
FREEMASONRY IN VATICAN – 1. From the Alta Vendita Plot to the Pecorelli’s List with Notable Cardinals Inside

FREEMASONRY IN VATICAN – 1. From the Alta Vendita Plot to the Pecorelli’s List with Notable Cardinals Inside

Investigation in two episodes on the infiltrations of Freemasons in the Catholic Church On the cover image a Freemasonry emblem and the cardinals Baggio and Villot, , considered Freemasons by the “Pecorelli List” VERSIONE IN ITALIANO by Raymund Maria for LifeSiteNews – All links to the Gospa News articles have added aftermath. The posts in Italian can be read in English with simultaneous machine translation Something has gone seriously wrong within the hierarchy of the Church. The widespread heresy, scandal, corruption, and apostasy of the shepherds whom Christ aptly condemned as “wolves in sheep’s clothing” is too systematic, and now overt, to have come about by mere chance or human weakness. Ingenious planning and ruthless, calculated execution hav...
Goodbye Spaghetti & Mandolino… Welcome Weapons & Vaccines! Italian Govt Changed. Not the New World Order’s Style

Goodbye Spaghetti & Mandolino… Welcome Weapons & Vaccines! Italian Govt Changed. Not the New World Order’s Style

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio VERSIONE ORIGINALE IN ITALIANO Professionally I was born and raised as an investigative journalist and therefore it is really difficult for me to be a reporter of current political events that have caused me disgust for decades. Especially when I have to tell them also to international readers who struggle to understand the culture of the beautiful Little Italy, a wonderful Mediterranean peninsula defaced by Freemasonry, Mafia and CIA to the point of making regret the regional monarchies and even the Duce Benito Mussolini, one of the greatest statesmen in the relaunch of social assistance before becoming a crazy extremist of Fascism and being deceived and occupied by the Nazis of the Third Reich. At least he knew how to cure T...
Bad Leaders, Declining Nations: UK, Italy and Russia
Italy, Russia, Ukraine

Bad Leaders, Declining Nations: UK, Italy and Russia

BY PATRICK COCKBURN Photograph Source: Photo by Don Fontijn Countries in decline are dangerous and unpredictable beasts. They may produce leaders who attempt to reverse the process by some adventurous action that has not been tried before. This usually turns out to be far riskier than they imagined, but they cannot retreat as their own political existence is now at stake. The anti-declinist political syndrome is now at its most lethal in Russia, Britain and Italy – with predictably self-destructive results. By far the most calamitous attempt at national revival was that by Vladimir Putin, when he invaded Ukraine on 24 February, in the fixed belief that his armies would face no resistance. In a more minor key, Liz Truss and Kwasi Kwarteng claimed to be jump-starting a ...
Introducing Giorgia Meloni: How the US Opened the Door for Fascism’s Return to Italy 
Italy, USA

Introducing Giorgia Meloni: How the US Opened the Door for Fascism’s Return to Italy 

BY MICHAEL LEONARDI Photograph Source: Vox España – CPAC 2022 con Hermann Tertsch y Victor Gonzalez – CC0 The Italian Parliamentary election has concluded and the neofascist, Giorgia Meloni, is ready to emerge as the new prime minister of a divided country with no clear mandate from around 60 percent of eligible voters, in one of the lower voter turnouts in history. The choices were quite grim and the system rigged along the lines of the anti-democratic US election model after years of CIA influence in working to create a bipolar schizophrenic and easily destabilised political system. Berlusconianism, the creation of a disastrous neoliberal and US/NATO controlled Democratic Party modelled after the United State’s own corporate driven party, and a general malaise and degr...
Italian and Russian Reporters MURDERED in Donbass: No One Guilty! Acquitted NGU’s Warrior who Fought alongside neo-Nazis & ISIS FTFs
Italy, Russia, Ukraine

Italian and Russian Reporters MURDERED in Donbass: No One Guilty! Acquitted NGU’s Warrior who Fought alongside neo-Nazis & ISIS FTFs

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio VERSIONE ORIGINALE IN ITALIANO In the end, the line of “Europa +”, the party of Emma Bonino financed by George Soros, which had officially asked for the acquittal of the dangerous paramilitary of the Ukrainian National Guard, won. In latest days, the Italian Supreme Court of Cassation confirmed the acquittal for Vitaly Markiv, accused of the murder of Andy Rocchelli, the Pavia photojournalist killed in Donbass on 24 May 2014, killed in a “mortar shooting” together with the Russian interpreter and photographer Andrei Mironov, while a Frenchman had survived by a miracle. The reporters Andrei Mironov (l) and Andy Rocchelli (r) Markiv, a soldier of the Ukrainian National Guard with an Italian passport, was sentenced in 2019 to 24 ye...
Blaming Palestinians: Italian Politician Attacks UN Special Rapporteur on Palestine in Parliament (VIDEO)
Human Rights, Italy, Palestine Affairs, UN, ZIO-NAZI

Blaming Palestinians: Italian Politician Attacks UN Special Rapporteur on Palestine in Parliament (VIDEO)

Italian politician Piero Fassino attacked UN Special Rapporteur on Palestine in Parliament. (Thumbnail: The Palestine Chronicle) By Romana Rubeo On July 6, the Foreign Affairs Commission of the Italian Parliament held an informal audit with Francesca Albanese, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967. The Commission was chaired by Piero Fassino, an Italian politician with the Democratic Party.  After an introduction in which Fassino tried to equate the Israeli violations of international law and Palestinian leadership’s lack of democracy, the floor was given to Francesca Albanese, who addressed resolutions by Italian lawmakers and reported on the situation of the occupied territories...
Italian Political Govt Crisis to Launch Draghi as NATO General Secretary
Italy, Ukraine

Italian Political Govt Crisis to Launch Draghi as NATO General Secretary

By: Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio In the cover image a recent meeting of Prime Minister Mario Draghi with the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio for VT Italy In the political era of the prevailing Theatercracy (i.e. the government of dramaturgical representations already mentioned by Plato) the first duty of a geopolitical journalist is to completely ignore the proclamations that come from the puppets of the New World Order and instead try to read the facts in the their intrinsic scope and their potential consequences. Let’s start with the most obvious. The President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, received the President of the Council of Ministers, Prof. Mario Draghi, at the Palazzo del Quirinale, who, after having reported...
Italian Judge Borsellino Assassination: 30 Years of Mafia Injustice through Misdirections inside the Masonic State

Italian Judge Borsellino Assassination: 30 Years of Mafia Injustice through Misdirections inside the Masonic State

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio for VT Italy “One of the most serious misdirections in Italian judicial history” wrote the judges in the first instance sentence of the Borsellino quater trial, after seven innocent people had previously been sentenced to life imprisonment. But despite this, Italian justice, often oriented by a mafia culture that allows the ‘Ndrangheta to control politics as well as national entrepreneurship, also and above all in the rich North, has not been able to issue a single sentence against the alleged misdirectors of the state. “A state that fails to she...
Deadly Glacier Collapse in Italy ‘Linked Directly to Climate Change’
Environment, Italy

Deadly Glacier Collapse in Italy ‘Linked Directly to Climate Change’

A rescue helicopter flies on July 4, 2022 over a glacier that collapsed the day before on the mountain of Marmolada, the highest in the Dolomites, one day after a record-high temperature was recorded at the glacier's summit in the Italian Alps. At least six people were killed when the glacier collapsed. (Photo: Pierre Teyssot/AFP via Getty Images). At least seven people were killed when a glacier slid down a mountainside near a popular climbing route in the Alps on Sunday. JULIA CONLEY Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi joined scientists in pointing to the climate emergency as the cause of a deadly glacier collapse in the Italian Alps on Sunday afternoon, saying policymakers must act to ensure avalanches don't become a more regular occurrence. The collapse of the gla...
Ukraine War: Journalist and Academic Banned by Italian TV due to they Spoke about the Putin Reasons. Press Freedom Collapses
Italy, Ukraine

Ukraine War: Journalist and Academic Banned by Italian TV due to they Spoke about the Putin Reasons. Press Freedom Collapses

By Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio  In the cover image, RAI journalist Bianca Berlinguer and Denys Kyreyev, a member of the Ukrainian delegation for peace talks with Russia shot in the back of the head by NATO-armed President Zelensky’s SBU Security Service agents by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio for VT Italy VERSIONE IN ITALIANO «Cartabianca, prime time talk broadcast on Rai 3 (national Italian TV), hosted by Bianca Berlinguer, closes its doors. The reason? The presenter is accused “of having given too much space to the alleged Putinians”. The decision had already been in the air for several days, especially after the words of the RAI administrator Carlos Fuortes in the Supervision, but now there is confirmation» writes Affari Italiani network reporte...