Human Rights

Human Rights


NOVANEWS Yesterday, after 6 days of kidnapping and beating our friend Omar Mousa Ala'eddin from the village of Al-Ma'sara, the Israeli occupation authorities released him broken and battered. We spend much of the day with him. Omar is an English student at Hebron University and was returning with other students and two of his professors from a field trip to Ramallah where they watched a play. On the way back, a soldier at the checkpoint entered into a verbal exchange with Omar when Omar tried to explain to him about a fellow female student who did not have her ID card with her since Omar spoke Hebrew. The soldier ordered him out of the bus and the first blows were delivered to Omar in front of his friends and teachers. After they took him to a back room and have received information abou...
Human Rights


NOVANEWS By: Mary Pearson 'Always remember you have within you the strength, the patience and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.' Harriet Tubman Belated International Women's Day Greetings! 'I swear I will not dishonor my soul with hatred, but offer myself humbly as a guardian of nature, as a healer of misery, as a messenger of wonder, as an architect of peace.' International Women's Day (8 March) is an occasion marked by women's groups around the world. This date is also commemorated at the United Nations and is designated in many countries as a national holiday. When women on all continents, often divided by national boundaries and by ethnic, linguistic, cultural, economic and political differences, come together to celebrate their Day, they can look back to a tradit...
Human Rights


NOVANEWS Al-Akhbar newspaper devotes a special section (edited by young Lebanese feminist women) for International Women's Day. Posted by As'ad at 7:56 AM
Gaza, Human Rights

Palestinian Women Must Speak Out

NOVANEWS By Maha Mehanna Sexual harassment has become a threat to women everywhere in the world. Wives, mothers, daughters, sisters, and students have all been subjected to sexual harassment. Although there are cases of men being sexually harassed, the percentage is much lower than that of women. Sexual harassment can involve sexual jokes or remarks or indicating a wish to engage in sexual activity. Although in developed countries this issue is actively being addressed, in developing countries such as Palestine, this is still a struggle. Not a single week passes without our hearing about things that go on in the workplace in Palestine. The stories would make your hair turn gray! We hear horror stories of secretaries and others who endure sexual advances by their manag...
Britain implicated in murder of Gaza doctor sponsored by its Foreign Office
Gaza, Holocaust, Human Rights, Palestine Affairs, United Kingdom, USA, West Bank, ZIO-NAZI

Britain implicated in murder of Gaza doctor sponsored by its Foreign Office

Left: Former Chevening scholar Dr. Maisara Alrayyes. Right: ex-British Foreign Secretary James Cleverly. KIT KLARENBERG The UK government refused to condemn Israel’s targeted murder of Dr. Maisara Alrayyes, a Palestinian alumnus of the British Foreign Office’s prestigious Chevening scholarship. Meanwhile, London has instructed media outlets to keep silent about its direct involvement in the Gaza slaughter. Since the beginning of Israel’s military assault on the besieged Gaza Strip, the British government has remained unflappably silent on the carnage inflicted on Palestinian civilians with one notable exception. On November 8th, the Foreign Office announced the death of Dr. Maisara Alrayyes, a Palestinian alumnus of its prestigious Chevening scholarship scheme, u...