
Croatia, Kosovo, Serbia

Commission Finds NATO Bombs Continue to Kill Serbs 19 Years After 1999 Strikes

NOVANEWS NATO carried out a 78-day campaign of airstrikes against Yugoslavia in 1999 after accusing Belgrade of committing war crimes in Kosovo. The strikes left up to 5,700 civilians dead, and contaminated part of southern Serbia with radiation from the depleted uranium rounds used by the alliance. The Serbian government-designated Commission Investigating the Effects of NATO’s 1999 Bombing of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia has provided Sputnik with important information about some of its preliminary findings. Speaking to Sputnik Serbian, commission head Dr. Darko Laketic explained that in the course of visits to cities, towns and municipalities affected by the NATO bombings, the commission has been able to establish what appears to be evidence of a link between the depleted uranium ...
Croatia, United Kingdom

Croatia: Zionist puppet President Supports racist Nazi regime of I$raHell

NOVANEWS Posted by: Sammi Ibrahem,Sr Croatia Supports Israel in Latest Skirmishes with Palestinians ZAGREB, August 10, 2018 - Croatia's Foreign Ministry on Friday condemned missile attacks on Israel from Gaza and called for ending violence. "The escalation of violence in Gaza, in which people have been killed and injured, gives cause for great concern. We condemn in the strongest terms the launching of massive missile attacks into Israel from Gaza and call for an end to violence. Such acts that endanger the lives of innocent civilians are unjustifiable," the ministry said in a press release." Pernar u Palestini   Croatia fully supports Israel’s right to defend itself and its security and take proportionate actions to respond t...

Corruption-charged Zagreb mayor re-elected for sixth term

NOVANEWS Milan Bandic, the populist mayor of Croatia's capital facing corruption charges, has been re-elected for a sixth term, official results showed Monday. Zagreb Mayor Milan Bandic has been re-elected for a sixth term after running the city almost conitnuously since 2000  (AFP/File) Milan Bandic, the populist mayor of Croatia's capital facing corruption charges, has been re-elected for a sixth term, official results showed Monday. Bandic has run Zagreb, a city of about 800,000 people, almost continuously since 2000, and is considered one of the most influential politicians in the European Union member-state. He was forced to resign in 2002 following a drink-driving scandal in which he fled from police, but he was re-elected in 2005. The 61-year-old is facing corruption charges...

Croatian police arrest Zagreb mayor on corruption charges

NOVANEWS Reuters Staff ZAGREB (Reuters) - Croatian anti-graft police arrested the mayor of Zagreb, Milan Bandic, and several of his associates on Sunday on suspicion of corruption and abuse of office, Croatian media reported. Croatia's independent presidential candidate Milan Bandic talks to his supporters after the release of the first unofficial results at his campaign headquarters in Zagreb early January 11, 2010. REUTERS/Davor Kovacevic The police and the state prosecutor said only that several people from the Zagreb administration had been arrested but did not name them, in line with usual practice. But all local media and the national televisions named Bandic as one of those arrested. Reports have linked Bandic to a number of corruption probes in th...

Croatia: Corruption Report

NOVANEWS (Want to receive more corruption report updates? Subscribe here!) Snapshot Moderate to high corruption risks, political patronage and inefficient bureaucracy are among the challenges companies may face when doing business in Croatia. Corruption and bribery are especially prevalent in the judiciary, public procurement, and the building and construction sector. The primary legal framework regulating corruption and bribery is contained in the Criminal Code and the Corporate Criminal Liability Act, which make individuals and companies criminally liable for corrupt practices including active and passive bribery, money laundering and abuse of functions. Facilitation payments are prohibited, and gifts may be considered illegal depending on their value or intent. Companies report that g...

Workers at Croatian shipyard down tools in protest over management

NOVANEWS   ZAGREB (Reuters) - Some 4,500 workers at Croatia’s largest shipbuilding group Uljanik went on strike on Wednesday and called for management to step down in protest over late payment. FILE PHOTO: The cranes of Uljanik shipyard are painted with light during Visualia Festival in the Adriatic town of Pula, Croatia May 8, 2015. REUTERS/Antonio Bronic/File Photo “The management has lost credibility in our eyes, the workers and suppliers have lost confidence,” one union leader, Marina Cvitic, said. Uljanik controls two docks in the northern Adriatic, in the cities of Pula and Rijeka. The workers control less than 50 percent of the company, with the state also a minority shareholder. Its other owners include local banks and the country’s top insurer, Croatia Os...
Croatia, ZIO-NAZI

Nazi regime: Ethnic Cleansing Croatia

NOVANEWS Israel’s “Stamp of Approval” of Europe’s Largest Post-WWII Ethnic Cleansing. Croatia By Aleksandar Pavic Strategic Culture Foundation Note to readers: please click the share buttons above   Back in February, we warned about the prospect of Israel selling F-16s to Croatia, a state in which WWII revisionism and Holocaust denial are running rampant, and memories of the Nazi puppet Independent State of Croatia are routinely glorified. In the meantime, that has become a done deal. But there is more. Not only will Israel sell half a billion dollars worth of fighter jets to Croatia, but on August 5, three Israeli F-16s, crewed by Israeli pilots, took part in a parade to celebrate the 23rd anniversary of the “Operation Storm,” in which more than 2,300 Serbs were killed, includ...
Croatia, Serbia

23 Years Ago the US Backed a Brutal Croatian Ethnic Cleansing of Serbs

NOVANEWS  Posted by: Sammi Ibrahem,Sr Miodrag Novakovic  If there was a nation that could safely conclude from its own historical experience that “Crime Pays”, than it must be the newest EU member, Croatia. In the modern history this tiny Catholic nation committed one of the most horrific genocides in WWII over Serbian Orthodox Christian population residing in Croatia and Bosnia, murdering at least one million people; and recently in 1995, Croatia conducted (under US supervision) the biggest and permanent ethnic cleansing “military operation” against its (again) Serbian population, expelling over 200,000 of them in just three days (the real number of ethnically cleansed Serbs from Croatia during the wars in 90ies, is at least twice larger)- unofficially becoming the most ethnic cleans...
Croatia, Russia

Russian-Croatian Soft Power Bond Grows Stronger

NOVANEWS Agrokor might be the core component of the alliance that will extend far beyond the World Cup By Andrew Korybko Global Research Note to readers: please click the share buttons above   Sometimes the eyes don’t lie and what people see in front them is actually what’s happening, which in this case is the extremely unlikely partners of Russia and Croatia entering into a soft power alliance with one another that will extend far beyond the World Cup. It would be an exercise in futility to deny that Russia and Croatia aren’t in a soft power alliance with one another after the fawning coverage that the host country’s media outlets lavished on the second-place finisher’s President, Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic, despite her past work as the Croatian Ambassador to the US and NATO’s Ass...
Croatia, Russia

Serbs, Listen Up! Here’s Why Russia’s Getting Chummy with Croatia

NOVANEWS By Andrew Korybko Global Research   The Russian-Croatian rapprochement might have understandably taken a lot of Serbs by surprise, partly because Moscow hasn’t invested the proper resources into explaining it to the country’s population, but this multidimensional outreach strategy to their regional rival is part of Russia’s larger ambition to “balance” the Polish-led “Three Seas Initiative” through pragmatic engagements with the members of its “Austro-Hungarian” sub-bloc. “Believe Me, We Are The Most Reliable Partner You Could Ever Have…” Countless jaws must have hit the floor in Serbia immediately after the latest interview with Russian Ambassador to Croatia Anvar Azimov (image below) was released right before the weekend. Speaking to his host country’s media, Russia’s...