Ukrainian trial demonstrates 2014 Maidan massacre was false flag 
C.I.A, Russia, Ukraine, USA

Ukrainian trial demonstrates 2014 Maidan massacre was false flag 

KIT KLARENBERG A massacre of protesters during the 2014 Maidan coup set the stage for the ouster of Ukraine’s elected president, Viktor Yanukovych. Now, an explosive trial in Kiev has produced evidence the killings were a false flag designed to trigger regime change. Two police officers charged with the mass shooting of opposition protesters in Kiev’s Maidan Square in 2014 have been released after a Ukrainian court determined the fatal shots in the infamous massacre were fired from an opposition-controlled building. On October 18 2023, Ukraine’s Sviatoshyn District Court determined that of the five officers on trial, one would be acquitted outright, while another was sentenced to time served for alleged “abuse of power.” The remaining three, who no longer live in Ukraine, ...
How Pre-WW II Ukrainian Fascists Pioneered Brutal Terror Techniques; Later Improved by CIA, Now Ironically Taught to Descendants
C.I.A, Ukraine

How Pre-WW II Ukrainian Fascists Pioneered Brutal Terror Techniques; Later Improved by CIA, Now Ironically Taught to Descendants

Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on JUNE 10, 2022 Evan ReifMeet the CIA’s eager students—star pupils in the art of terrorizing civilian populations: Organization of Ukrainian Nationalist (OUN) partisans recruited by the CIA to fight against the Soviets. [Source:] “Terror will be not only a means of self-defense, but also a form of agitation, which will affect friend and foe alike, regardless of whether they desire it or not.” – UVO (fascist Ukrainian Military Organization), brochure from 1929. Part I of a 3 Part Series on Ukrainian Fascism and the U.S. The history of Ukraine is long and rich. For millennia, the fertile lands of Ukraine with their black earth and rich seas have been highly contested. From the Scythians of antiquity, the Vara...
Iran/Contra pt 4 WACL 2
C.I.A, Iran, Nicaragua

Iran/Contra pt 4 WACL 2

   Beyond Iran/Contra Part 4 World War WACL    With a special thanks to @arrghshell of    In my last article in this series I traced the multiple origins of The World Anti-Communist League or WACL from British master spy Sidney Reilly's Anti-Bolshevik League, The largely unknown promethean league, and finally Hitlers Anti-Comintern Pact which absorbed both it's predecessors. I should also have mentioned Hitler's Committee of Subjugated Nations which was the precursor to the ABN branch of WACL. All were absorbed by western intelligence agencies recruited as allies to wage Covert and psychological warfare on the Soviet Union.  In Asia the US installed rightwing dictatorships in Taiwan, South Korea, South Vietnam, and other countr...
Iran/Contra pt. 3 WACL
C.I.A, Iran, Nicaragua

Iran/Contra pt. 3 WACL

   Beyond Iran Contra part 3: The Origins of the World Anti-Communist League  With a Special Thanks to @arrghshell of    On February 28 1986 Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme was gunned down in the streets while returning home with his wife after a movie. His killers were never brought to justice. Palme was a victim of the World Anti-Communist League or WACL. Palme had defied the American Empire one too many times. First he angered the empire by opposing the war in Vietnam enraging the Nixon administration by marching in solidarity with the North Vietnamese ambassador and in opposition to the genocidal war being waged on the people of Vietnam in the name of stopping the spread of communism. He further angered the empire by his friendly ties to Castro's...
Nazis and the CIA

Nazis and the CIA

      Nazis, the Birth of the CIA, And the Secret Origins of Cold War Hysteria The recent civil war in Ukraine has brought to world attention the willingness of the United States and it's NATO allies to employ Nazi's if it serves their interests.  What a terrible century we seem to be living in where outrage after outrage has become normalized. Torture, assassination, mass surveillance, now Nazism have all apparently become acceptable tools of statecraft. Fascism is on the rise in Europe the oligarchs who are looting Europe hope that as standards of living plummet discontent can be channeled towards immigrant's and away from the ruling classes. Those who are poorest and hence most powerless to exercise any economic control are blamed for the state of the economy. In Ukraine we ...
Operation Gladio

Operation Gladio

      Operation GLADIO and the Illusion of "Western Democracy" There is a sickening spectacle unfolding in Ukraine so called "Western Democracies" are supporting a brutal regime made up of Billionaire Oligarchs and avowed Fascists while they wage war on their own people. In fact the IMF even made it's loans conditional on the successful prosecution of it's war. The CIA is advising the new regime on how to crush dissent by terrorizing the population. Of course it's an old story in the third world but what is seldom recognized is it is not such a rare occurrence in Europe itself. Whether they know it or not the citizens of NATO countries and even non-NATO countries have only the illusion of national sovereignty or democracy. As Daniele Ganser explains in his book "NATO's Secret Armie...
Remembering: the coup in chile
C.I.A, Chile

Remembering: the coup in chile

dave kellaway reflects on the significance of the fascist coup in Chile that took place 50 years ago this week and on the mass solidarity campaign that developed here in the UK. 11 Sep 2023 We are all familiar with the cliché that we all remember where we were when big news events occur, like Kennedy’s assassination or the terrorist aerial attack on the Twin Towers. For those of us on the left at the time, we all remember where we were when General Pinochet sent in the air force on September 11th, 1973, to bomb the Moncada Palace, seat of Salvador Allende’s leftist reformist government. Tanks were sent into the centre and the workers areas, where there was heroic but limited resistance given the lack of arms. Remembering the 1973 Chilean Coup The Brutal Repression of the...
Nazi Gestapo planning global assassination

Nazi Gestapo planning global assassination

"Murdering Goyim is like killing a wild animal." JEWISH TALMUD Sanhedrin 59a Officials told the newspaper that they intend to kill Hamas leaders in Lebanon, Türkiye, and Qatar Nazi spies are preparing to assassinate Hamas leaders living in Lebanon, Türkiye, and Qatar once the war with the militant group is over in Gaza, officials have told the Wall Street Journal. The operation was reportedly planned more than a month ago, but postponed so that hostage negotiations could take place. The Nazi intelligence services GESTAPO began drawing up plans for the assassination campaign after Hamas’ October 7 attack on the Nazi state, the American newspaper reported on Thursday, citing anonymous officials. Some reportedly wanted to embark on the campaign immediately, but were ordered ...
Kennedy Assassination: “CIA-Did-It” Theorists Are Covering for ‘Israel’

Kennedy Assassination: “CIA-Did-It” Theorists Are Covering for ‘Israel’

LAURENT GUYÉNOT  RFK Jr. and the Unspeakable Dick Russell’s recent biography, The Real RFK Jr.: Trials of a Truth Warrior, contains two chapters on RFK Jr.’s quest for truth on the assassinations of his father and uncle.[1] Here is an excerpt from chapter 28: He was approaching his midfifties when, in 2008, while preparing to give an environmental talk at the Franciscan Monastery in Niagara, New York, Bobby [RFK Jr.] found a copy of a just-published book “on my greenroom table, left as an anonymous gift for me.” It was titled JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters by Catholic theologian James W. Douglass. Bobby found the book “a fascinating and meticulous dissection of the circumstances surrounding the assassination.” Bobby spent a l...
Bombshell filing: 9/11 hijackers were CIA recruits

Bombshell filing: 9/11 hijackers were CIA recruits

KIT KLARENBERG At least two 9/11 hijackers had been recruited into a joint CIA-Saudi intelligence operation that was covered up at the highest level, according to an explosive new court filing.  A newly-released court filing raises grave questions about the relationship between Alec Station, a CIA unit set up to track Al Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden and his associates, and two 9/11 hijackers leading up to the attacks, which was subject to a coverup at the highest levels of the FBI. Obtained by SpyTalk, the filing is a 21-page declaration by Don Canestraro, a lead investigator for the Office of Military Commissions, the legal body overseeing the cases of 9/11 defendants. It summarizes classified government discovery disclosures, and private interviews he cond...