Human Rights

‘Israel’s’ Kristallnacht
Gaza, Holocaust, Human Rights, Palestine Affairs, USA, ZIO-NAZI

‘Israel’s’ Kristallnacht

BY BRUCE NEUBURGER Interior view of the destroyed Fasanenstrasse Synagogue, Berlin, burned on Kristallnacht. Photograph Source: Center for Jewish History, NYC – Public Domain. Germany, November 1938 On November 7, 1938, a 17-year-old German Jewish student walked into the German consulate in Paris and asked to speak to the German consular. When he was told he was unavailable the young man, Herschel Grynspan agreed to speak to a lower-level official, Ernst Vom Rath. When the official appeared Grynspan pulled a pistol and shot him in the abdomen. Vom Rath died of his injury two days later. Word of Vom Rath’s death reached Germany at a moment when the Nazi Party leadership was in Munich celebrating the anniversary of the 1923 Beerhall Putsch. Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi min...
Gaza: Dozen Killed As Nazi Army Continues Bombing
Gaza, Holocaust, Human Rights, Palestine Affairs, USA, ZIO-NAZI

Gaza: Dozen Killed As Nazi Army Continues Bombing

Posted by: John Phoenix Day 272 Day 272 of the ongoing Nazi Holocaust of the Palestinians in the besieged, destroyed, and starved Gaza Strip, the Nazi army continued the bombing of various parts of the coastal enclave, killing and wounding dozens, including women and children. The Palestinian Health Ministry said in a statement that the army killed 45 Palestinians, and injured 125, including many women and children, in several parts of the coastal enclave. Thousands of Palestinians continued to flee the heavily bombarded eastern areas of Khan Younis, in the southern part of the Gaza Strip, heading towards the western area of the city, after the Nazi army ordered their evacuation. Palestinian armed resistance grou...
Hebron: Nazi Jewish colonizers Burn Homes and Land, Attack Citizens
Gaza, Holocaust, Human Rights, Palestine Affairs, USA, West Bank, ZIO-NAZI

Hebron: Nazi Jewish colonizers Burn Homes and Land, Attack Citizens

Posted by: John Phoenix In a serious escalation, a large group of illegal Nazi JEWISH paramilitary colonizers attacked Palestinian citizens and their property, late Wednesday night and for several hours, in separate areas of Masafer Yatta, south of Hebron in the southern Nazi occupied West Bank. Media sources said that armed Israeli settlers, under the protection of the Nazi army, injured several citizens, burned two homes in addition to a large area of land, and stole dozens of sheep belonging to local residents in the “Khallet al-Dabaa” area in Masafer Yatta. Video Player Eyewitnesses told SHOAH that, “More than 200 armed colonists, under the protection of the Israeli occupation forces, attacked the homes and property of citizens in “Khallet al-Dabaa” in Masafer Yatta.” ...
Nazi Jewish colonizers Shoot a Palestinian in Hebron, Assault One in Nablus
Gaza, Holocaust, Human Rights, Palestine Affairs, USA, West Bank, ZIO-NAZI

Nazi Jewish colonizers Shoot a Palestinian in Hebron, Assault One in Nablus

Posted by: John Phoenix Nazi JEWISH colonizers shot a Palestinian young man near Hebron in the southern Nazi occupied West Bank, while a group of settlers assaulted a citizen near Nablus in the northern West Bank. Nazi JEWISH paramilitary colonizers shot, on Wednesday evening, a Palestinian citizen in the town of As-Samu’, south of Hebron in the southern Nazi occupied West Bank. Media sources said that an armed illegal Nazi JEWISH colonizer shot the citizen, Mohammad Muslim Abu Al-Kabash, 25, in the shoulder with live rounds, while he was herding sheep on his land. He was subsequently transported to the Yatta Governmental Hospital in stable condition. Meanwhile, illegal Nazi JEWISH colonizers assaulted a Palestinian citizen in the town of Beita, south of Nablus in the n...
Gaza: Nazi Army Kills Dozens, Another Hospital Shuts Down
Gaza, Holocaust, Human Rights, Palestine Affairs, USA, ZIO-NAZI

Gaza: Nazi Army Kills Dozens, Another Hospital Shuts Down

Posted by: John Phoenix Day 271 Day 271 of the ongoing Nazi Holocaust of the Palestinian people in the destroyed and besieged Gaza Strip, the Nazi army continued the bombing of various parts of the coastal region, killing and wounding dozens of Palestinians, while the Gaza European Hospital had to shut down after being constantly attacked, and running out of medical supplies. Medical sources at the Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital in Gaza City, said five Palestinians were killed and many were injured, all from the same family, after the army fired a missile at their home in the center of the city. The sources said Kamal Awad Banat was killed along with his son Abdul-Salam, and his daughters, Raghad, Hidaya, and Rama, and added that his fourth daughter, Raw’a, remains under th...
Nazi army Halts Construction Of Structures In Nazi occupied Jordan Valley
Gaza, Holocaust, Human Rights, Jordan, Palestine Affairs, USA, West Bank, ZIO-NAZI

Nazi army Halts Construction Of Structures In Nazi occupied Jordan Valley

Posted by: John Phoenix Nazi soldiers invaded the Hamsa village, in the northern Jordan Valley of the Nazi occupied West Bank, and handed orders halting the construction of two residential facilities. Mo’taz Bisharat, a Palestinian official who monitors Nazi JEWISH colonialist activities in the Northern Plains, said the residential structures are owned by two siblings, Yasser and Abdullah Mahmoud Abu Kabbash. Bisharat added that the two siblings own the lands they are building their homes on and obtained the needed permits from the local council. It is worth mentioning that, over the last ten days, the Nazi army repeatedly invaded the area and delivered similar orders targeting many residential and agricultural structures, owned by several Palestinians in the same area...
Nazi army Demolishes A Home In Jericho
Gaza, Holocaust, Human Rights, Palestine Affairs, USA, West Bank, ZIO-NAZI

Nazi army Demolishes A Home In Jericho

Posted by: John Phoenix Nazi soldiers demolished a Palestinian home in Jericho, in the northeastern part of the Nazi occupied West Bank. Media sources said the Nazi soldiers invaded Jerico and demolished a three-story, 130 square meters house, and a wooden roof, owned by Sa’id Mohammad Rashayda. They added that the demolished house sheltered ten Palestinians, including women and children. The army also demolished the foundation of another home, owned by Emad Mousa Nawawra, just one month after the soldiers invaded the area and confiscated construction equipment and supplies. In a statement, the Wall & Colonization Resistance Commission said that, in the first half of 2024, the Nazi occupation authorities issued 359 demolition orders against homes and various str...
In Gaza, she now inhabits a solitary space between life and death
Gaza, Holocaust, Human Rights, Palestine Affairs, USA, ZIO-NAZI

In Gaza, she now inhabits a solitary space between life and death

Posted by: John Phoenix The power is off, communication is cut. Horea and her family - and 2 million others - are isolated and in the dark. (photo)  When bombs are dropping all around you, do you embrace your wretched life, or pray for death? From Gaza, Horea shared her heart. by Kathryn Shihadah, reposted from Patheos, Grace Colored Glasses, October 9, 2023 Horea Americans, we can not hide our heads in the sand any longer. Today we learn from an expert what it’s like to sit through Israeli airstrikes. Below is part of a conversation I had with my dear niece Horea, and a message she wanted me to pass on to you. Horea lives in a refugee camp in the Gaza Strip. She is 26 and lives with her parents and eight younger siblings. She and I have been commun...
As ceasefire moves closer, Naziyahu trying to “sabotage” deal
Gaza, Holocaust, Human Rights, Palestine Affairs, USA, West Bank, ZIO-NAZI

As ceasefire moves closer, Naziyahu trying to “sabotage” deal

Posted by: John Phoenix As ceasefire moves closer, Naziyahu trying to “sabotage” deal; Gaza death toll passes 38,000 – Day 271 Gazan children evacuating Shujayea neighborhood with their families and belongings. (screengrab) Netanyahu thwarts ceasefire; more people killed in Gaza; vital humanitarian aid at a standstill; pro-Israel influencers with millions of followers attend Israel-sponsored strategy summit in NYC ; no more special treatment for Israeli prisoners; Israel destroys 600-year-old mosque; largest Israeli West Bank land grab in three decades; Palestinian citizens of Israel are an “existential threat”; leaked document shows Israel’s plan to ethnically cleanse Gazans; more. By IAK staff, from reports. NETANYAHU AND ALLIES TRYING TO SABOTAGE CEASEFIRE, ISRA...
Nazi military, Jewish settlers are breaking records in violence toward Palestinians
Gaza, Holocaust, Human Rights, Palestine Affairs, West Bank, ZIO-NAZI

Nazi military, Jewish settlers are breaking records in violence toward Palestinians

Posted by: John Phoenix   Israeli violence against Palestinians is spiking (pictured: Mourners attend the funeral of Palestinian Salah al-Buraiki, 19, killed overnight by Israeli forces in Jenin on 21 October 2022) (Reuters) According to two recent articles (below): In 2022, Israeli soldiers and settlers are responsible for the highest monthly average of Palestinians killed since the UN started counting fatalities in 2005 – at least 29 in October alone (3 Israeli soldiers also died); October also saw Israeli soldiers and settlers carry out almost 1,200 attacks against Palestinians.  (It’s important to remember that Israeli ‘settlements‘ are actually illegal Jewish-only colonies on confiscated Palestinian land. Many analysts feel that a mo...