

After 20 Years, NAFTA Leaves Mexico’s Economy in Ruins

NOVANEWS by Sonali Kolhatkar Twenty years ago, on Jan. 1, 1994, a trade deal championed by Democratic President Bill Clinton went into effect. The North American Free Trade Agreement was meant to integrate the economies of the United States, Canada and Mexico by breaking down trade barriers between them, creating jobs and closing the wage gap between the U.S. and Mexico. What in fact happened under NAFTA was that heavily subsidized U.S. corn flooded the Mexican market, putting millions of farmers out of work. Multinational corporations opened up factories creating low-wage jobs at the expense of organized labor and the environment. This, in turn, drove waves of migration north. Meanwhile, corporate profits soared, and Mexico boasted the richest man in the world, Carlos Slim. Walmart a...
Mexico, USA

NSA Spied on Mexican Government for Years

NOVANEWS By Andrea Germanos New Snowden leaks reported on by German magazine Der Spiegel show Mexico was systematic target of NSA surveillance Photo: Wikimedia Commons The National Security Agency (NSA) has been spying on top Mexican officials, including the president, for years, German magazine Der Spiegel reported on Sunday. The news marks the latest revelation of vast surveillance by the NSA made possible by leaks from whistleblower Edward Snowden. Der Spiegel reports that a spying operation dubbed “Flatliquid” was carried out by the NSA’s “Tailored Access Operations” (TAO) department, which accessed in 2010 what the agency found to be “a lucrative source”—an email domain used by then-President Felipe Calderon and cabinet members. The paper also revealed that in 2009, a separate succ...

Mexico: police attack teachers' strike encampment

NOVANEWS Carrying plastic shields and armed with nightsticks and tear-gas canisters, some 3,600 helmeted Mexican federal police moved in on Mexico City’s main plaza, the Zócalo, at 4 PM on Sept. 13 to clear out an encampment teachers had set up as a base for actions that they had been carrying out since Aug. 21 to protest changes in the educational system. The National Education Workers Coordinating Committee (CNTE), the dissident union group leading the protests, had negotiated an agreement with the government to vacate the plaza in time for the Sept. 15-16 ceremonies that traditionally celebrate Mexico's independence from Spain, but a smaller group of teachers from the militant locals in the southern state of Oaxaca tried briefly to hold out against the police. Confrontations followe...

Yaqui maintain highway blockade, call for international support

NOVANEWS     VICAM PUEBLO, Sonora, Mexico -- Yoeme (Yaqui) in Vicam Pueblo maintained their highway barricade in defense of their water in the Rio Yaqui, as representatives of the National Indigenous Congress met over the weekend with directives from the Zapatistas Little School.Ofelia Rivas, O'odham representative of the National Indigenous Congress, attended the gathering in Vicam on Saturday, Sept. 14, 2013."Vicam Yoeme are calling for international support for a meeting on October 18 in the defense of water in Vicam," Rivas said. The Northwest regional meeting of the National Indigenous Congress included the states of Sonora, Sinoloa, Chihuahua and Baja."Yaqui are sending a special invitation to the Mohawks to attend this important meeting on water rights on October 18," Rivas said....

The Zapatistas’ First School Opens for Session

NOVANEWS by Marta Molina Yesterday, 1,700 students from around the world enrolled in the first Zapatistas school, held at the University of the People’s Land of Chiapas. (Photo: WNV/Moysés Zúñiga Santiago)Last December, tens of thousands of indigenous Zapatistas mobilized, peacefully and in complete silence, to occupy five municipal government office buildings in the state of Chiapas, Mexico. That same day, which coincided with the end of one cycle on the Maya calendar, Zapatistas released a communiqué, asking, “Did you hear it?” It appears that the answer was yes, because this week thousands of people from around the world are descending on Chiapas for the Zapatistas’ first organizing school, called la escuelita de libertad, which means the little school of liberty. Originally the gr...

Leahy Freeze on Mexico Drug War Funds Will Save Lives and Money"

NOVANEWS Patrick Leahy, chair of the Appropriations Committee, blocked release of $95 million dollars in funding for the Merida Initiative, citing the lack of a clear strategy on the part of the U.S. State Department and the Mexican government.“The whole things looks like just coughing up money with no accountability,”Leahy was quoted as saying in the legislative monitor, CQ Roll Call.The decision is a long-overdue recognition that the drug war in Mexico has been a bloody fiasco. The Merida Initiative, a Bush-era plan to attack cartels in Mexico and reduce trafficking of prohibited drugs to the U.S. market, began in 2008. Congress has appropriated $1.9 billion dollars from the federal budget for the program over the past five years, most aimed at bolstering Mexican security forces. S...
Mexico, ZIO-NAZI

IsraHell-Mexico: Military Cooperation to Crush Zapatistas Liberation Movement

NOVANEWS BY JIMMY JOHNSON AND LINDA QUIQUIVIX Earlier this month, Jorge Luis Llaven Abarca, Mexico’s newly-appointed secretary of public security in Chiapas, announced that discussions had taken place between his office and the Israeli defense ministry. The two countries talked about security coordination at the level of police, prisons and effective use of technology (“Israeli military will train Chiapas police,” Excelsior, 8 May [Spanish]). Chiapas is home to the Zapatistas (Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional), a mostly indigenous Maya liberation movement that has enjoyed global grassroots support since it rose up against the Mexican government in 1994. The Zapatistas took back large tracts of land on which they have since built subsistence cooperatives, autonomous schools, collec...
Mexico, ZIO-NAZI

Mexican Police Takes Counterinsurgency Lessons From Zio-Nazi's In Chiapas

NOVANEWS Earlier this month, Jorge Luis Llaven Abarca, Mexico’s newly-appointed secretary of public security in Chiapas, announced that discussions had taken place between his office and the Israeli defense ministry. The two countries talked about security coordination at the level of police, prisons and effective use of technology (“Israeli military will train Chiapas police,” Excelsior, 8 May [Spanish]). Yaron Yugman, representative of the Ministry of Defense of Israel in Mexico, meets with the head of Public Security in Chiapas, Jorge Luis Llaven Abarca Chiapas is home to the Zapatistas (Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional), a mostly indigenous Maya liberation movement that has enjoyed global grassroots support since it rose up against the Mexican government in 1994. The Za...
Mexico, USA

The border, Mexican labor and the racist history of U.S. immigration policy

NOVANEWS Immigration and citizenship adapted to capitalists' needs ICE agents terrorize and split up immigrant families. This article was published in the 'Full Rights For All Immigrants' Edition of Liberation. View the complete issue. Capitalist politicians, far-right organizations and media pundits base their anti-immigrant arguments on the claim that undocumented workers—whom they call "illegal aliens" - have broken the law. They fail to mention that the law has changed, sometimes quite radically, to suit the needs of the capitalist system and in response to political struggles waged by U.S. workers, citizens and non-citizens. Immigration and citizenship law is not a fixed standard. It has always functioned both as a product of and a producer of institutional racism. It is a ...

Solidarity Brings Freedom and Justice for Zapatista Francisco Sántiz López

NOVANEWS A letter from Raul Zibechi, the highly respected writer, thinker, and analyst from Uruguay, presented another very powerful statement: “Those from above are criminalizing the place occupied by the people who are the color of the earth. That is the justice of the State and the bad government. A ‘justice’ that imprisons the children of Pachamama and those who defend and care for her, but rewards with freedom those who destroy her in order to turn her into a commodity.“The international campaign to free Patishtán and Sántiz López is revealing the true reasons behind their imprisonment. When those from below stand up, when the poor of the world speak out and organize, they are systematically labeled “terrorists” and “violent” and are turned into the targets of defamation campaigns,...