
Amira Elghawaby And Quebec’s Islamophobia Problem

Amira Elghawaby And Quebec’s Islamophobia Problem

Screenshot via Canadian Muslim COVID-19 Task Force on YouTube. Quebec media and political parties have lined up to attack Elghawaby for pointing out basic truths about the province. Nora Loreto Every year since 2017, a collective I’m a part of has organized a vigil to remember the victims of the shooting at the Islamic Cultural Centre in Quebec City. Each year, we’ve debated what message we want to stick to when speaking with journalists. We know we ultimately don’t have any control over these messages, but we still try. This year, we decided we wanted to highlight the experiences of Muslim youth in Quebec City — their hopes, fears and dreams. We wanted them to share what it has been like for them to grow up in this city, especially since the shooting. What we didn’...
Canadian Support For Ukrainian Nazi Collaborators Goes Beyond Statues

Canadian Support For Ukrainian Nazi Collaborators Goes Beyond Statues

The vandalized monument in Oakville. Image Via YouTube. For decades, Canada has underwritten the cultish worship of Ukrainian Nazi collaborator war criminals. Moss Robeson The vandalism of a cenotaph in a Ukrainian cemetery in Oakville, Ont. dedicated to Waffen-SS veterans became international news on July 17 after Ottawa Citizen’s David Pugliese reported police were investigating the anti-Nazi graffiti as a “hate-motivated offense.” Many around the world were shocked to learn of the memorial’s existence, yet this cenotaph isn’t even the oldest memorial at that cemetery glorifying Nazi collaborators. Canada is likely the only country in North America, if not the western hemisphere, with monuments dedicated to Waffen-SS veterans. There are also...
Canadian GloboHomo Targets the NHL’s Alexander Ovechkin

Canadian GloboHomo Targets the NHL’s Alexander Ovechkin

VT's Mark Dankof Responds to Brian Lilley of the Toronto Sun on his Broadside of the Washington Capitals NHL Legend and President Vladimir Putin of Russia. By: Mark Dankof Brian Lilley of the Toronto Sun rides the GloboHomo horse against Putin and Ovechkin. Dear Mr. Lilley: I noted your column today in the Toronto Sun entitled, “Ovechkin shouldn’t be welcomed into Canada, let’s hope Toronto shuns him:  His athletic skills are amazing, but his support for a genocidal dictator is disgusting.” In this column, you make reference to Mr. Ovechkin as “Putin’s propaganda machine on ice.” Forgive me for noting that you might be perceived as the propaganda machine in Canadian Sports Media for a Jewish drag queen comedian in Kiev masquerading as the legitimate President of an...
Canada’s Deputy Prime Minister carries Ukrainian fascist banner at Toronto demonstration
Canada, Ukraine

Canada’s Deputy Prime Minister carries Ukrainian fascist banner at Toronto demonstration

James Clayton Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland posing with fascist banner [Photo: SputnikNews/WyattReed] Canada’s Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland appeared at a Sunday demonstration in support of Ukraine in Toronto’s Nathan Phillips Square, while proudly holding a red and black banner emblazoned with a fascist slogan, “Slava Ukraini!” (Glory to Ukraine!). Toronto Mayor John Tory (in a blue bandana) stood wrapped in the blue and yellow Ukrainian flag just behind Freeland. The image was captured by a staffer and promoted via Freeland’s official Canadian Government Twitter account @cafreeland. By Monday morning, in the face of mounting public criticism, another photo was reposted without the fascist banner. However, even the new version of the image still showed t...
Vancouver city council on the brink of institutionalizing anti-Palestinian racism
Canada, Human Rights, Palestine Affairs

Vancouver city council on the brink of institutionalizing anti-Palestinian racism

In 2019, Vancouver rejected the controversial IHRA definition of antisemitism but now a new city council is planning to adopt it despite outcry from the community. BY MARION KAWAS   FILE: PROTEST BANNER IN LONDON, 2018. (PHOTO: JEWISH VOICE FOR LABOUR (UK) VIA THE PALESTINE POSTER PROJECT ARCHIVES) In 2019, Vancouver became one of the first cities in Canada to deal with the infamous IHRA definition of antisemitism. A motion was submitted at that time to not only adopt the IHRA but also to share it as an additional tool with various civic departments, including the Vancouver Police Department. There was a quick and effective response from a broad cross-section of community and social justice activists, which resulted in the motion not being passed by council. However,...
CSIS Canadian Intelligence and the Round Table Origins of the Five Eyes

CSIS Canadian Intelligence and the Round Table Origins of the Five Eyes

by Matthew Ehret Some link to Gospa News posts have been added inside the article by Editorial staff This month the Task Force on National Security at the University of Ottawa published a white paper which lays out a plan for a major re-organization of Canada’s intelligence agencies to better deal with the “intense global instability when the security of Canada and other liberal democracies is under growing threat.” Upon looking at those who participated in the crafting of this “discussion” paper, which includes several former CSIS directors, advisors to Prime Ministers and high level civil servants, it can quickly be seen that this is no benign academic exercise, but represents a top-down policy intention. The authors of the report reference the changes to Can...
Has Justin Trudeau Been Duly Vaccinated? Registered Nurse Expresses Doubt on Authenticity of Trudeau’s Vaccine Jab
Canada, Health

Has Justin Trudeau Been Duly Vaccinated? Registered Nurse Expresses Doubt on Authenticity of Trudeau’s Vaccine Jab

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky Global Research, All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the “Translate Website” drop down menu on the top banner of our home page (Desktop version). Visit and follow us on Instagram at @crg_globalresearch. First published on September 20, 2021 updated February 20, 2022 Author’s Note and Update In recent developments, Justin Trudeau has tested positive for Covid-19. “I feel ok because I got my shots”. Sounds weird. Arn’t the shots intended to protect you from contracting Covid-19?  This is the second time, Trudeau has tested positive for Covid-19. The first time was back in February 2022, when he ordered a violent and brutal police operation  agains...
Canada Outlaws “Condoning, Denying or Downplaying” the Holocaust Mythos
Canada, Human Rights, ZIO-NAZI

Canada Outlaws “Condoning, Denying or Downplaying” the Holocaust Mythos

Jewish Political Theology Enshrined in the Criminal Code ANDREW FRASER  According to the OED, a “mythos” is a “traditional or recurrent narrative theme or pattern; a standard plot in literature.” For many, the Holocaust Mythos conjures up the hope of universal redemption from the absolute evils of racism, anti-Semitism, and militant White nationalism. Arising out of the allegedly planned extermination of the Jewish people by “Nazi” Germany and its collaborators, the story has acquired canonical status in officially-constructed “memory cultures” throughout the West. In Canada, where the politically correct Trudeau regime clearly craves recognition as a humanitarian superpower, the government has followed in the footsteps of Germany and several other European states by enshrining ...
Prof. Anthony Hall on Canada’s Truckers Movement & Political Prisoners

Prof. Anthony Hall on Canada’s Truckers Movement & Political Prisoners

By: Kevin Barrett Video link My old friend and colleague Prof. Anthony Hall has put together a great slideshow video interview following the rough outlines of his article “Democracy, Authoritarianism, and the Canadian Truckers Movement.” Prof. Hall has provided 50 links to accompany the slideshow, which you can find at the Rumble video link (scroll down.) -Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor SOURCEKevin Barrett’s Substack
Canada’s National Police Force Admits Use of Spyware to Hack Phones

Canada’s National Police Force Admits Use of Spyware to Hack Phones

The RCMP says it needs to use malware because encryption has made surveillance “exponentially more difficult.” By Maura Forrest Global Research, All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the “Translate Website” drop down menu on the top banner of our home page (Desktop version). To receive Global Research’s Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here. Visit and follow us on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. Feel free to repost and share widely Global Research articles. *** In a “remarkable” disclosure, Canada’s national police force has described for the first time how it uses spyware to infiltrate mobile devices and collect data, including by remotely turning on the camera and micropho...