

‘I’m not leaving’: Yanukovich accuses opposition of coup d’etat, calls on EU to fulfill obligations

NOVANEWS  Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich has called the latest developments in the country a coup d’etat, denying speculations of his resignation. He also accused international mediators of not fulfilling their obligations. Follow RT's LIVE UPDATES “I'm always threatened with ultimatums. I'm not going to leave the country,” Yanukovich said in an interview with local UBR TV channel. “I'm not going to resign. I'm a legitimately elected president.” The interview with the embattled president was broadcast right after the opposition claimed it had received verbal assurances that Yanukovich was resigning. But as parliament deputies said they were waiting for the written confirmation on his resignation, the president announced his plans to travel across the country's southeast, whic...
Ukraine, United Kingdom

U.K. warns Russia: Don’t intervene in Ukraine crisis

NOVANEWS Speaker of Ukrainian parliament Oleksandr Turchinov temporarily appointed interim president. Haaretz Britain warned Russia on Sunday against intervening in Ukraine’s “complex” crisis, saying London wanted to contribute to an international economic program aimed at shoring up the “desperately difficult” situation of the Ukrainian economy. Also on Sunday, Ukrainian parliament voted to appoint Oleksandr Turchinov, the closest confidante of freed opposition leader Yulia Tymoshenko, the role of president following Sunday’s ouster of Victor Yanukovich. Ukraine’s parliamentary speaker and newly appointed interim president told deputies to agree on the formation of a national unity government by Tuesday. “This is a priority task,” Turchinov said. In comments that may anger Moscow, Briti...

In Ukraine, fascists, oligarchs and western expansion are at the heart of the crisis

NOVANEWS The story we're told about the protests gripping Kiev bears only the sketchiest relationship with reality. Seumas Milne The Guardian, Wednesday 29 January 2014  ‘The Ukrainian faultine has the potential to draw in outside powers and lead to a strategic clash.' Illustration by Matt Kenyon We've been here before. For the past couple of months street protests in Ukraine have been played out through the western media according to a well-rehearsed script. Pro-democracy campaigners are battling an authoritarian government. The demonstrators are demanding the right to be part of the European Union. But Russia's president Vladimir Putin has vetoed their chance of freedom and prosperity. It's a story we've heard in one form or another again and again – not least in Ukra...
Egypt, Ukraine

Muslim Brotherhood: Ukraine crisis exposes the West's double standards

NOVANEWS 'The White House warned the army to remain neutral and threatened the Ukrainian government with sanctions if the crackdown did not stop. The European Union also threatened that it would use sanctions against Ukraine while a NATO commander warned against involving the army against the people...This reveals the West's double standards when dealing with the Ukrainian crisis and the Egyptian crisis' Western countries are adopting double standards when dealing with the political crisis that has erupted in the Ukraine and the Egyptian crisis although both situations are similar in many ways, Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood movement said.According to the movement, the West has quickly intervened to contain the Ukrainian political crisis and threatened the Ukrainian government with sanctio...

Riot Porn (Again): Ukraine Version

NOVANEWS by Will Bunch Anti-government protesters protect themselves behind shields as they clash with the police on Independence Square in Kiev early on Wednesday. (Photograph: Sergei Supinsky/AFP/Getty Images)Holy (bleep)! What the hell is going on over in the Ukraine: KIEV, Ukraine — Mayhem gripped the center of the Ukrainian capital on Tuesday evening as riot police officers moved on protesters massed behind barriers raised throughout Independence Square, the focal point of more than two months of protests against President Viktor F. Yanukovych. As the attack began just before 8 p.m. local time, the police tried to drive two armored personnel carriers through stone-reinforced barriers outside the Khreschatyk Hotel in the square. But they became bogged down and, set upon by proteste...
Ukraine, USA

CIA Agent Captured In Ukraine Helping Ukranian Protesters – Video Here

NOVANEWS (Before It's News) A CIA agent has allegedly just been captured in the Ukraine as shown on the video below. This video was just emailed to Before It’s News at the request that we publish this information immediately. Is this MORE PROOF that the CIA and US government are fomenting revolution in the Ukraine or propaganda from ‘the other side’? More below video. The Special Activities Division (SAD) is a division in the United States Central Intelligence Agency‘s (CIA) National Clandestine Service (NCS) responsible for covert operations known as “special activities”. Within SAD there are two separate groups, SAD/SOG for tactical paramilitary operations and SAD/PAG for covert political action.[1] Special Operations Group (SOG) SOG is the department within SAD responsible for oper...
Ukraine, USA

Kerry threatens sanctions on Ukraine ‘to create the environment of compromise’

NOVANEWS   Kerry flexes his New World Order muscles yet again, threatening to team up with allies to force an outcome By Shepard Ambellas Serious talks will begin between the U.S. and allies regarding the current situation and violence in the Ukraine. Secretary of State John Kerry said in a meeting Wednesday, “All of us are deeply disturbed by the scenes of violence and the levels of abuse [...] our hearts going out to the citizens of the Ukraine for what is happening.” Kerry then went on to offer Viktor Yanukovych, the president of the Ukraine, an ultimatum. Kerry requested that Yanukovych make a choice. “We believe the choice is clear”, stated Kerry. “We are convinced there is still space [...] The violence can be avoided and the aspirations of the people of Ukraine can be ...

US, EU paying Ukrainian rioters, protesters

NOVANEWS A protester pictured demonstrating in support of Ukraine's integration in the EU in the center of Kiev on November 23, 2013. By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts A number of confirmations have come in from readers that Washington is fueling the violent protests in Ukraine with our taxpayer dollars. Washington has no money for food stamps or to prevent home foreclosures, but it has plenty of money with which to subvert Ukraine. One reader wrote: “My wife, who is of Ukrainian nationality, has weekly contact to her parents and friends in Zhytomyr [NW Ukraine]. According to them, most protesters get an average payment of 200-300 grivna, corresponding to about 15-25 euro. As I additionally heard, one of the most active agencies and ‘payment outlets’ on EU side is the German ‘Konrad Aden...
Russia, Ukraine, USA

Russia accuses US diplomats of ‘puppeteering’ Ukraine

NOVANEWS Kiev, February 17, 2014.(AFP Photo / Sergei Supinsky) A leading Russian Foreign Ministry official has condemned the US State Department attempts to influence the political situation in volatile Ukraine and warned that such behavior could lead to tragic results. The United States is trying to impose a “Western vector of development” on Ukraine while camouflaging their intent with calls not to obstruct the free choice of the Ukrainian people, Russian news agencies quoted the ministry’s Aleksandr Lukashevich as saying. The Russian diplomat called such an attitude “puppeteering”, adding that the recent statement by US State Department spokesperson Marie Harf was a typical example. In the statement, the US gave instructions regarding future actions of the Ukrainian government, Luka...