NATO, Russia, Turkey

Endgame Russia: NATO Sprawl Invades Eastern Europe, No More Illusions

NOVANEWS By Robert BRIDGE | Strategic Culture Foundation  In the past, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) justified its militarization of large swaths of Eastern Europe by pointing to the omnipresent threat of terrorism, or some ‘rogue’ foreign state, inherently understood to be Iran. Today the mask has slipped and it is no longer denied that NATO’s primary target is Russia. But first, a trip down nightmare lane. The road to ruin – at least as far as US-Russia relations were concerned – began immediately following the 9/11 terror attacks. Three months after that fateful day, in December 2001, George W. Bush informed Vladimir Putin that the US was withdrawing from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, a strange move considering that the treaty had kept the peace between the nuclear...
NATO, Serbia

The Biggest Threat to World Peace Is NATO

NOVANEWS Posted by: Sammi Ibrahem,Sr By Eric Zuesse   On November 8th, Britain’s Daily Mail bannered “NATO tells Europe to prepare for ‘rapid deployment’:” and sub-headed “Defence chiefs say roads, bridges and rail links must be improved in case tanks and heavy vehicles need to be quickly mobilised” (to invade Russia, but the newspaper’s slant was instead that this must be done purely defensively: “In October, NATO accused Russia of misleading them, saying that Moscow had deliberately violated international rules of military drills”). The article continued: Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg called for the infrastructure update across Europe as NATO is set to overhaul its command structure for the first time since the Cold War During a press conference in Brussels, Stoltenber...
Europe, NATO, Russia

NATO Intensifies Its Preparations for War with Russia

NOVANEWS By Philipp Frisch World Socialist Web Site Against the backdrop of US aggression against North Korea, NATO is intensifying its preparations for war with Russia, the world’s second largest nuclear power. A report in the German news magazine Der Spiegel (Issue 43/2017) based on a secret NATO document indicates how far plans for war have progressed. The news magazine concludes: “In plain language: NATO is preparing for a possible war with Russia.” In the document entitled “Progress report on the Alliance’s Enhanced Deterrence and Defence Disposition,” leading military figures call for a major boost to military capabilities in order to conduct a so-called “Major Joint Operation Plus.” The abstruse terminology in fact stands for a war involving the main military organisat...
NATO, Russia

Is NATO Preparing for War on Russia?

NOVANEWS By Stephen Lendman     Bilateral Russia/US relations are dismal – so far confined to a war of words, risking things turning hot. Hostile US actions include: deploying US-led NATO forces close to Russia’s border – breaching the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE -1991), limiting conventional military equipment in Europe; staging provocative military exercises in bordering countries, rehearsing belligerence against the Russian Federation; notably using Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland as training grounds for US-led NATO wars; preparing for hybrid and conventional war on Russia; inventing and hyping a nonexistent “Russian threat;” abandoning the Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty; breaching the 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Force...
NATO, Serbia

NATO attack on Serbian state TV wiped from record

NOVANEWS By Shane Quinn | The Duran  On 23 April 1999, a NATO missile attack on Radio Television of Serbia (RTS) headquarters killed 16 employees of the state broadcaster. The forgotten war crime occurred during the Kosovo War (March 1998-June 1999), and was part of NATO’s aerial campaign alongside the US-backed Kosovo Liberation army, in opposition to the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. In the aftermath of the attack there were no great public campaigns launched for the 16 murdered journalists and employees, no outpouring of emotion for those killed, no calls for solidarity and togetherness in the face of aggression. On the contrary the West justified this grievous blow against freedom of expression, praised it even. Tony Blair, Britain’s then Prime Minister, welcomed the killings wh...
Europe, NATO, USA

NATO and Western Militarism in a Multipolar World

NOVANEWS Global Research News Hour 2017 Summer Series 6 By Michael Welch, Radhika Desai, Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, and Paul Kellogg   “In this pact, we hope to create a shield against aggression and the fear of aggression–a bulwark which will permit us to get on with the real business of government and society, the business of achieving a fuller and happier life for all our citizens.” – Address by US President Harry S. Truman, on the occasion of the signing of the North Atlantic Treaty (April 4, 1949) [1] LISTEN TO THE SHOW  The establishment of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in April of 1949 was defended, at least in public discourse, as a necessary bulwark against threats to peace posed by the Soviet Union. Composed of 12 member states at the time, NATO was ...

Ending NATO, a Monstrous Institution

NOVANEWS By Karel van Wolferen • Unz Review  Their anxiety about the future of NATO, recently on full display again when the American president was in Europe, could not be bettered as a measure of the incapacity of Europe’s top politicians to guide their continent and represent its populations. Through its provocations of Moscow, NATO systematically helps increase the risk of a military confrontation. By thus sabotaging its declared purpose of preserving collective security for the countries on either side of the Atlantic, it erases its fundamental reason for being and right to exist. Grasping these facts ought be enough to fuel moves aimed at quickly doing away with NATO. But it is terrible for more and easily overlooked reasons. NATO’s survival prevents the political entity that is th...

NATO Enlargement in Times of Geopolitical Cholera

NOVANEWS Adelina Marini Do you remember that scene at the NATO summit on May 25 when US President Donald Trump arrogantly pushed aside Montenegrin Prime Minister Duško Marković to stand in front? This was the most shared video of that day and is the best illustration of the enlargement of the Pact, which officially took place on 5 June. On that day the Pact accepted its 29th state - Montenegro. During the official ceremony NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg chose to quote President Harry S. Truman’s words at the signing of the Washington Treaty in April 1949: "In this Pact, we hope to create a shield against aggression and the fear of aggression. A bulwark which will permit us to get on with the real business of government and society. The business of achieving a fuller and happier...