Palestine Affairs

Human Rights, Palestine Affairs

West Bankers Marwan Fararjeh and Ahmad Al-Azeh still in custody following Palm Sunday protest

NOVANEWS US, March 30, 2010 (Pal Telegraph)- As tensions rise between Israel and the United States, with the latter calling for a halt to settlement building on Palestinian territory and the former defiantly refusing, despite the billions of US aid it receives annually, Israel continues its arrogant and high-handed behavior and systematic oppression of Palestinians.  The latest incident occurred on Palm Sunday, when the Israeli Apartheid Forces violently halted a nonviolent protest.   Apartheid forces arrested Palestinians, internationals (including an American), Israeli peace activists, a donkey and a horse.  All of those arrested were charged with so-called incitement, participating in an unauthorized demonstration, entering “Israel” without a permit, and interfering in “police” matters....
Palestine Affairs, ZIO-NAZI


NOVANEWS Jerusalem Day in Sheikh Jarrah: Not Here, Not Now Jerusalem Day in Sheikh Jarrah: Not Here, Not Now By Jeremy Siegman, reprinted from Sheikh Jarrah: A Just Struggle for a Just Jerusalem “We will never let Jerusalem again be a divided, gloomy, and halved city,” said Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu today to celebrate Jerusalem Day, a national and religious holiday in Israel marking the day that Israeli forces conquered East Jerusalem. Not Unified. In Sheikh Jarrah this Jerusalem day, things looked rather divided, more than gloomy, and at times positively racist, as hundreds of far-rightists marched with Israeli flags and danced while the evicted Palestinians of the area watched, and the police did their part to arrest two of our activists, in plain violation of the Israeli Hig...
Palestine Affairs


NOVANEWS  Sheizaf: A tale of two charters Noam Sheizaf | May 5, 2010 at 11:32 | Categories: Diplomacy, Hasbara | URL: Cross posted from Promised Land as the first installment of the series "Deconstructing right-wing arguments." Every now and than you get to hear Israelis argue that we cannot have peace with the Palestinians or even withdraw from the West Bank because Hamas still opposes the idea of a Jewish state and more, importantly, because the Palestinian National Charter,  the PLO’s binding document, still states that the Palestinians have a right to Mandate Palestine in its entirety, and that the “Zionist occupation” of the land is illegal. But have a look at article 1(b) of the constitution of the Likud, Israel’s ruling party...
Palestine Affairs


NOVANEWS Watch Democracy Now for a full report. Tell us what you think on Facebook. Dear SAMMI, I have been an activist since I was a teenager, and yet, the night of April 28 in the Pauley Ballroom of UC Berkeley will surely stand out as one of the most remarkable activist achievements I have ever witnessed. And I am grateful that you were there, represented by thousand of green stickers: each with a name, a place, an identity. While the senate at UC San Diego sent a similar proposal to a committee for further study, divestment proponents at Berkeley failed by just one vote to reverse a presidential veto of their original overwhelming vote to divest. The members of Berkeley's Students for Justice in Palestine wanted UC to divest from 2 companies that prof...
Palestine Affairs


NOVANEWS In This Issue... Palestinian Police Crack Down on Protest for Israeli Army. UPDATE: They Apologize More Recent Articles Search The Only Democracy? Palestinian Police Crack Down on Protest for Israeli Army. UPDATE: They Apologize  by Jesse Bacon Mousa Abu Maria at the appeal of his previous administrative detention Organizer Mousa Abu Maria, whose home was raided March 8th, has been detained again. This time, the force attempting to suppress his demonstrations in Beit Ommar was not the Israeli army, but rather the Palestinian Authority police. It seems both Israeli and Palestinian officials can agree on something: that protest must be crushed. His wife and co-organizer Bekah Wolf reports: While  Salam Fayyad and other PA ministers march in Bil’in ...
Palestine Affairs


NOVANEWS Diary, March 24, 2010 After I finished Arabic class, we rushed to Nuseirat refugee camp, where Dr. Mona al-Farra runs an amazing center called Faq al-Jadeeda: New Horizons. Mona is an old leftist. Faq al-Jadeeda was filled with children. It's a kindergarten-cum-public-health-clinic-cum-health-education-cum-water-provider. They do a lot there. Dr. Mona said that the center's catchment area as including 15,000 people, maybe a fifth of Nuseirat. First, we watched six young men perform another fantastically well-rehearsed dabka. I asked Dr. Mona about the size of the center's operations and their curriculum, whether it is vetted, who approves it. It is approved by the Hamas Ministry of Education. Mona said that everyone who works there is a "very progressive person," and with pride s...
Palestine Affairs, ZIO-NAZI


NOVANEWS “The Zio=Nazi army maintains its soldiers fired rubber-coated bullets to disperse rioters, while the human rights group B'Tselem said troops fired live bullets. “ [“Zionist army probe shows failures led to killings .. .” below ] As I have said in a previous message, the Zionist regime  and military have a special language that uses certain terms for Palestinians and others for Israelis.  One such is “riot” instead of protest or demonstration.  In Tianman Square we heard of protests, not riots.   Likewise when Ultra Religious (Haridim) in 'Israel' do all sorts of nasty things in their protests—even throwing objects—the acts are not referred to as riots by the Zionist media.  But Palestinian demonstrations, however non-violent, are ‘riots.’  This is beside the point of the report.  ...
Palestine Affairs


NOVANEWS by Philip Weiss The principle of a people’s right to self-determination has been with us in the US for a century, since Woodrow Wilson first set it forth as a goal of our foreign policy. Here are two recent illustrations of the importance of the principle. Emphases mine: 1. The United States voted against the Palestinians’ right to self-determination, at the UN Human Rights Council the other day. From Just World News: One of [five U.S. No] votes was about the Palestinians’ oft-reconfirmed right to self-determination. That resolution (A/HRC/13/L.27), reaffirms the inalienable, permanent and unqualified right of the Palestinian people to self-determination, including their right to live in freedom, justice and dignity and to establish their sovereign, independent, democratic and via...
Palestine Affairs


NOVANEWS Traduction en Français de Roseline Derrien [merci pour Roselien. Dorothy] Nurit Peled Elhanan, Prix Sakharov pour les Droits de l'Homme, membre du Cercle des Familles Endeuillées pour la Paix, et co-initiateur du Tribunal Russell sur la Palestine. Je porterai le deuil pour la Nakba. Je porterai le deuil pour la Palestine disparue que, dans sa plus grande partie je ne connaîtrai jamais. Je porterai le deuil pour la terre sainte qui perd son humanité, son paysage, sa beauté et ses enfants sur l'autel du racisme et du mal. Je prendrai le deuil pour les jeunes Juifs qui envahissent et profanent les maisons de familles à Sheikh Jarrah , jettent les habitants dans la rue et dansent et chantent en mémoire de Baruch Goldstein , le meurtrier infâme d'enfants Palestiniens , pendant que les...
Palestine Affairs


NOVANEWS This is why the problem is Zionism. The United States will not take aid off the table and Israel will continue its settlement project until an internal demographic, propelled by one or another sort of external pressure, forces it to. Jamie: Israeli Vice Prime Minister, Minister for Strategic Affairs and close Netanyahu ally Moshe Ya’alon explains that Netanyahu’s attempts to resume “indirect negotiations” with the Palestinian Authority are just a “maneuver” designed to “create the illusion that an agreement can be reached”: “And I say so out of knowledge,” Ya’alon told Yediot. “Nobody in the forum of seven [senior cabinet ministers] thinks that we can reach an agreement with the Palestinians.” Yediot Ahronot reports (print version, translated from Hebrew): Q: So why all these game...