, Turkey, Germany and India. All these countries have been under Washington’s pressure to boycott trade dealings with Iran especially in its oil and energy sectors. Russia and India, in the past have been found notoriously unreliable trade partners. Tehran accepted Moscow its trade partner as result of its needs for modern technology which was denied to the country by Zionist Occupied Western governments after the Islamic Revolution in 1979. Moscow, bankrupted as result of its mislead Afghan military adventure, was looking for a reliabl...

Putin May Set Stage for 2012 Return as Leader of All-Russia People’s Front

NOVANEWS   Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin may be moving to reassert his control over the presidency next year by creating a broad coalition of supporters under his personal leadership as backing for the ruling party wanes. Putin, who handed the Kremlin to his protege, Dmitry Medvedev, in 2008 because of a ban on serving three consecutive terms, summoned leaders of business, labor and women’s groups to his residence over the weekend for meetings with officials of his United Russia party. The party needs fresh ideas and faces before December parliamentary elections, he said. Broadening popular support is key to ensuring United Russia retains a majority in parliament and will bolster Putin’s position, said Olga Khrystanovskaya, a sociologist who studies Russia’s...
Russia, ZIO-NAZI

Russia demands IsraHell group vacate historic Jerusalem building

NOVANEWS by crescentandcross   The Russian government is demanding Society for the Protection of Nature in IsraHell vacate its Jerusalem offices, which Russia took possession of in March; the 19th-century building was originally built to house Russian pilgrims. Haaretz The Russian government is demanding that the Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel vacate its offices in Jerusalem in the Sergei Courtyard complex. The demand for the last Israeli group still using the building to vacate after departments of the Agriculture Ministry moved out six weeks ago, came about a week ago, according to SPNI head Kosha Pakman, when two representatives of the Russian Embassy came to the SPNI offices. “We were sure they wanted to talk to us about cooperation. And then, without batting...

Putin eclipses Medvedev in run-up to 2012 election

NOVANEWS       Putin, a former two-time president, appears to have gained the upper hand in a fierce power struggle with his protege, and analysts say the presidency his for the taking. The 2012 Russian presidential elections may be over already. Vladimir Putin‘s words and deeds of late have made it eminently clear that he’s had enough of being prime minister and wants the No. 1 job back from President Dmitry Medvedev. And many experts believe it’s his for the taking. Amid what political analysts have identified as a fierce power struggle between the two Russian leaders, the expulsion of a key Medvedev aide from the Kremlin is being interpreted as a sign that Putin has gained the upper hand. And Medvedev’s own recent comments referring to life after politics have done ...
Russia, World

Russians stage ‘Day of Rage’ protests

NOVANEWS   Posted by: Sammi Ibrahem Chair of West Midland PSC   In Russia, the opposition has held “Day of Rage” anti-government protests to demand political reform, fair elections and an end to corruption. Hundreds participated in the rallies held in Moscow on Sunday. Protesters say corruption threatens the Russian society and needs to be stopped before it would destroy the country, a Press TV correspondent reported. “We want the authorities to see that citizens are angry at lack of self government and lack of control over the action of officials. The situation leads to enormous corruption and social injustice,” Left Front movement coordinator Sergei Udaltsov told Press TV. After the rally, some attempted to march with their demands towards the Presidential Admi...
Iran, Russia


NOVANEWS August 13, 2010  by Michael Leon   photo released by the semi-official Iranian Students News Agency (ISNA), the reactor building of Iran's Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant By Vladimir Isachenkov MOSCOW – Russia’s nuclear agency said Friday that it will load fuel into Iran’s first nuclear power plant next week, defying U.S. calls to hold off the start of the launch. Rosatom spokesman Sergei Novikov said Friday that uranium fuel shipped by Russia will be loaded into the Bushehr reactor on Aug. 21, beginning the startup process. “From that moment the Bushehr plant will be officially considered a nuclear-energy installation,” he told The Associated Press. The United States has called for Russia to delay the startup until Iran proves that it’s not developing nuclear weapons. Russian offici...


NOVANEWS Dear, A powerful new treaty is our best weapon against the global rape trade in women and girls. If Russia signs it, it will put a major dent in this horror - we urgently need 1 million voices to appeal to Russian PM Putin to sign the treaty and help protect girls like Oxana (above): This powerful appeal just came to us from one of our members: "My daughter Oxana was a beautiful, wonderful girl, gifted in languages. She left our home when she was 20 to take her dream job as a translator in Europe. We were so happy for her. Three weeks later the police told us she died falling from a 5th story window, trying to escape men who fooled her with the job and forced her into a sex club. I died when she died. Now I live only to stop this from happening to other girls. Please, h...
Palestine Affairs, Russia


NOVANEWS File: Russian paratroopers atop armored personnel carriers. Russia's Foreign Ministry has announced it will provide 50 armored personnel carriers to Palestinians, Reuters reported Thursday. "In the coming days 50 armored personnel carriers will be delivered to Jordan and then will be handed over to Palestiniansecurity forces in the West Bank," Reuters quoted spokesman Andrei Nesterenko. Russia offered to supply Palestinians with the vehicles for internal security as early as 2005, but Zio-Nazi army initially opposed the delivery.
Iran, Russia, ZIO-NAZI


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