

9/11 Truth will out: The Vancouver Hearings II

NOVANEWS by Jim Fetzer “All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.”― Arthur Schopenhauer The evidence that none of the “official plane crashes” actually took place is simply overwhelming, even if there are 9/11 Truth groups that want to avoid it.  Not only did Flight 77 not hit the Pentagon, but Flight 93 did not crash in Shanksville and, even though we have all seen videos purporting to show Flight 11 hit the North Tower and Flight 175 hit the South, we know that those videos are faked or fabricated one way or another.  As Pilots for 9/11 Truth has shown, Flight 93 was in the air on 9/11 but was over Champaign-Urbana, IL, AFTER it had purportedly crashed in Shanksville; and Flight 175 was al...
Canada, Iran, ZIO-NAZI

Canada-Iran Tensions: Why IsraHell Is So Happy

NOVANEWS By Kourosh Ziabari In a frantic and unexpectedly hysterical decision made on September 7, the Canadian government suspended all its diplomatic ties with Iran, closed its embassy in Tehran and ordered the Iranian diplomats to leave the Canadian soil in 5 days. The Canadian Foreign Minister John Baird made an unbelievably offensive statement, calling Iran “the most significant threat to global peace and security in the world today.” He cited reasons such as the 2011 attack of Iranian students on the British embassy in Tehran, Iran’s support for the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and its alleged failure in making confidence with regards to its nuclear program as the basis for breaking off the diplomatic relations with Iran. Aside from the unconventionality of the Cana...


NOVANEWS By Eric Walberg On 7 September, Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird announced that Canada is suspending all diplomatic relations with Iran, expelling all Iranian diplomats, closing its embassy in Tehran, and authorizing Turkey to act on Canada's behalf for consular services there. Baird cited Iran’s enmity with Israel, its support of Syria and terrorism. "Canada views the government of Iran as the most significant threat to global peace and security in the world today," Baird said at the Asia Pacific Economic Conference in Vladivostok, Russia. Canada has not had a full ambassador in Iran since 2007. Relations between the two countries cooled after Iranian-Canadian free-lance photographer Zahra Kazemi died in Iran in 2003 under disputed circumstances, and went from bad to worse u...
Canada, Iran

Ex-ambassador to Iran castigates Canada embassy closure

NOVANEWS Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper (file photo) Canada’s reasons for acting so suddenly are not convincing. Iran seems as surprised by our action as other countries are. In the absence of… concrete information the question remains why have we taken this drastic action and in particular, why now?” Canada’s last ambassador to Iran, John Mundy Canada’s last ambassador to Iran John Mundy has sharply criticized his government for its abrupt severance of ties with the Islamic Republic. “Canada’s action reduces our presence on the ground in Iran to zero. We will no longer have the ability to communicate directly with Iran’s government in Iran,” Mundy wrote in a column published in the Globe and Mail on Monday. Canada announced on Friday that it is closing its embassy in Iran a...
Canada, ZIO-NAZI

Canada being steadily Zionized

NOVANEWS File photo shows Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his Canadian counterpart Stephen Harper. By Wayne Madsen Harper has also held on to power by showing utter contempt for Canada’s democratic institutions, including Parliament and the Canadian Charter of Rights of Freedoms. This is the same contempt that pro-Israel neocon political leaders in the United States showed for American democratic institutions – the US Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the US Congress – in the wake of the neocon-contrived 9/11 terror attacks." If anyone wants to see what a US administration under Mormon-Zionist Mitt Romney would look like, one only has to look at the steady Zionization of Canada under the government of Tory Prime Minister Stephen Harper. Canada, a one-time independ...
Canada, ZIO-NAZI

Zio-Nazi Peres thanks Canada for cutting ties with Iran

NOVANEWS In special statement, Zio-Nazi Peres says Ottawa has proven once again ‘that morals come before pragmatism’ ynet President Shimon Peres issued a special statement on Saturday thanking the Canadian people and its leader for cutting diplomatic ties with Iran. He expressed hope that other nations will “see Canada as a moral role model” and follow in its footsteps. “Canada has proven once again that morals come before pragmatism,” the statement said. “Canada has demonstrated that policy must reflect principles and values… Iran is a source of global terror, a blatant violator of human rights and Iran aims to dominate the entire Middle East. “The combination of hegemonic ambition, political madness and a nuclear weapon is an unacceptable and unbearable combination which endangers the ...

Canada Gives $30 Million to Muslim Terrorists

NOVANEWS Last week, the Aga Khan, (left) received a $30 million grant from the Canadian government for a "global center to promote diversity." None of the Opposition parties bothered to ask why the Canadian government gave this tidy sum to one of the richest men on the planet.  by David Livingstone The prominence of the Aga Khan family may be attributed to their long-term involvement in the  Occult and Illuminati-sponsored Muslim terrorism. The Aga Khan is the hereditary leader of 15 million Ismaili Muslims who trace their descent directly to the notorious Assassins of Islam.  Many believe that the Knights Templars learned their occult doctrines form the Assassins during the Crusades.  In fact, according to Scottish Rite Freemasonry, the Templars "rescued" a number of "Eastern mystics...
Canada, Palestine Affairs

From British Columbia to IsraHell/Palestine: The Trail of Kwitsel Tatel in Historical Context

NOVANEWS by Kwitsel Tatel and Anthony Hall Israeli abuses of the human rights of Palestinian people find a reflection in the historical and contemporary treatment of Indigenous peoples in North America. This observation helps support the argument that there is much more going on than immediately meets the eye in the trial of Kwitsel Tatel. The Criminalization of Indigenous Peoples in North America, Israel/Palestine and Throughout the Colonized World The criminalization in Canada of a single Aboriginal mother, Kwitsel Tatel, for trying to feed her children is one small saga in the ongoing holocaust of the Americas that began in 1492 and continues to this day. The case of Kwitsel Tatel began with a dispute over the contemporary place of Aboriginal fisheries in the Fraser Valley of British C...

University of Ottawa Engaged in SLAPP-Suit Against Former Professor – Student Senators Speak Out

NOVANEWS The University of Ottawa, a publicly funded institution, is financing a private lawsuit against an outspoken university critic and blogger.  The university tried to hide its sponsorship of this repressive action, but it was exposed through a Freedom of Information request and court action.  On July 24, the judge assigned to the lawsuit withdrew himself after he was accused of conflict of interest due to links he had with the university and the lawfirm representing it.  This statement is based on the personal observations and experience of two former student members of the U of O Senate.  Its purpose is to draw attention to this injustice taking place in the Ontario Superior Court and to call for donations to the Defendant’s Legal Defense Fund.  Denis Rancourt is defending himself...

The End of Canada's Sovereignty as a Nation State? Towards a U.S.-Canada Economic and Security Perimeter

NOVANEWS By Dana Gabriel   Global Research Over the past several months, the U.S.-Canada Beyond the Border action plan has taken significant steps forward. This includes efforts to modernize and expand infrastructure at key land ports. In a move that went largely unnoticed, both countries also recently agreed on a statement of privacy principles that will guide information sharing across the border. Meanwhile, a separate joint initiative has been announced which addresses energy and environmental issues. President Barack Obama and Prime Minister Stephen Harper launched the U.S.-Canada Clean Energy Dialogue (CED) in 2009 to promote new ways to reduce greenhouse gases and combat climate change. The CED Action Plan II released last month, outlines the next phase of activitie...