
Bibles at the Barricades: How the Right Seized Power in Bolivia
Bolivia, C.I.A, USA, ZIO-NAZI

Bibles at the Barricades: How the Right Seized Power in Bolivia

by BENJAMIN DANGL Drawing by Nathaniel St. Clair Returning to La Paz, Bolivia after last November’s coup was like returning to the scene of a crime. Since Bolivian President Evo Morales was removed from power, right-wing interim President Jeanine Áñez has led the country with an iron fist. State repression immediately following the coup left dozens dead and the government has been throwing political enemies behind bars. The Áñez administration, now using the pandemic as a pretext for further crackdowns on dissent, is part of a rising right across the Americas. The fierce conflicts following the October 20 election had left their mark on the city when I visited in March. Intersections were scarred from barricade bonfires. Graffiti across La Paz denounced the “Murderer Áñez.” A g...
Bolivia: We Call for the Release of the Afrobolivian Leader

Bolivia: We Call for the Release of the Afrobolivian Leader

Bolivia We Call for the Immediate Release of the Political Prisoner and Afrobolivian Leader, Irene Elena Flores Torrez By: Social Organizations, Inviduals Elena Flores is the elected union president of Adepcoca (the Departmental Association of Coca Producers). | Photo: CDR by Gilbert MercierVideos May Day 2020: Canada & ChileEstefanía BravoA New Honduran Migrant Caravan in 2020Estefanía BravoThings Are Tense on the Streets of Quito as Night Falls on the CityIain BrucePeople’s Republic of China Turns 70Estefanía Bravo We call for all the de facto government's charges against Elena Flores to be dropped immediately and for Flores, Choque, Hermosa, and all political prisoners to be released. Elena Flores, the elected union president of Adepcoca (the Departmental...
Bolivia: Social Leaders Denounce Gov’t for Rights Violations

Bolivia: Social Leaders Denounce Gov’t for Rights Violations

The complaint will be formally presented to the United Nations (UN) High Commissioner for Human Rights and the OAS Inter-American Commission on Human Rights. Bolivian social organizations announced Tuesday a joint statement against the de facto regime due to human rights violations during COVID-19 outbreak management in the Andean nation.  RELATED: Evo Morales: Police Put Cochabamba Population's Health at Risk "We have reached the point where they politized the quarantine and the health emergency.  The government is using justice because now everything is intimidation, trials, and threats,” affirmed Andronico Rodriguez, vice-president of the Six Federations of the Cochabamba Tropics. According to Rodriguez, the complaint will be formally presented to the Uni...
Bolivia: Self-Proclaimed President Rejects New Electoral Law

Bolivia: Self-Proclaimed President Rejects New Electoral Law

Jeanine Añez argues that lawmakers acted on the orders of the Movement Towards Socialism. Bolivia's Legislative Assembly president Eva Copa Thursday promulgated an electoral law that sets a 90-days term for holding general elections.​​​​​​ This decision, however, was rejected by the coup-born regime leader Jeanine Añez. RELATED: Bolivia: Deputies Agree on Date for General Elections "In defense of Bolivians’ health and life, I reject the elections called by the Movement Towards Socialism (MAS). We must make choices when they are not health risks," Añez tweeted. According to the U.S.-backed interim president, her regime does want to hold elections but it considers “not viable” an electoral process due to the epidemiological emergency. This ju...
Bolivia: Añez Regime Makes It Difficult for Citizens to Return

Bolivia: Añez Regime Makes It Difficult for Citizens to Return

Over 1,000 Bolivians were asked to head to Buenos Aires to take COVID-19 tests before entering their homeland. Over 1,000 Bolivians stranded in the border with Argentina cannot return to their country because the coup-born regime led by Jeanine Añez asked them to finance their own COVID-19 tests before entering the national territory. RELATED: Bolivia: Evo Morales Expresses Concern About Covid-19 Only 60 of them have sufficient monetary resources to travel to Buenos Aires, cover the costs of their accommodation in this Argentine city, and pay to be tested for the coronavirus. According to Bolivian authorities, a supplier in Buenos Aires will sell a batch of COVID-19 tests to them. "We have not been able to find a laboratory where the test can be...

MIT Study Finds No Evidence of Fraud in Bolivian Election that Resulted in a Coup

By Dave DeCamp Global Research, Back in November 2019, former Bolivian President Evo Morales was ousted in a coup after claims of election fraud from the Organization for American States (OAS). A new MIT study into the October 20th presidential election does not support the conclusions of the OAS and casts further doubt on the already flimsy claims. Much damage has already been done, Morales fled the country, members of his Movimento al Socialismo (MAS) party have been arrested, and dozens of his supporters were shot and killed by police in the unrest that followed the coup. The claims of election fraud stem from a 24-hour pause of the preliminary count system on election day. The counting was paused after 84 percent of the votes were tallied, at the...

The Organization of American States Is Eroding Faith in Democracy

by LAURA CARLSEN Photograph Source: U.S. Department of State from United States – Public Domain Experts at MIT recently concluded that there is no statistical evidence of fraud in the results of the Bolivian presidential elections last October. These findings debunk an earlier report by the Organization of American States (OAS), which were used to justify a right-wing coup d’etat in the Andean nation. “All in all, the OAS’ statistical analysis and conclusions would appear deeply flawed,” the researchers, John Curiel and Jack R. Williams of the Election Data and Science Lab, wrote in the Washington Post. They added that the incumbent, Evo Morales, very likely garnered more than the 10 percent margin needed to avoid a second round vote. The announcement has ca...
Bolivia, USA, ZIO-NAZI

‘The OAS Has a Lot to Answer For’: New Study Disputes Key Claim That Paved Way for Right-Wing Coup in Bolivia

The Organization of American States "greatly misled the media and the public about what happened in Bolivia's elections." by: Eoin Higgins, A Bolivian indigenous woman, supporter of Bolivian ousted president Evo Morales, holds a Wiphala flag—representing native peoples—during a protest against the interim government in La Paz on November 15, 2019. (Photo: Ronaldo Schemidt/AFP/Getty Images) A new study released by a pair of MIT researchers Thursday reveals that, contrary to claims from the U.S.-backed Organization of American States, there was no fraud in Bolivia's October 20, 2019 elections—an accusation used by the OAS and others as a pretext for supporting the coup in the country that deposed President Evo Morales and replaced him with an unelected right-wing gove...
Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, C.I.A, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru, USA

Will Policy of Destabilizing Latin American Countries Help Trump to be Re-Elected?

By Paul Antonopoulos Global Research, As the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election campaign heats up, there is every chance that Donald Trump can become a one-term president as the popularity of Bernie Sanders increases despite the sabotage within his own Democrat Party against him. There still remains a strong possibility that Sanders can become the next president sitting in the White House. Sanders continues to grow mass appeal, with former Trump White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon even conceding last month that the Democrat candidate is a “populist,” even if it is different to that of Trump’s. Sanders appeals to the impoverished by directing the frustrations of Middle America to the ultrarich who are fighting tooth and nail to bring th...

Bolivia: An Election in the Midst of an Ongoing Coup

By Prof. Vijay Prashad Global Research, On May 3, 2020, the Bolivian people will go to the polls once more. They return there because President Evo Morales had been overthrown in a coup in November 2019. Morales had just won a presidential election in October for a term that would have begun in January 2020. Based on a preliminary investigation by the Organization of American States (OAS) that claimed that there was fraud in the election, Morales was prematurely removed from office; the term for his 2014 presidential election victory did not end until January. Yet, he was told by the military to leave office. An interim president – Jeanine Áñez – appointed herself. She said she was taking this office only on an interim basis and would not run for el...