
Armenia, Greece, Turkey

Turkey drew up plans to invade Greece and Armenia

________ArmenpressTurkey drew up plans to invade Greece and Armenia YEREVAN, JUNE 16, ARMENPRESS. Turkey developed a plan for a possible invasion of Greece named after an 11th century Turkish military commander, Nordic Monitor reported citing secret documents, ARMENPRESS reports, citing the Jerusalem Post. The documents were part of a PowerPoint presentation that was supposedly planned by the Turkish general staff for internal planning review. Titled “TSK Çakabey Harekât Planlama Direktifi” (Turkish Armed Forces Çakabey Operation Planning Directive), the presentation was dated June 13, 2014. According to the Nordic Monitor report, this suggests the plan was likely updated and finalized after a review of some earlier draft, and that the plan could still be active. Also included ...
Politics and Religion: Why Is Constantinople Reluctant to Resolve the Conflict Between the Antioch and Jerusalem Patriarchates?
Greece, Palestine Affairs, ZIO-NAZI

Politics and Religion: Why Is Constantinople Reluctant to Resolve the Conflict Between the Antioch and Jerusalem Patriarchates?

By Nadia Bazuk The world is slowly beginning to return to a normal way of life. Shops, cafes, restaurants, and government offices are opening. Church life is also returning to its usual course. It would seem that the pause and problems caused by the COVID-19 pandemic could unite Local Churches in the fight against the virus, make faith a bigger support for people around the world in these dark times. But apparently, some Church leaders have only increased their activities aimed at separating the Churches. So, in April, the Ecumenical Patriarchate literally voiced its support for Joe Biden and the Democratic Party by publishing a document titled “For The Life of The World”, in which Donald Trump’s policy is criticized. This is not the first time that the Phanar has indulged the inte...
Europe, France, Greece, Health, Italy, Spain

Coronavirus Pandemic Has Shown that Mediterranean Europe Does Not Need THE EU

By Paul Antonopoulos Global Research, Germany’s long history of wanting to rule the entirety of Europe extends back to both World Wars in the 20th Century, and perhaps even earlier. The German political structures believed that through war and conquest it could dominate the continent – this of course lacked any realism. Even with Germany’s defeat in World War II, it still did not abandon this ambition, albeit, it was not possible for many decades because of U.S. dominance on the continent and the Soviet counterweight. However, Germany played the long game and with the imminent collapse of the Soviet Union, Berlin signed the “4 + 2 Treaty” on October 3, 1990 to unify capitalist West Germany with communist East Germany. With unification achieved, then-German Chancellor He...

The man from the Acropolis

On the death of the Greek anti-fascist Manolis Glezos Manolis GlezosPhoto: AFP The hour at which Manolis Glezos became a legend struck on the night of May 31, 1941. The swastika flag had been waving on the Acropolis for five weeks since the fascist army entered Athens. Glezos, 18 years old and active as a student in an anti-fascist resistance group, angry and fearless, climbed onto the landmark of the Greek capital with his friend Apostolos Sandas, tore down the Nazi flag in a cinematic handshake and hoisted the flag of Greece. The young men fled; they became heroes and icons of the struggle against the occupiers. Those sentenced to death in absentia, arrested him a year later and tortured him. Glezos got away with life; his brother Nikos was executed.&nb...

Frontex deploys additional 100 border guards at Greece’s land border Frontex deploys additional 100 border guards at Greece’s land border Frontex has deployed an additional 100 border guards at the Greek land border as part of a rapid border intervention following a request by Greece. Border guards from 22 member-state arrived on Thursday in the region of Evros. Member States will also provide technical equipment, including vessels, maritime surveillance aircraft and Thermal-Vision Vehicles, for the Frontex maritime Rapid Border Intervention Aegean 2020. The short amount of time it took us to organise Frontex rapid border interventions at Greece’s land and maritime borders highlight the commitment by the Greek authorities to protect Europe’s borders, the Frontex said in a statement. Frontex Executive Director Fab...
Greece, Syria, Turkey

Greece Vetoes NATO Approval of Turkish Aid to Al-Qaeda in Syria

The Permanent Mission of Greece to NATO on Friday evening vetoed a statement that the alliance was preparing to make in support of Ankara, following the recent killing of 33 Turkish troops, Greek newspaper Vima reported, citing information from Greek sources. According to the newspaper, the foreign minister of Greece, Nikos Dendias, issued direct instructions to representatives to use a veto if the text of the joint statement does not include a Greek proposal to refer to compliance with the March 2016 EU-Turkey declaration on refugees and migrants. The Greek demand was reportedly met with resistance by a number of countries, including the United Kingdom, Germany, the United States, and France. Earlier, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu demanded to begin political cons...
Greece, United Kingdom

‘Brexit means you won’t have to share the pain of Greek workers’

Was leaving the EU a racist move or an achievement to be celebrated? Christina Kostoula Comrade Christina talks from the floor of the recent Workers Party of Britain meeting in Birmingham, congratulating Britain’s workers on having successfully achieved an exit from the much-hated European Union. “I’m glad,” she says, “that you do not have to share the pain of the 61 percent of Greeks who voted to leave the EU and had their votes overturned.” Greek workers were betrayed first by Pasoc (the Greek social-democratic/Labour party) and then by Syriza, the allegedly ‘left’ ‘alternative’, which had promised to let the people decide but ended up overturning that decision and handing Greece’s economy over the the unel...
Greece, Libya, Turkey

Libya Is Likely to Become a Proxy Battlefront Between Greece and Turkey

By Paul Antonopoulos Global Research, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has certainly opened up pandora’s box in Libya that is now difficult for him to close after he made a series of gross miscalculations and aggression against Greece. This has triggered a crisis all across the Eastern Mediterranean. With Libya in a state of war since the NATO-jihadist alliance removed and murdered long-time ruler Muammar Gaddafi in 2011, two prominent forces have emerged from the initial chaos, the Turkish-backed Government of National Accord in coalition with the Muslim Brotherhood who control the capital city of Tripoli, and the Libyan National Army (LNA) led by General Khalifa Haftar, who controls about 80% of the country and has the backing o...

GreeceGreece: 1,200 More Guards To 'Shut The Door' On Migrants

In anticipation of what could be a new wave of migrant arrivals, Greece's Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis on Friday announced that his administration will upgrade its patrolling operations and deploy 1,200 additional border guards to "shut the door" to migrants not entitled to stay. 94 Refugees, Migrants Rescued Off Libya's Coast "In Greece are welcomed only those we choose. Those who are not welcomed will be returned," PM Mitsotakis said and added that doors will remain closed to "those who are not entitled to asylum." Since he took office in July, migration control has become his top policy priority, for Greece has about 80,000 refugees. "Migration is his administration's main obsession, for it is also the Greeks' grea...
Greece, Russia, USA

Will the US Use Greece to Block Russia in the Black Sea?

By Paul Antonopoulos Global Research, The Trump administration last week made its first major step to create a Greek-centric NATO corridor following United States Ambassador to Greece, Geoffrey R. Pyatt, announcement that his country intends to acquire the strategic port of Alexandroupoli. If Athens is to accept such a proposal, the country would be contributing to a geopolitical escalation. The US is attempting to push Greece, a traditional rival to Turkey, closer to them at a time when Ankara continues to defy NATO by strengthening its relations with Russia. The port of Alexandroupoli is of particular importance to US policy in not only the Balkans, but especially to Russia. It is also an important energy route as the Interconnector Greece-Bulgaria (IGB) pipelin...