

Red Cross: Colombian Government Must Find 83,000 Disappeared Persons

NOVANEWS The ICRC asked the Colombian government to implement more effective measures to prevent further disappearances. U.S. Navy Adm. Kurt Tidd, commander of U.S. Southern Command (SOUTHCOM), escorts Colombian President-elect Ivan Duque at the command’s headquarters in Doral, Fla., July 14. Photo | SOUTHCOM By teleSUR  The ICRC asked the Colombian government to implement more effective measures to prevent further disappearances. The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has urged the new Colombian government to search for the over 83,000 people who disappeared in the country, in commemoration of the International Day of the Disappeared, which takes place every Aug. 30. The head of the ICRC delegation in Colombia, Christoph Harnisch, has highlighted that “The new...
Colombia, Palestine Affairs, ZIO-NAZI

Colombia recognizes Palestinian state

NOVANEWS Colombia recognizes Palestinian state, then abruptly vows to review the move amid Nazi regime outrage. After it emerged that the former president Juan Manuel Santos recognized Palestine as an independent state just before leaving office, Colombia’s new government has pledged to “cautiously” review the decision and its implications. Palestine was described as a “free, independent and sovereign state” in Santos’ August 3 letter to the Palestinian representative in Colombia, which was only made public on Wednesday. “Just as the Palestinian people have a right to constitute an independent state, Israel has a right to live in peace alongside its neighbors,” it added. The Palestinian representative welcomed the announcement, expressing hope it will “contribute significantly to generati...

Meet Gustavo Petro, Colombian Former Guerilla and Leftist Who Mounted Historic Campaign for Presidency

NOVANEWS BY: Amy Goodman Democracy Now! In Colombia, right-wing politician Iván Duque has been sworn in as Colombia’s new president. Duque was hand-picked by former right-wing President Álvaro Uribe and has vowed to roll back key parts of Colombia’s landmark peace deal with FARC rebels. Just before Duque’s inauguration, Democracy Now! spoke to Gustavo Petro, who placed second in this year’s presidential race, receiving 8 million votes in his attempt to become Colombia’s first leftist president. In the 1980s Petro was jailed and tortured for being a member of the M-19 guerrilla movement. He later went on to lead efforts in Colombia’s Congress to investigate ties between paramilitary death squads and top politicians. TRANSCRIPT AMY GOODMAN: This is Democracy Now!...
Colombia, Venezuela

Colombia’s Uribe to US Business Leaders: Help Take Out Maduro

NOVANEWS Former Colombian president Alvaro Uribe is recorded telling US business leaders that Venezuela's military should 'remove' Maduro; Uribe later tweets the same message. By: teleSUR Note to readers: please click the share buttons above   A video was revealed on Sunday showing former Colombian president,Alvaro Uribe, telling a group of listeners that Venezuelan soldiers need to “remove” President Nicolas Maduro from office. The recording was released just 24 hours after two air drones carrying explosives were detonated above President Maduro and several members of his administration on Saturday as the head of state addressed a large crowd at the 81st anniversary of the Bolivarian National Guard in Caracas. Maduro and other Venezuelan officials are saying that right-wing facti...
Colombia, Nicaragua, Venezuela

The Balkanization of South America

NOVANEWS The Role of "Fifth Columns" Throughout the World By; Peter Koenig During the recent meeting in Caracas of the Venezuelan Presidential Economic Advisory Commission, in mid-June 2018, President Madurosaid something extremely interesting, but also extremely disturbing – nonetheless highly important for the region to be aware of. Mr. Maduro mentioned Yugoslavia, the foreign induced local conflicts, the breakup and dismemberment of Yugoslavia, starting with the “Ten Days War” on Slovenia in 1991, the Croatian War (1991-95); the Bosnia War (1992-95); the Kosovo War (1998-99), culminating with the Clinton induced 69-day NATO bombing of Kosovo, under then European NATO leader Wesley Clark (today the Repentant – in retrospect it’s easy to be sorry), pretending to save the Koso...

Colombia elections: What’s at stake?

NOVANEWS By Nathalie Hrizi Signing ceremony for the peace accord between the FARC and the Colombian government. Photo: Government of Chile On June 17, leftist candidate Gustavo Petro will square off against far-right candidate Ivan Duque in a runoff election in Colombia. At stake in the elections is the survival of the peace process and the question of social and economic reform. In the May 27 presidential elections, the first since the 2016 accords ending the civil war, Petro won 25 percent of the vote and Duque finished first with 39 percent. Because the winning candidate needs a majority to secure victory, run-off elections are now scheduled to take place. One of the most surprising developments in regards to the election was the percentage of the electorate who voted — 54 percen...

The Courage to Uncover the Politics and Lies Behind the Carnage in Colombia

NOVANEWS By Maria McFarland Sánchez-Moreno A member of FARC's Sixth Front on guard with his weapon in a demobilization camp in the final days before they hand in their arms back to the government on December 28, 2016, in Miranda, Colombia. (Photo: Kaveh Kazemi / Getty Images) Amidst the horror of the internal Colombian war, Maria McFarland Sánchez-Moreno finds that individuals can have an impact on exposing the toxic truth of gruesome massacres and torturous deprivation. In There Are No Dead Here: A Story of Murder and Denial in Colombia, Sánchez-Moreno singles out three people whose heroic efforts made a difference in a brutal time. The following excerpt is about one of those persons, investigative journalist Ricardo Calderón. "Have you ever seen someone be eaten alive by ants?" The q...

Colombia in 2017: 170 Social Leaders Killed

NOVANEWS Community leader killings in Cauca, Nariño and Choco are related to land conflicts, while those in Bajo Cauca are related to illegal mining. By: teleSUR   An estimated 170 Colombian social leaders were killed in 2017, up from 117 in 2016, according to the Institute of Studies for Peace Development, Indepaz, a Colombian non-governmental organization. “The rise in homicides is over two main conflicts: (access to) land and (natural) resources. This latter refers to the rentiership in illegal mining and cultivation of illicit crops,” said Indepaz director Camilo Gonzalez Posso. The report indicated that the murders are highly localized to four regional departments: Nariño (28), Antioquia (23), Valle (14) and Choco (12). There were 32 assassinations alone in the community ...

Colombia ‘Must Unite to Eradicate Child Labor’: Government

NOVANEWS Labor Minister Griselda Janeth Restrepo Gallego says the state is starting a nationwide campaign to raise awareness of child labor. | Photo: MinTrabajo Many families are still sending their offspring into dangerous environments, where those children are then used to smuggle illicit goods. Child labor in Colombia fell from 13 percent in 2011 to 7.8 percent in 2016, but with more than 850,000 minors still working the streets, the government has acknowledged that the country must work together in order to eradicate the issue. RELATED: 80% of Sexual Abuses in Colombia Affected Minors "Although the rate of child labor has been reduced significantly in Colombia, there are still 869,000 children working in the country: this is a huge and monstrous figure t...
Colombia, Far East

US Sponsored “Regime Change” in Cambodia?

NOVANEWS Opposition Leader Bragged About US-backed Sedition By Tony Cartalucci Global Research Featured image: Cambodian opposition leader Kem Sokha (Source: Wikimedia Commons) Cambodian opposition leader Kem Sokha was recently arrested on charges of treason. While the Western media has attempted to portray the charges as politically motivated, Sokha’s treason is not only quite real, he openly, eagerly bragged about it on the Australian-based “Cambodia Broadcasting Network” (CBN).   The Phnom Penh Post in its article, “Kem Sokha video producer closes Phnom Penh office in fear,” would quote Sokha who claimed (emphasis added): And, the USA that has assisted me, they asked me to take the model from Yugoslavia, Serbia, where they can change the dictator Slobodan Milosevic,” he conti...