
Germany: People Saying Don’t Send Weapons to the Ukraine

Germany: People Saying Don’t Send Weapons to the Ukraine

ANDREW ANGLI A lot of people in East Germany still support Russia. You know – they had a relationship, historically. Furthermore, a lot of Germans actually read and know what is going on in the world. The problem is, they’re afraid to say it, because it is very hurtful to them to be called Nazis. RT: Opposition groups from the both sides of the political spectrum held demonstrations across Germany as the country marked Unity Day on Tuesday. Several rallies criticized government policies, including arms shipments to Ukraine. … Protesters held banners urging accountability for government officials, including Chancellor Olaf Scholtz and Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock. German government policies criticized by the protestors included continued arms deliveries to U...
German court rules UK prisons unsafe
Germany, Human Rights, United Kingdom

German court rules UK prisons unsafe

The Karlsruhe higher regional court has refused to extradite an Albanian man wanted in Britain on drug-related charges FILE PHOTO: Norwich Prison in Norwich, England. ©  Peter Macdiarmid / Getty Images A court in Germany has refused to grant an extradition request from the UK, citing suboptimal conditions in British prisons. The ruling, made in March, has only recently been made public. The case involved an Albanian man wanted in Britain on drug-related charges. The presiding judge ruled that the extradition request was “currently inadmissible” because there were “valid grounds” to believe that “there is a real threat for the protection of the prosecuted person’s basic rights.” “Without British guarantees, extradition is not possible in view of the state of ...
Germany prosecutes 98-year-old concentration camp guard
Germany, ZIO-NAZI

Germany prosecutes 98-year-old concentration camp guard

The elderly suspect was a teenager when he oversaw prisoners at the Nazi regime’s Sachsenhausen camp A man walks through the gate of the Sachsenhausen concentration camp in Oranienburg, Germany, January 27, 2019 ©  AP / Markus Schreiber German authorities have charged a 98-year-old man with complicity in the murder of 3,300 people at the Sachsenhausen concentration camp during World War II. The case comes after a 97-year-old former secretary was found guilty of aiding the mass murder of 10,505 people at another Nazi prison. The man, whose name has not been released, “supported the cruel and malicious killing of thousands of prisoners as a member of the SS guard detail” between 1943 and 1945, prosecutors in the German state of Hesse said in a statement...
German officials believe Ukraine destroyed Nord Stream
Germany, Russia, Ukraine, USA

German officials believe Ukraine destroyed Nord Stream

Nothing ties Russia to the explosions, two major German news outlets have reported FILE PHOTO. ©  Global Look Press / Danish Defense Ministry German investigators probing the attacks on the Nord Stream pipelines are increasingly convinced that the perpetrators in question are linked to Ukraine, Der Spiegel and state broadcaster ZDF reported on Friday. Those familiar with the probe “consider the clues [pointing to] Ukraine to be particularly convincing,” the ZDF broadcaster said, adding that “there is no reliable evidence” that would suggest Russia was responsible. Law enforcement agencies are still largely focused on the ‘Andromeda’ sailing yacht. Western media has previously reported that the vessel was chartered by the alleged saboteurs...
German federal budget deficit soars

German federal budget deficit soars

Brakes on energy prices have been driving government expenditure, official data shows © Getty Images / dorioconnell The German government budget deficit surged to €42.1 billion ($45.4 billion) in the first half of 2023 amid Berlin’s efforts to rein in inflation and energy prices, the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) reported on Friday. According to preliminary data, the figure was €37.6 billion higher than in the first half of 2022, a nearly tenfold increase. When measured against the gross domestic product (GDP) at current prices, the deficit ratio was 2.1%. According to Destatis, government revenue amounted to €917.2 billion in the reporting period, while expenditure was €959.3 billion. The latter spiked sharply since last year, by 7.7%, largely due to the...
Most Germans do not trust the state

Most Germans do not trust the state

The majority of respondents believe the nation’s officials are unable to fulfill their duties, a new survey shows FILE PHOTO. ©  Global Look Press / dpa / Soeren Stache Trust in the state has fallen to record lows in Germany and most of the population thinks their officials are simply incapable of doing their job, a new survey commissioned by the nation’s biggest public sector employee union shows. The number of people who believe that the state is ‘overwhelmed’ with the tasks it is facing has reached 69%, the poll (conducted by the Forsa Institute for Social Research and Statistical Analysis) indicates. The number of people who still trust the abilities of their public officials has fallen by two percentage points, in comparison to the previous year, and amoun...
Most Germans dissatisfied with government

Most Germans dissatisfied with government

A recent survey indicated that most supporters of the three parties of the ruling coalition are unhappy ©  Getty Images / Nikada The majority of Germans are unimpressed by the performance of Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s government, a recent poll has shown. Dissatisfaction with the ruling traffic light coalition is apparently prevalent even among the voters who support the three constituent parties. According to the survey conducted by Institut Forsa and published on Tuesday, 77% of respondents said they were somewhat or completely dissatisfied with the government. The study found that 52% of SPD party voters, the political force that Chancellor Scholz belongs to, are dissatisfied. Among Green Party and Free Democratic Party supporters, which make up the rest of the r...
Revisiting the September 5, 1972 Munich Olympics Massacre — Let Us Never Forget!
Germany, Palestine Affairs, ZIO-NAZI

Revisiting the September 5, 1972 Munich Olympics Massacre — Let Us Never Forget!

 By: Dr. Rich Swier The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.” — Thomas Jefferson I originally published the article below in 2017 in memory of those 11 Israeli athletes slaughtered by the Islamic terrorist group Black September. I am republishing it because Germany has just set up a panel to review the 1972 Munich Olympic massacre of Israeli athletes. It is only fitting that I do this since I was stationed in Germany when this first attack against Jews by radical Muslims happened. We must understand that this one act, this one attack, was the beginning of a series of acts and attacks have been and are happening up to today April 21st, 2023 as I write this. Those Islamist terrorists in Munich were trained and sent on their mission to kill innocent...
Germany is under pressure. Something’s got to give

Germany is under pressure. Something’s got to give

As the economic crisis deepens and political panic spreads, the future of a unified European imperialist block is looking ever more shaky. Proletarian writers Subscribe to our  channel The economic crisis in Europe, exacerbated and accelerated by self-defeating sanctions against the cheap Russian energy which has fuelled the continent’s industry for decades, threatens to destroy the much-vaunted ‘unity’ of the EU, as each member struggles for its own survival. The combination of overproduction crisis and soaring fuel prices is putting the German economy under such intolerable pressure t...
Germany squandering billions on Nazi’s Arrow-3 missile defence system
Germany, ZIO-NAZI

Germany squandering billions on Nazi’s Arrow-3 missile defence system

Germany squandering billions on Israel’s Arrow-3 missile defence system Germany squandering almost 4 billion euros ($4.30 billion) on Israel’s Arrow-3 missile defense system is a prime example of financial mismanagement. Astonishingly, the government plans to request advance payments of up to 560 million euros from lawmakers, revealing a complete disregard for responsible spending. The Arrow-3 system, supposedly designed to intercept ballistic missiles outside the earth’s atmosphere, is nothing more than an overpriced addition to Israel’s already extensive missile defense arsenal. Despite its lofty claims, the Arrow-3 merely serves as the extravagant crown jewel of Israel’s defense array, spanning from the unnecessary short-range rocket interception capabilities of Iron Dome to ...